this image contains text
n origonal
o ansi
t by
carpet monkey
Welcome to my world ........ Be my Guest
cm ansi by carpet monkey of apathy productions ... 1995 ....
yogurtslandkyogur yogurtelandsyogu
ryogurtylandeyogur yogurtslandyogu
ryogurtslandyyogur yogurtwland7yogu
ryogurtolandcyogur yogurtiland1yogu
ryogurtplandoyogur yogurttland7yogu
ryogurt:landsyogur yogurthlandyogu
ryogurtclandyyogur yogurtclandayogu
ryogurtalandsyogur yogurthlandsyogu
ryogurtrlandoyogur yogurtalandkyogu
ryogurtplandpyogur yogurtiland-yogu
ryogurteland:yogur yogurtrlandcyogu
ryogurttlanddyogur yogurtsland.yogu
ryogurtmlandayogur yogurt.landmyogu
ryogurtolandnyogur yogurtland.yogu
ryogurtnlandcyogur yogurtiland*yogu
yogurt land - a bbs for the slightly to immensly insane .. for more info just a
sk carpet monkey on any board he calls .. and btw- its not worth calling ld!
this ansi is my first ansi i did under the handle carpet monkey .. my old handl
ewas The Weird One .. so now im carpet monkey .. so enjoy .. this one is for my
little bbs .. but its not up .. just for friends etc. etc. .. so if you want to
call just write me e-mail some where .. fantastic planet would be the best plac
e717394-3643 ... ok .. later .... Carpet Monkey apathy
n origonal
o ansi
t by
carpet monkey
Welcome to my world ........ Be my Guest
cm ansi by carpet monkey of apathy productions ... 1995 ....
yogurtslandkyogur yogurtelandsyogu
ryogurtylandeyogur yogurtslandyogu
ryogurtslandyyogur yogurtwland7yogu
ryogurtolandcyogur yogurtiland1yogu
ryogurtplandoyogur yogurttland7yogu
ryogurt:landsyogur yogurthlandyogu
ryogurtclandyyogur yogurtclandayogu
ryogurtalandsyogur yogurthlandsyogu
ryogurtrlandoyogur yogurtalandkyogu
ryogurtplandpyogur yogurtiland-yogu
ryogurteland:yogur yogurtrlandcyogu
ryogurttlanddyogur yogurtsland.yogu
ryogurtmlandayogur yogurt.landmyogu
ryogurtolandnyogur yogurtland.yogu
ryogurtnlandcyogur yogurtiland*yogu
yogurt land - a bbs for the slightly to immensly insane .. for more info just a
sk carpet monkey on any board he calls .. and btw- its not worth calling ld!
this ansi is my first ansi i did under the handle carpet monkey .. my old handl
ewas The Weird One .. so now im carpet monkey .. so enjoy .. this one is for my
little bbs .. but its not up .. just for friends etc. etc. .. so if you want to
call just write me e-mail some where .. fantastic planet would be the best plac
e717394-3643 ... ok .. later .... Carpet Monkey apathy
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