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-- i know its a lame font but i coul- dnt use da O normal type--SNIP SNIP SHISH.. AH FUCK IT!@------------------------------------------- / here you go fring3 it is one of my shorties but goodies.. here you go and
uhmm.. you better have that ansi for my board n1g or im gunna like uhmm.. do something to your mom and dad.. uhmm.. if you want an ansi or whatever from me
you can reach me at toastycom, pOo!, vomitorium 3 to 7, or irc as bwapathy.
y0e!s go out to-- Misf1t ,Trip, Vassago o DiRT, KamiKaze, fring3, WarpsP.
-- i know its a lame font but i coul- dnt use da O normal type--SNIP SNIP SHISH.. AH FUCK IT!@------------------------------------------- / here you go fring3 it is one of my shorties but goodies.. here you go and
uhmm.. you better have that ansi for my board n1g or im gunna like uhmm.. do something to your mom and dad.. uhmm.. if you want an ansi or whatever from me
you can reach me at toastycom, pOo!, vomitorium 3 to 7, or irc as bwapathy.
y0e!s go out to-- Misf1t ,Trip, Vassago o DiRT, KamiKaze, fring3, WarpsP.
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