this image contains text
mJAY presents
- -/--- - -- - - EmmJay?! - ----- -
// // -squish
GrEeN hi, i heared u do oldskool asciis?
mJAY hmmm ya i guess.
GrEeN kewl! make one fer csa!
mJAY ok shure.
GrEeN can u do it like right now? i need it bad.
mJAY shure, brb..
- dcc sending mj-csa.asc to GrEeN and stuff -
GrEeN brb looking at it.
mJAY shure.
GrEeN OUCH, i thought u were good. thats no oldskool shit, ur lame
mJAY hmmm.. u gonna use it then?
GrEeN fuck off man, ur not good like ppl say.. u suck! YOU SUCK!
mJAY hmmm ok.
In association with the aphro!klan...
/ / mjay?!
and the black people of amerika!
euh ya, maybe not.. prolly not, hmmm ferget it... yah.
shit i wish i was normal, sane.. smart... but no! i had to be born dumb
beyond the ascii scene, an oldskool ascii colly.
mjay?! / // / // //
poof hi, wanna chat?
mJAY euh, no.
poof then, lets have sex?
mJAY euh, no.
poof shit.. wanna smoke pot?
mJAY euhm... shit.. hmmm.
poof with me that is.
mJAY euh, no.
poof geez, dont u have a life?
mJAY euh, no.
poof haahha, ur a doodleboy or sumthin?
mJAY euh, shit.. fuck off!
01. grape ............. for ............... milkman
02. escape ............ for .............. solarium
03. squish ............ for ................ squish
04. bliss ............. for ............... empathy
doctor jay had the nicest fuckin aphro!
05. dist .............. for ............ biogenesis
06. deadlock .......... for ............ black jack
07. the haven ......... for .......... grave digger
08. kankus ............ for ............. plaztik
and the nicest jams.. of couz.. w00p. eh. //
09. neo jello ......... for ............ mr.plastik
10. pandora ........... for .......... computer man
: 11. the farm .......... for .............. internal
. 12. toast ............. for ...... absent spinsister :
mJAY only 12 asciis... that blows, but who carez right?
still is the biggest colly ive done. so fuck off! :
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: grape
/ / / for who: milkman
/ /-mjay?! //
: g r a p e :
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: escape
/ / / for who: solarium
away from the world,
/ mjay?!
escape, away from phear..
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: squish
/ / / for who: squish
/ mjay?!
s q u i s h
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: bliss
/ / / for who: empathy
/ mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: dist
/ / / for who: biogenesis
d i s t /
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: deadlock
/ / / for who: black jack
d e a d l o c k / b l a c k j a c k /
/ / mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: the haven
/ / / for who: grave digger
/ / l // /mjay?!
the haven / opd by gravedancer
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: kankus
/ / / for who: plaztik
+o pzk / / / /
k a n k u s/mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: neo kello
/ / / for who: mr. plastik
+o mr.plastik / /
/ / mjay?!
/ / . n e o j e l l o . / / /
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: pandora
/ / / for who: computerman
-mjay?! // OO / // /
p a n d o r a
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: the farm
/ / / for who: internal
/ / / - look at the pig!
- wtf is he doin? / - so cute!, hes doolding a piggy..
- hmm nope.. that looks // like..like me
d a f a r m
/ -mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: toast
/ / / for who: a.spinsister
absent spinsisters toast / mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: greets
/ / / for who: me!?@!
this month has been weird. noname died cries, i did the biggest colly
ive ever did.. finnaly getting there.. i had requests! theres ppl
that actually like me stuff then. please, if u want sumthin, ask.
ill be glad to do some crappy shit. - mj@ftn.net
so hmmm, thats about it... w0rd.
d2rn, martz, mso, squish, terrato, bio, black jack, ca1n, c4nn, purify,
ohseven, desperad0, paine, volatile, polymorph, spinn,
special greetz whodini for that kick ass divider. thx alot. left part
squish fer that leet header.
hiro/whod/necrom/c4nn/d2rn me fav oldskoolers :P
the miggy scene..
d2/martz/mso/squish me geezers
groupz: haz been s0ap, oil, noname
are remorse, oops, odelay
will be serial, aphro :
-----------line 700----------------------------------------------------------
- -/--- - -- - - EmmJay?! - ----- -
// // -squish
GrEeN hi, i heared u do oldskool asciis?
mJAY hmmm ya i guess.
