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dedicated to and inspired by ewheat
3:13:37 4-13-2015 omot / lotek -ot 2015 LOTEK MACROindustries presents float the inner tube
listen sariputra,
this body itself is emptiness
and emptiness itself is this body.
this body is not other than emptiness
and emptiness is not other than this body.
the same is true of feelings, perceptions, mental formations,
and consciousness.
listen sariputra,
all phenomena bear the mark of emptiness
their true nature is the nature of
no birth no death,
no being no non-being, no defilement no purity, no increasing no decreasing. GATEL E S S that is why in emptiness, G A T ES body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations and consciousness are not separate self entities. the eighteen realms of phenomena which are the six sense organs, the six sense objects, and the six consciousnesses are also not separate self entities. the twelve links of interdependent arising and their extinction are also not separate self entities. ill-being, the causes of ill-being, the end of ill-being, the path, insight and attainment, are also not separate self entities. whoever can see this
no longer needs anything to attain.
bodhisattvas who practice
the insight that brings us to the other shore
see no more obstacles in their mind,
and because there
are no more obstacles in their mind,
they can overcome all fear,
destroy all wrong perceptions
and realize perfect nirvana.
all buddhas in the past, present and future
by practicing the insight that brings us to the other shore
are all capable of attaining
authentic and perfect enlightenment.
therefore sariputra,
it should be known that
the insight that brings us to the other shore
is a great mantra,
the most illuminating mantra,
the highest mantra,
a mantra beyond compare,
the true wisdom that has the power
to put an end to all kinds of suffering.
therefore let us proclaim
a mantra to praise C2H5
the insight that brings us to tHe other shore. /
gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodi svaha!
gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodi svaha!
gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodi svaha!
A WAR TO END DRUGS T H I S I S . A DRUG TO END WARS before YouTube, even the innernet, an Obv/2 board called iNNER tube some friends bonded, an art scene in area code 614.one with the handle ewheat calls the wide web ensnares the Internet TCPs replace BBSeslike-minded individuals gather on irc://614from emptiness lotek is formed yet lotek does not exist through the bodily sense gates at klepton deafening bass is filtered an early performance of drone technologya buzz is heard - the FBI investigatesan inner tube inflates: nothingness outside flowing in, giving shapeform follows formless empty spacefloating, spinning, carried by the streamwhat is the heart of an inner tube, what is its not-heart? -omot
3:13:37 4-13-2015 omot / lotek -ot 2015 LOTEK MACROindustries presents float the inner tube
listen sariputra,
this body itself is emptiness
and emptiness itself is this body.
this body is not other than emptiness
and emptiness is not other than this body.
the same is true of feelings, perceptions, mental formations,
and consciousness.
listen sariputra,
all phenomena bear the mark of emptiness
their true nature is the nature of
no birth no death,
no being no non-being, no defilement no purity, no increasing no decreasing. GATEL E S S that is why in emptiness, G A T ES body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations and consciousness are not separate self entities. the eighteen realms of phenomena which are the six sense organs, the six sense objects, and the six consciousnesses are also not separate self entities. the twelve links of interdependent arising and their extinction are also not separate self entities. ill-being, the causes of ill-being, the end of ill-being, the path, insight and attainment, are also not separate self entities. whoever can see this
no longer needs anything to attain.
bodhisattvas who practice
the insight that brings us to the other shore
see no more obstacles in their mind,
and because there
are no more obstacles in their mind,
they can overcome all fear,
destroy all wrong perceptions
and realize perfect nirvana.
all buddhas in the past, present and future
by practicing the insight that brings us to the other shore
are all capable of attaining
authentic and perfect enlightenment.
therefore sariputra,
it should be known that
the insight that brings us to the other shore
is a great mantra,
the most illuminating mantra,
the highest mantra,
a mantra beyond compare,
the true wisdom that has the power
to put an end to all kinds of suffering.
therefore let us proclaim
a mantra to praise C2H5
the insight that brings us to tHe other shore. /
gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodi svaha!
gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodi svaha!
gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodi svaha!
A WAR TO END DRUGS T H I S I S . A DRUG TO END WARS before YouTube, even the innernet, an Obv/2 board called iNNER tube some friends bonded, an art scene in area code 614.one with the handle ewheat calls the wide web ensnares the Internet TCPs replace BBSeslike-minded individuals gather on irc://614from emptiness lotek is formed yet lotek does not exist through the bodily sense gates at klepton deafening bass is filtered an early performance of drone technologya buzz is heard - the FBI investigatesan inner tube inflates: nothingness outside flowing in, giving shapeform follows formless empty spacefloating, spinning, carried by the streamwhat is the heart of an inner tube, what is its not-heart? -omot
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