this image contains text
w00h00! my
second count, em. TWO. little
al-esque logo/pic colly. wow. anyway, as usual
dont rip th
ese unless they say you can, in that
case, go nuts. how bout some
greets? okay. m33ps
this month go out to the usual crew : mar
c, carl,
josh, s
5, skypager, filth, ne0 negr0, hal, stile,
spear, and anyone i cant thi
nk of right now. l8a.
hmm. free ansi. put
whatever in here. fun
Quiver - release numbah on3!
the official apathy music disk
header by misfit
note: this is a header thingie
for the apathy
music disk. i got the tounge idea from an o
ld logo that lord jazz di
d for queso, it looked awesome,
hope he doesnt mind me snatchin
g his idea hell,
people do it all the time, h
e should be used to
it g. just wanted to give credit
where credit
is due. hi chris :.
name - misfit
word - xxxxxxx
misfit * apa
welp, this started out as a full picture, but i dec
ided the only good thing
about it was the eyes, so i clipped em. anyway, th
is is for anybody, so feel
free to use it on your board. just leave my name on
props out to the whole apathy crew one year annive
rsary coming up fewls :.
w00h00! my
second count, em. TWO. little
al-esque logo/pic colly. wow. anyway, as usual
dont rip th
ese unless they say you can, in that
case, go nuts. how bout some
greets? okay. m33ps
this month go out to the usual crew : mar
c, carl,
josh, s
5, skypager, filth, ne0 negr0, hal, stile,
spear, and anyone i cant thi
nk of right now. l8a.
hmm. free ansi. put
whatever in here. fun
Quiver - release numbah on3!
the official apathy music disk
header by misfit
note: this is a header thingie
for the apathy
music disk. i got the tounge idea from an o
ld logo that lord jazz di
d for queso, it looked awesome,
hope he doesnt mind me snatchin
g his idea hell,
people do it all the time, h
e should be used to
it g. just wanted to give credit
where credit
is due. hi chris :.
name - misfit
word - xxxxxxx
misfit * apa
welp, this started out as a full picture, but i dec
ided the only good thing
about it was the eyes, so i clipped em. anyway, th
is is for anybody, so feel
free to use it on your board. just leave my name on
props out to the whole apathy crew one year annive
rsary coming up fewls :.
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