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INGive thanks for all that we hav
eice thoughts on your mindndians and Pilgrims star
ted it allisit with relativesnviting others to sha
reood food to eatafety for the holidayeeping m
indful of others needsovember it ismericaelpfu
llness and friendliness makes others happyaking time out t
o be with familyHave a Happy ThanksGiving
Copyright c 1987 Designed by Bob Snyder
INGive thanks for all that we hav
eice thoughts on your mindndians and Pilgrims star
ted it allisit with relativesnviting others to sha
reood food to eatafety for the holidayeeping m
indful of others needsovember it ismericaelpfu
llness and friendliness makes others happyaking time out t
o be with familyHave a Happy ThanksGiving
Copyright c 1987 Designed by Bob Snyder
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