this image contains text
1oo orig
1oo origonal a
nsi by transient
of apathy pro
ductions. uoy lla
evol stneisnart krow. uoy tnaw o
eb ekil mih. *snap*
-the story behind the ---
-----------ansi above .
-............ this is what the church has suce
eded in portraying god ...........
.according to typical church values god is an old
white MAN, with a grey beard
,and white robes, breathing fire and cursing people to
hell. if that is god, who
needs him?! .. but luckily this is not what god is lik
e, this is societys god.
not my god. im not going to sit here and preach a sermon, caus
e i sure as hell
aint that kinda guy. but i wanted to explain the ansi
because this is more of
a peice of art rather then just an ansi, i wanted to express a
view. fuck the
system! fuck what youve been taught! fuck corruption, fuck rac
ism, fuck media,
fuck gay bashing, fuck politics, fuck predjiduce, fuck
perversion, fuck violenc
efuck corporation. FUCK MAINSTREAM MUSIC! uhh .. YEAH
! .. lates TRANSIENT!APA
------------ t o d a y
h i s t o r
y t u r n e d
g r e e n ------
1oo orig
1oo origonal a
nsi by transient
of apathy pro
ductions. uoy lla
evol stneisnart krow. uoy tnaw o
eb ekil mih. *snap*
-the story behind the ---
-----------ansi above .
-............ this is what the church has suce
eded in portraying god ...........
.according to typical church values god is an old
white MAN, with a grey beard
,and white robes, breathing fire and cursing people to
hell. if that is god, who
needs him?! .. but luckily this is not what god is lik
e, this is societys god.
not my god. im not going to sit here and preach a sermon, caus
e i sure as hell
aint that kinda guy. but i wanted to explain the ansi
because this is more of
a peice of art rather then just an ansi, i wanted to express a
view. fuck the
system! fuck what youve been taught! fuck corruption, fuck rac
ism, fuck media,
fuck gay bashing, fuck politics, fuck predjiduce, fuck
perversion, fuck violenc
efuck corporation. FUCK MAINSTREAM MUSIC! uhh .. YEAH
! .. lates TRANSIENT!APA
------------ t o d a y
h i s t o r
y t u r n e d
g r e e n ------
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