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hmm.. im bored. okay, for some reason people seem to
think im good at drawing
eyes cold n ugly actually called me an eye guru :,
so i thought id put this
thing together.. i dunne why im even doing this, i l
earned all i know from
carnifex.. anyway, here goes.
1 the basic eye - most artists do comic rips, and mo
st comic artists simply use little white slits for
eyes.. not too hard to draw, but looks okay.
figure one
quite simply, you just draw a couple of white lin
es and shade em. ya hoo. now
for the fun stuff, like..
2 the cool looking eye - this concept is hard for a
lot of artists to grasp,
because it involves actually drawing what an eye really l
ooks like. take a
look at these and youll get an idea of what i mea
figure 2
these are fairly
simple.. kinda small, not much detail.
figure 3
probably the bes
t eyes ive ever drawn.. becasue they look semi-real,
theyre actually looking at something you and no
t just staring off into
figure 4
another simple pair, but
a good example of how to shade the area around the
figure 5
just thought id
throw these in to demonstrate how eyes can show expr
3 how to draw an eye - im just gonna tak
e you through a step by step
explanation of how i doodle eyes.. pay attention.
step one - i always start off wi
th a gray
box.. i use white on gray 15 on
7 to fill
it in so you can see where the c
ursor is
does that make sense?. i draw
on a gray
background as opposed to black
because i
think its more like drawing on
paper im
-really- not making sense, am i?
sorry bout that.
step two - now, i draw in the ba
sic outline.
i keep it pretty simple at first, just the
shape of the eye and
a hint of eyeliner..
geez, this so
unds like an infomercial.
step 3 - dra
w in the pupil and an eyebrow.
how big yo
u draw the pupil depends on the
on you want the character to convey.
dont make em too big though see fig. 3
thats as big as yo
u should ever go. same
goes for eyebrows.
never ever ever ever give
your character a unibrow. yick.
step four - color everythin
g in. use pink
12 for the s
kin most of the time, and
white 15 is gene
rally considered the norm
for eye color. but hey, they could be some
sort of f
reak, so you never know :.
step five - s
hade everything.. in this case
use 15 on 7 for the eye and 12 on 6 for
the skin. you also mi
ght wanna use 12 on 7
some highlights. but then again, you
might not. also, notive the brown f1s on
the eyebrow, added for effect.
step six - ti
me to add detail in the pupil
itself.. use white to add a little glare
effect, and pick a color to be t
he eye
color im using blu
e. use your eye colors
highlight color here, 9 and th
row down
some blocks, like so.
i added some blue f1s
for effe
ct. also, i like to use 15 on 1 or
whatever o
n the glare.
and thats about it. you can use variations on th
is like, you dont HAVE to use blue.. watch -
ysee? good. just experiment a little, and you ca
n come out with something
that looks keen like that purple there.. that looks
cool. i think im gonna usethat on my next pic :. an
yway.. hey, if you wanna use this little eye as a
message header on your board or something, feel free.. just
add a little mt
somewhere.. now go draw, biznatch. -- misfit
think im good at drawing
eyes cold n ugly actually called me an eye guru :,
so i thought id put this
thing together.. i dunne why im even doing this, i l
earned all i know from
carnifex.. anyway, here goes.
1 the basic eye - most artists do comic rips, and mo
st comic artists simply use little white slits for
eyes.. not too hard to draw, but looks okay.
figure one
quite simply, you just draw a couple of white lin
es and shade em. ya hoo. now
for the fun stuff, like..
2 the cool looking eye - this concept is hard for a
lot of artists to grasp,
because it involves actually drawing what an eye really l
ooks like. take a
look at these and youll get an idea of what i mea
figure 2
these are fairly
simple.. kinda small, not much detail.
figure 3
probably the bes
t eyes ive ever drawn.. becasue they look semi-real,
theyre actually looking at something you and no
t just staring off into
figure 4
another simple pair, but
a good example of how to shade the area around the
figure 5
just thought id
throw these in to demonstrate how eyes can show expr
3 how to draw an eye - im just gonna tak
e you through a step by step
explanation of how i doodle eyes.. pay attention.
step one - i always start off wi
th a gray
box.. i use white on gray 15 on
7 to fill
it in so you can see where the c
ursor is
does that make sense?. i draw
on a gray
background as opposed to black
because i
think its more like drawing on
paper im
-really- not making sense, am i?
sorry bout that.
step two - now, i draw in the ba
sic outline.
i keep it pretty simple at first, just the
shape of the eye and
a hint of eyeliner..
geez, this so
unds like an infomercial.
step 3 - dra
w in the pupil and an eyebrow.
how big yo
u draw the pupil depends on the
on you want the character to convey.
dont make em too big though see fig. 3
thats as big as yo
u should ever go. same
goes for eyebrows.
never ever ever ever give
your character a unibrow. yick.
step four - color everythin
g in. use pink
12 for the s
kin most of the time, and
white 15 is gene
rally considered the norm
for eye color. but hey, they could be some
sort of f
reak, so you never know :.
step five - s
hade everything.. in this case
use 15 on 7 for the eye and 12 on 6 for
the skin. you also mi
ght wanna use 12 on 7
some highlights. but then again, you
might not. also, notive the brown f1s on
the eyebrow, added for effect.
step six - ti
me to add detail in the pupil
itself.. use white to add a little glare
effect, and pick a color to be t
he eye
color im using blu
e. use your eye colors
highlight color here, 9 and th
row down
some blocks, like so.
i added some blue f1s
for effe
ct. also, i like to use 15 on 1 or
whatever o
n the glare.
and thats about it. you can use variations on th
is like, you dont HAVE to use blue.. watch -
ysee? good. just experiment a little, and you ca
n come out with something
that looks keen like that purple there.. that looks
cool. i think im gonna usethat on my next pic :. an
yway.. hey, if you wanna use this little eye as a
message header on your board or something, feel free.. just
add a little mt
somewhere.. now go draw, biznatch. -- misfit
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