this image contains text
. Yb, SS,
,SS l igygygg :dS *, ,* Sb *lii*,di lii ill: i il lii ,db .. *b b,li,dT li,Yii li lll li dP . li iSggSl ,ii il li Tili ii
i ilYPii li dilP Ti i
dP iill i ilgygygyg i li Yb
,dP, illgygii li il i,illi li ilgyg ,Yb, iill: iil ill :iill
MY oppinion - about the ascii scene! - written by aCIDbURN spin/arc/ra/up
Well we start with the the scene is dead comments.....
I think that you never heard of me talk about the scene is like dead
Well thats beacause its NOT But sometimes i get really sad.. thats
beacause everyone says, the scene is dead, no use to paint ascii any
moore... i only have one thing to say to you lamers.. fokk off.. and
dont get into ascii / ansi on IRC... dont call boards anymoore and
sell your computer!
Remorse ... will they die?
Well everyone knows one of the oldest ascii groups.. remorse. Well
to get to the point.... have you seen rmrs34 and rmrs25? They really
sucked as! Hmm why can we ask us... well i dont know .. but a lot of
good members have quiten remorse and started their own groups... and
some of them told me it was beacause they dont really take in new
members, the new members have to wait a cupple of months!!, and some
times even longer than that..... well hope remorse get an new leader
and that they take it a little moore seriouse about the ascii scene!
OLD ascii artist are complaining!!
Well hehe... this is the most stupid part of the ascii scene! Every-
where you here it! : look at that young boy trying topaint ascii, he
really dont belong here in the ascii scene...
Well to all of you OLD gays, let some newbies in and some young ppl
to!! dont mobb them!! The point is if you mobb them they will quit!!
And if they quit how long do you think the ascii-scene will continue
.. you gays are like 25-40 years or sume, you will soon die mohaha
and whats left then? Get the point? Let em in!!!
Poffeli Poff
Well heres an really good example of an art-group.. they are of the
most painting ansi but hey!!! their not complaining in any ways! and
they have some active members! and the most important thing : THEY
ARE HAVING FUN!!!! hmm it is moore easy to me to understand them....
beacause they often write their cewl quotes in swedish :
BBS scene..
Well i have to say that theres really many boards upp now! both in
sweden and on the telnet! and if the ascii scene will die, who will
support the BBSes with ascii? well... theres also a lot of boards in
the way of comming up!! under construction so i really think that
the scene will survive! but hey.. only the strongest will do it!
Well that was all from me! Now i know many ppl will hate me..... but
there WILL be many that will love me to....... And ill be moore than
happy to support YOUR bulletin board system with ascii...
Well send hate and love mail to : 2acidburn@hehe.com
Greetings to ACTIVE ascii painters...
inphamilair, black-jack, purplee, dyingsoul, lostsoul, rage, bc, arx
zarcastius, dark-flame.. well and everyone i forgotten!!
See ya all active ppl in the scene l8er!! :
,SS l igygygg :dS *, ,* Sb *lii*,di lii ill: i il lii ,db .. *b b,li,dT li,Yii li lll li dP . li iSggSl ,ii il li Tili ii
i ilYPii li dilP Ti i
dP iill i ilgygygyg i li Yb
,dP, illgygii li il i,illi li ilgyg ,Yb, iill: iil ill :iill
MY oppinion - about the ascii scene! - written by aCIDbURN spin/arc/ra/up
Well we start with the the scene is dead comments.....
I think that you never heard of me talk about the scene is like dead
Well thats beacause its NOT But sometimes i get really sad.. thats
beacause everyone says, the scene is dead, no use to paint ascii any
moore... i only have one thing to say to you lamers.. fokk off.. and
dont get into ascii / ansi on IRC... dont call boards anymoore and
sell your computer!
Remorse ... will they die?
Well everyone knows one of the oldest ascii groups.. remorse. Well
to get to the point.... have you seen rmrs34 and rmrs25? They really
sucked as! Hmm why can we ask us... well i dont know .. but a lot of
good members have quiten remorse and started their own groups... and
some of them told me it was beacause they dont really take in new
members, the new members have to wait a cupple of months!!, and some
times even longer than that..... well hope remorse get an new leader
and that they take it a little moore seriouse about the ascii scene!
OLD ascii artist are complaining!!
Well hehe... this is the most stupid part of the ascii scene! Every-
where you here it! : look at that young boy trying topaint ascii, he
really dont belong here in the ascii scene...
Well to all of you OLD gays, let some newbies in and some young ppl
to!! dont mobb them!! The point is if you mobb them they will quit!!
And if they quit how long do you think the ascii-scene will continue
.. you gays are like 25-40 years or sume, you will soon die mohaha
and whats left then? Get the point? Let em in!!!
Poffeli Poff
Well heres an really good example of an art-group.. they are of the
most painting ansi but hey!!! their not complaining in any ways! and
they have some active members! and the most important thing : THEY
ARE HAVING FUN!!!! hmm it is moore easy to me to understand them....
beacause they often write their cewl quotes in swedish :
BBS scene..
Well i have to say that theres really many boards upp now! both in
sweden and on the telnet! and if the ascii scene will die, who will
support the BBSes with ascii? well... theres also a lot of boards in
the way of comming up!! under construction so i really think that
the scene will survive! but hey.. only the strongest will do it!
Well that was all from me! Now i know many ppl will hate me..... but
there WILL be many that will love me to....... And ill be moore than
happy to support YOUR bulletin board system with ascii...
Well send hate and love mail to : 2acidburn@hehe.com
Greetings to ACTIVE ascii painters...
inphamilair, black-jack, purplee, dyingsoul, lostsoul, rage, bc, arx
zarcastius, dark-flame.. well and everyone i forgotten!!
See ya all active ppl in the scene l8er!! :
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