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Our Story...
Thud. Ground Zero.
The body collided into the ground at a high velocity, so high that
it could no longer accelerate. When the instructors and other sky divers
saw what happened, they came running to the spot where it landed. Upon
reaching the spot they just stared at the body with amazement, as if it had
performed some magic tricks.
Upon reaching the site of the crash, Ned decided to see what all of
the hub-bub was and jandered up to the massive crowd that had gathered to
see the body. He went up to someone to ask what was going on but no one
answered. After tapping gently on the chap next to him to get his attention
and failing, he yanked on his shoulder and the man fell without a sound.
The man stood up and looked toward where the body was, not even giving Ned
a glance. Ned felt a presence at his back and turned to see a car of
people. They looked like a family on the way to the beach with that
rediculous yellow and white striped umbrella in the back of their station
wagon. He ran up to the car and noticed an eerie silence when he
approached the car. The car was no longer running. Ned screamed and began
to pound on the windshield until his hands hurt and were beginning to bleed.
He turned and looked to see more carloads of people heading towards the
circle. He ran to his car and tried to start it but it wouldnt start.
Exhorting a loud explicative he got out and ran into the trees not far away.
Ned stood in the trees and watched for two days without realizing
it. Many more carloads of people, people on bikes and on foot showed up
for the no reason that Ned could discern. He decided to get some food for
his aching stomach and went to find something. He wove his way through cars
for about twenty minutes, hoping to find a cooler or something. As he
neared the circle he noticed that the cars drove right into the crowd of
people. Parts of bodies stuck out from under cars as if still hoping to
see what they came here for. During his journey he started to scream and
as this awful wail continued, he lashed out, striking the masses with his
hands and feet. Slavering at the mouth he fell to his knees in utter
exhaustion. He looked next to him to see the woman whom had crashed into
the ground days ago. He began to cry and pound on her orange jumpsuit
covered chest. He grabbed her head and placed it in his lap, crying and
rocking back and forth. He began to sing lullabies to her, streaks covering
his face where the tears had been flowing. He rose after hours of singing,
let out the most god-awful scream and fell over, never to rise again.
Horace Pinker
Thud. Ground Zero.
The body collided into the ground at a high velocity, so high that
it could no longer accelerate. When the instructors and other sky divers
saw what happened, they came running to the spot where it landed. Upon
reaching the spot they just stared at the body with amazement, as if it had
performed some magic tricks.
Upon reaching the site of the crash, Ned decided to see what all of
the hub-bub was and jandered up to the massive crowd that had gathered to
see the body. He went up to someone to ask what was going on but no one
answered. After tapping gently on the chap next to him to get his attention
and failing, he yanked on his shoulder and the man fell without a sound.
The man stood up and looked toward where the body was, not even giving Ned
a glance. Ned felt a presence at his back and turned to see a car of
people. They looked like a family on the way to the beach with that
rediculous yellow and white striped umbrella in the back of their station
wagon. He ran up to the car and noticed an eerie silence when he
approached the car. The car was no longer running. Ned screamed and began
to pound on the windshield until his hands hurt and were beginning to bleed.
He turned and looked to see more carloads of people heading towards the
circle. He ran to his car and tried to start it but it wouldnt start.
Exhorting a loud explicative he got out and ran into the trees not far away.
Ned stood in the trees and watched for two days without realizing
it. Many more carloads of people, people on bikes and on foot showed up
for the no reason that Ned could discern. He decided to get some food for
his aching stomach and went to find something. He wove his way through cars
for about twenty minutes, hoping to find a cooler or something. As he
neared the circle he noticed that the cars drove right into the crowd of
people. Parts of bodies stuck out from under cars as if still hoping to
see what they came here for. During his journey he started to scream and
as this awful wail continued, he lashed out, striking the masses with his
hands and feet. Slavering at the mouth he fell to his knees in utter
exhaustion. He looked next to him to see the woman whom had crashed into
the ground days ago. He began to cry and pound on her orange jumpsuit
covered chest. He grabbed her head and placed it in his lap, crying and
rocking back and forth. He began to sing lullabies to her, streaks covering
his face where the tears had been flowing. He rose after hours of singing,
let out the most god-awful scream and fell over, never to rise again.
Horace Pinker
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