this image contains text
its my logo colly for the moneth of september 1996
i dont have much to say this month besides the fact that
i didnt do a big ansi, jsut a bunch of short dick logos, but their
pretty good so i hope you all dont go all apeshit jumping off bridges
and junk, ill have one next month, prommiss to heck. ummh
by the way, id like to thank you all for not voting for me
as best new ansi artist in awardz96, cuz if i had gotten any votes id
probly have to go give them all back and appologize and stuff
due to the fact that i dont deserve SHIT
heres a little sunshine for you:
its now cheeper and easyer to get msd ansi logos and ascii, refer
to the soap pack and pics. with 3 seperate plans to serve all your womanly
needs. lighter more comfortable. key word: affordable
disclaim0r: the only reason i charge for art is cuz i get TOO many
requets and if i COULD do one for everyone i would. if i didnt get so many
reqs id do them out of the good of my heart, but its just not possible
PLAN A: 5 for logos 23+ line font pic optional 10 f0r a 50+ liner, 15
for a 100 liner, 20 for a 200 liner, 50 for a 500 liner,
prices negotionable but dont bug me
PLAN B: CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP, you send me a dub of a *rave* dj tape/compilation
i dont accept dance/hip hop/trip hop/house/jungle/ambient heh sorry
ts but you know im hardcore or any of that .. all you gotta do
is dub it and mail it. simple. easy. affordable. fuckme.
acceptable styles: hardcore/acid/industral/breakbeat/trance/etc.
contact me and we can negotiate a deal
PLAN C: find me on irc and ask NICELY and i may just do you a free logo if
im board. or, hold a cool compo when im board and ill draw.
but: *CATCH HERE* DONT FUCKING ASK REPEDIDLY. if you ask for a logo
and i say im busy, dont ask again. OR ELSE. if i SAY ill do you
one, then your allowed to bug me for it cuz ill probly forget
anyways ...
picka plan, contact me: on poo might i add p0o rules, email me msd@pangea.ca
catch me on irc as msd noshit in ansi or soap,
or call me, anytime, day or night, 911-3326
c d i
inc. msd / apathy
--- - - - - -- - - -- cool dewdz inkorperated for a compo
d a r k
d a r k f r e e z e
--- - - - - -- - - -- where the fuck did this come from?
heh another looking thru your ansi
dir and finding old logos you forgot
you ever did and releasing them hoping
you didnt already release them shindig
sp i na l
g am m a
msd apathy
--- - - - - -- - - -- spinal gamma for a compo
t d
--- - - - - -- - - -- the dick sucker, for some fat shit
t h e s o u r c e
these are some the source logos i did for this guy, i got the
money, he got the ansi, good deal, no ripoffs, no scandalists, just good
old fashion exchange of goodz and servicez. cant life always be like that
thanks to FScANF sp? for beeing one of the first people ive delt
who hasnt tried to rip me off :
-- blank space --
i wish my ansi editor scrolled
th e
t h e s o ur c e
s o ur ce fuckoff
th e
so urce
excuse that shitty font up ther4e .. :3
w e l c o m e
t o .. .
s o u r c e
id like to give a special birthday bang to all of apathy,
hAPPY biRTHDAY!@ AE f ujmmh, *sniff* .. you guys are the o
o best *awww* heres to the bezt group in the scene
/ gimm3 some o/
i dont have much to say this month besides the fact that
i didnt do a big ansi, jsut a bunch of short dick logos, but their
pretty good so i hope you all dont go all apeshit jumping off bridges
and junk, ill have one next month, prommiss to heck. ummh
by the way, id like to thank you all for not voting for me
as best new ansi artist in awardz96, cuz if i had gotten any votes id
probly have to go give them all back and appologize and stuff
due to the fact that i dont deserve SHIT
heres a little sunshine for you:
its now cheeper and easyer to get msd ansi logos and ascii, refer
to the soap pack and pics. with 3 seperate plans to serve all your womanly
needs. lighter more comfortable. key word: affordable
disclaim0r: the only reason i charge for art is cuz i get TOO many
requets and if i COULD do one for everyone i would. if i didnt get so many
reqs id do them out of the good of my heart, but its just not possible
PLAN A: 5 for logos 23+ line font pic optional 10 f0r a 50+ liner, 15
for a 100 liner, 20 for a 200 liner, 50 for a 500 liner,
prices negotionable but dont bug me
PLAN B: CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP, you send me a dub of a *rave* dj tape/compilation
i dont accept dance/hip hop/trip hop/house/jungle/ambient heh sorry
ts but you know im hardcore or any of that .. all you gotta do
is dub it and mail it. simple. easy. affordable. fuckme.
acceptable styles: hardcore/acid/industral/breakbeat/trance/etc.
contact me and we can negotiate a deal
PLAN C: find me on irc and ask NICELY and i may just do you a free logo if
im board. or, hold a cool compo when im board and ill draw.
but: *CATCH HERE* DONT FUCKING ASK REPEDIDLY. if you ask for a logo
and i say im busy, dont ask again. OR ELSE. if i SAY ill do you
one, then your allowed to bug me for it cuz ill probly forget
anyways ...
picka plan, contact me: on poo might i add p0o rules, email me msd@pangea.ca
catch me on irc as msd noshit in ansi or soap,
or call me, anytime, day or night, 911-3326
c d i
inc. msd / apathy
--- - - - - -- - - -- cool dewdz inkorperated for a compo
d a r k
d a r k f r e e z e
--- - - - - -- - - -- where the fuck did this come from?
heh another looking thru your ansi
dir and finding old logos you forgot
you ever did and releasing them hoping
you didnt already release them shindig
sp i na l
g am m a
msd apathy
--- - - - - -- - - -- spinal gamma for a compo
t d
--- - - - - -- - - -- the dick sucker, for some fat shit
t h e s o u r c e
these are some the source logos i did for this guy, i got the
money, he got the ansi, good deal, no ripoffs, no scandalists, just good
old fashion exchange of goodz and servicez. cant life always be like that
thanks to FScANF sp? for beeing one of the first people ive delt
who hasnt tried to rip me off :
-- blank space --
i wish my ansi editor scrolled
th e
t h e s o ur c e
s o ur ce fuckoff
th e
so urce
excuse that shitty font up ther4e .. :3
w e l c o m e
t o .. .
s o u r c e
id like to give a special birthday bang to all of apathy,
hAPPY biRTHDAY!@ AE f ujmmh, *sniff* .. you guys are the o
o best *awww* heres to the bezt group in the scene
/ gimm3 some o/
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