GrEeN kewl! make one fer csa!
mJAY ok shure.
GrEeN can u do it like right now? i need it bad.
mJAY shure, brb..
- dcc sending mj-csa.asc to GrEeN and stuff -
GrEeN brb looking at it.
mJAY shure.
GrEeN OUCH, i thought u were good. thats no oldskool shit, ur lame
mJAY hmmm.. u gonna use it then?
GrEeN fuck off man, ur not good like ppl say.. u suck! YOU SUCK!
mJAY hmmm ok.
In association with the aphro!klan...
/ / mjay?!
and the black people of amerika!
euh ya, maybe not.. prolly not, hmmm ferget it... yah.
shit i wish i was normal, sane.. smart... but no! i had to be born dumb
beyond the ascii scene, an oldskool ascii colly.
mjay?! / // / // //
poof hi, wanna chat?
mJAY euh, no.
poof then, lets have sex?
mJAY euh, no.
poof shit.. wanna smoke pot?
mJAY euhm... shit.. hmmm.
poof with me that is.
mJAY euh, no.
poof geez, dont u have a life?
mJAY euh, no.
poof haahha, ur a doodleboy or sumthin?
mJAY euh, shit.. fuck off!
01. grape ............. for ............... milkman
02. escape ............ for .............. solarium
03. squish ............ for ................ squish
04. bliss ............. for ............... empathy
doctor jay had the nicest fuckin aphro!
05. dist .............. for ............ biogenesis
06. deadlock .......... for ............ black jack
07. the haven ......... for .......... grave digger
08. kankus ............ for ............. plaztik
and the nicest jams.. of couz.. w00p. eh. //
09. neo jello ......... for ............ mr.plastik
10. pandora ........... for .......... computer man
: 11. the farm .......... for .............. internal
. 12. toast ............. for ...... absent spinsister :
mJAY only 12 asciis... that blows, but who carez right?
still is the biggest colly ive done. so fuck off! :
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: grape
/ / / for who: milkman
/ /-mjay?! //
: g r a p e :
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: escape
/ / / for who: solarium
away from the world,
/ mjay?!
escape, away from phear..
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: squish
/ / / for who: squish
/ mjay?!
s q u i s h
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: bliss
/ / / for who: empathy
/ mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: dist
/ / / for who: biogenesis
d i s t /
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: deadlock
/ / / for who: black jack
d e a d l o c k / b l a c k j a c k /
/ / mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: the haven
/ / / for who: grave digger
/ / l // /mjay?!
the haven / opd by gravedancer
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: kankus
/ / / for who: plaztik
+o pzk / / / /
k a n k u s/mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: neo kello
/ / / for who: mr. plastik
+o mr.plastik / /
/ / mjay?!
/ / . n e o j e l l o . / / /
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: pandora
/ / / for who: computerman
-mjay?! // OO / // /
p a n d o r a
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: the farm
/ / / for who: internal
/ / / - look at the pig!
- wtf is he doin? / - so cute!, hes doolding a piggy..
- hmm nope.. that looks // like..like me
d a f a r m
/ -mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: toast
/ / / for who: a.spinsister
absent spinsisters toast / mjay?!
. / /O0 .
. / . oOooOo:
. legends never die
beyond the ascii scene
wH0 / / // reqs: greets
/ / / for who: me!?@!
this month has been weird. noname died cries, i did the biggest colly
ive ever did.. finnaly getting there.. i had requests! theres ppl
that actually like me stuff then. please, if u want sumthin, ask.
ill be glad to do some crappy shit. - mj@ftn.net
so hmmm, thats about it... w0rd.
d2rn, martz, mso, squish, terrato, bio, black jack, ca1n, c4nn, purify,
ohseven, desperad0, paine, volatile, polymorph, spinn,
special greetz whodini for that kick ass divider. thx alot. left part
squish fer that leet header.
hiro/whod/necrom/c4nn/d2rn me fav oldskoolers :P
the miggy scene..
d2/martz/mso/squish me geezers
groupz: haz been s0ap, oil, noname
are remorse, oops, odelay
will be serial, aphro :
-----------line 700----------------------------------------------------------
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