this image contains text
.. i smoked two joints before i smoked two joints, then i smoked two more .. prices 5 25 line
r WEST C0AST!@ JEAH!@ WEST COAST!@1050 line
r y0e due to a misunderstanding.. wait no.. umm
plain out buy art from me so i can get my board
up 24/7 SHIT!@ I NEED MONEY!@ uhmm.. like
find me on irc as bwapathy or on vomitorium
or poo! bitch!@.. latah --bw bum wiper
yes i kinda look like that except not toony!@
bw!apa bw!
hrmph i cant remember who this is for oh well.. here ya go.. i cant remeber if
it was a trade or cah!@ uhh.. oh!@
/------------------------------------------------------------------------------ person what i would say to them if i kicked there ass.. uhm i mean greet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- misfit you know i lub your style too.. really!@ toons rule the nation!@ trip i lub what you did with your hair.. wait.. no you rool.. ewheat youre one of the few people who dont mind me yelling in your ear, : ..and psst.. youre mag ruled.. : kk hey bitch get your ass back in the scene!@ .: :
r WEST C0AST!@ JEAH!@ WEST COAST!@1050 line
r y0e due to a misunderstanding.. wait no.. umm
plain out buy art from me so i can get my board
up 24/7 SHIT!@ I NEED MONEY!@ uhmm.. like
find me on irc as bwapathy or on vomitorium
or poo! bitch!@.. latah --bw bum wiper
yes i kinda look like that except not toony!@
bw!apa bw!
hrmph i cant remember who this is for oh well.. here ya go.. i cant remeber if
it was a trade or cah!@ uhh.. oh!@
/------------------------------------------------------------------------------ person what i would say to them if i kicked there ass.. uhm i mean greet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- misfit you know i lub your style too.. really!@ toons rule the nation!@ trip i lub what you did with your hair.. wait.. no you rool.. ewheat youre one of the few people who dont mind me yelling in your ear, : ..and psst.. youre mag ruled.. : kk hey bitch get your ass back in the scene!@ .: :
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