this image contains text
a pagan
ack.. ill be honest. i dont like this
ansi. i had actually deleted it, but
trip had a copy of it and now hes making me finish
it.. well, its done, and
i still dont like it. sigh. thanks and a big fat ol
greet to stone the crow
for that hip apathy font up top. also, m33ps to trip
, transient and omicron.
i cant DRAW
hair, much less
shade it.
belle epoque
sysop labella
ansi by misfit of apathy .. email
: misfit@arena.leba.net
a pagan
ack.. ill be honest. i dont like this
ansi. i had actually deleted it, but
trip had a copy of it and now hes making me finish
it.. well, its done, and
i still dont like it. sigh. thanks and a big fat ol
greet to stone the crow
for that hip apathy font up top. also, m33ps to trip
, transient and omicron.
i cant DRAW
hair, much less
shade it.
belle epoque
sysop labella
ansi by misfit of apathy .. email
: misfit@arena.leba.net
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