this image contains text
apathy studios presents the august 1996 pack .. our one
year anniversary! ph34r!
trip speaks
hi. welcome to apathy 12. hmm. 12. gee, that means
12 packs. we release monthly.hmm.. that boils down t
o 12 months.. HEY! WAIT A MINUTE!?@ Yes kiddies, it
s ourone year birthday, and were ready to do a litt
le dance, make a little ansi, andget down tonight..
we have all sorts of dumb stuff happening, so read
on, youngansi scene follower!@
gnu memburz
it seems to happen most every month, and august was no exc
eption... we gained afew awesome members to add to
the already god-like list of apathy studs. firstoff
is a young man named bill, who was a member of apath
y way back when, but hadto leave because of that pes
ky no-dualing rule. but hey, hes back, w0rd to that
.. so everyone give apox a big wet hug. next up
is one of those wacky guys fromthe magical land of c
anada, home of large beaver eating, hockey playing,
penguinhumping mounties and guys named prizm
.. w00. coming over from the death snortof de
cades is the scenes -premier- rip artist, degen
erit. this guy rocks. hesgot no rips in this pa
ck, but he did do an ansi for the mega-joint, so ph
34r...and lastly is that a word?, rav hook
s up with our little muzak division to douhm, music
.. type.. stuff :. a big hi-dee-ho out to all of em
departed souls
as much as i hate to see it, a member left of his own free
will this month. thatoh-so-pHUNKY artist rza
takes off this month, to become one with samsara...
itscool though, cuz we still lub heem. bye charlie
all the gnuz that fits
hunt96 : hunt 96, the ansi scene scavenger hunt,
is an apathy thing. so like,participate! the info f
ile is in here as hunt96.nfo, so check it out!
newsflash : syntax error was found so
bbing uncontrollably ,
on the street, after finding out his
phone number is one
of the items
on the hunt96 list of things to find. He was
only heard blabbering something ab
out could you please
my number from the list and rerelease the info
file? when asked to re-rel
ease the ice pack with the
pelling of samsara in the info file corrected, he ha
no comment
th mega joi
nt: what is it? go look at us-year1.ans ... a
bunch o
f us apathy types decided to collaborate on a big
ol joint ansi to celebrate
apathys birfday.
my nuts
are resting peacefully.
ice head honcho s. ahwell, im la
zy, and were later than usual this month
error pouts over
blame the deaf guy : .. anyway, im gonna wrap
this one his appearance in
up, and well see yall next month. bu
h bye.
hunt 96.
- misfit
- trip f00ters@primenet.com
apathy studios presents the august 1996 pack .. our one
year anniversary! ph34r!
trip speaks
hi. welcome to apathy 12. hmm. 12. gee, that means
12 packs. we release monthly.hmm.. that boils down t
o 12 months.. HEY! WAIT A MINUTE!?@ Yes kiddies, it
s ourone year birthday, and were ready to do a litt
le dance, make a little ansi, andget down tonight..
we have all sorts of dumb stuff happening, so read
on, youngansi scene follower!@
gnu memburz
it seems to happen most every month, and august was no exc
eption... we gained afew awesome members to add to
the already god-like list of apathy studs. firstoff
is a young man named bill, who was a member of apath
y way back when, but hadto leave because of that pes
ky no-dualing rule. but hey, hes back, w0rd to that
.. so everyone give apox a big wet hug. next up
is one of those wacky guys fromthe magical land of c
anada, home of large beaver eating, hockey playing,
penguinhumping mounties and guys named prizm
.. w00. coming over from the death snortof de
cades is the scenes -premier- rip artist, degen
erit. this guy rocks. hesgot no rips in this pa
ck, but he did do an ansi for the mega-joint, so ph
34r...and lastly is that a word?, rav hook
s up with our little muzak division to douhm, music
.. type.. stuff :. a big hi-dee-ho out to all of em
departed souls
as much as i hate to see it, a member left of his own free
will this month. thatoh-so-pHUNKY artist rza
takes off this month, to become one with samsara...
itscool though, cuz we still lub heem. bye charlie
all the gnuz that fits
hunt96 : hunt 96, the ansi scene scavenger hunt,
is an apathy thing. so like,participate! the info f
ile is in here as hunt96.nfo, so check it out!
newsflash : syntax error was found so
bbing uncontrollably ,
on the street, after finding out his
phone number is one
of the items
on the hunt96 list of things to find. He was
only heard blabbering something ab
out could you please
my number from the list and rerelease the info
file? when asked to re-rel
ease the ice pack with the
pelling of samsara in the info file corrected, he ha
no comment
th mega joi
nt: what is it? go look at us-year1.ans ... a
bunch o
f us apathy types decided to collaborate on a big
ol joint ansi to celebrate
apathys birfday.
my nuts
are resting peacefully.
ice head honcho s. ahwell, im la
zy, and were later than usual this month
error pouts over
blame the deaf guy : .. anyway, im gonna wrap
this one his appearance in
up, and well see yall next month. bu
h bye.
hunt 96.
- misfit
- trip f00ters@primenet.com
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