this image contains text
yo, thrasher here...
small trauma thingie here, phear the snotty
-green coloursceme :
would you like an ansi? its simple, catch me
on irc as thrashie, ask me for
it, and make sure you have some handy... th
ats it...
23 lines : 10 us dollars or 3
00 belgian francs
up to 100 lines : 20 us dollars
or 600 belgian francs
+100 lines : 25 to 30
us dollar.
if you want the ultimate, youll have to pay t
he ultimate price!
some hellos to: burps, the knight, necro, tri
p, misfit, blackviper,
tna, mass murderer, tosh10, uhm.. i forgo
t all about
the others.. whoohoo! :
Yes! i finally did a cool font
this is some original shit for my board, im s
etting up! so rip, and be ripped!
.trauma. +3216620922
@thrasher @burps
.fuel.apathy.acid.razor1911. memberboard.
small trauma thingie here, phear the snotty
-green coloursceme :
would you like an ansi? its simple, catch me
on irc as thrashie, ask me for
it, and make sure you have some handy... th
ats it...
23 lines : 10 us dollars or 3
00 belgian francs
up to 100 lines : 20 us dollars
or 600 belgian francs
+100 lines : 25 to 30
us dollar.
if you want the ultimate, youll have to pay t
he ultimate price!
some hellos to: burps, the knight, necro, tri
p, misfit, blackviper,
tna, mass murderer, tosh10, uhm.. i forgo
t all about
the others.. whoohoo! :
Yes! i finally did a cool font
this is some original shit for my board, im s
etting up! so rip, and be ripped!
.trauma. +3216620922
@thrasher @burps
.fuel.apathy.acid.razor1911. memberboard.
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