![Information for Anemia 11/95 by [] Anemia Staff []](/pack/ane-1195/x1/ANE-1195.NFO.png)
this image contains text
a n e m i a
l o g o b y p h a n e m i a
Its time for that special feeling children, and Im
talking about Anemias 4th packet, and its going to
be the best yet. The good get better, and if thats true, then this is the best improvement in the history
of Anemia. However short that history may be, its
still great to see an improvement.
On top of all news, Silver Blade, Virtuoso, and myself
decided it was time to drop the TMS merge. Although
we love TMS, and believe they are great at what they
do, it just wasnt working out.
We decided with the loss of TMS, we needed to add
something to the Anemia ranks, something that will make Anemia even better than before. We went with
Suicide, and Silver Blade will tell you all about what
is going on with his addition to the information file,
check it out when your done reading my lame shit.
Infinity Electronic Magazine, the long time and well
know supporters of CiA, are now supporting Anemia,
look for their magazines in the Anemia packets. There would have been an Infinity magazine in this packet,
but Superfly and Mr. Muff are having a couple problems
with other more important business, so they decided
to delay the magazine.
Although Virtuoso did drop the very fun job of doing the Anemia page to me, he is still running a little page of his own about himself, and about the 206.
This page is GREAT for anybody interested in learning
about a weird history of art in the Seattle area
area code.
You are probably wondering, whats the Anemia homepage?
You can check it out at http://www.zipnet.com/mistawho I would like to give a few thanks to the people who are
doing or have done art for the page:
Visigoth acid
Stone the Crow acid Obsidian soon to be ice, woop
Locke Anemia
The page isnt done yet, Im not going to work on it
until I get more art, and not until I can think of
something smooth enough to say to Borian to get him to
do me some damn art for the page :. Thanks to the
people who have done art, and I hope to get more
contributions to the page. Also, dont check out the page with lynx, I will add a text based HTML sooner or
later when I feel like redoing a WHOLE page just so
you can view it. It will be something like http://www.zipnet.com/mistawho/text.html.
Now, enough bullshit aside, its time to tell you who
is new, and who left.
Spear leaves the group this month, he thinks I am a big
asshole, while that is true, I wasnt to him, but its
more power to his elbow, have fun with whatever you choose to do, and I hope you get into a group better or
just as good as Anemia.
MayTrickZ comes over as the VGA coordinator, check out his
work too. Had has too VERY nice VGAs in the packet, and
he will only improve he took a break from the art scene for a while.
Shatters from his old Shiver days is now in Anemia. Check out his work, its awe inspiring to say the least. I think
he is almost as good as Mung, and dammit, this boy will
only improve. I am glad to have him.
Deeply Disturbed asked me to put him in the member list, as its his goal to reach 1000 groups this month, at least
he wants to be in 1000 groups. I think we were the first
other than acid, neato, eh? Well, not really, next topic.
Penguin is the mascot, she will just sit in acid and
anemia and say doodle until you die. She will also do
a VGA or two the group, look for it next month.
Psycoholic joins us, and in trade, Silver Blade joined his group gOo, goO, Goo, gOO, hell, I cant remember, check
his two neato logos in the packet, they are spiffy.
Miasma from the 516 area code joins Anemia. Hes the
second decent artist from 516, the other being in iCE,
so check out his work. He does some wonderful ASCII and
some great literature.
We have a second Locke in the group. I dont know why I
didnt tell him to change his nick, mostly because that
would have been very rude. He goes by LK-*.whatever, and he is a VGA artist. He does some different, yet great,
work. A definate plus to the VGA division.
Nuremberg will move to the ASCII coordinator, and will be
putting together the ASCII section of the group this
month, he will also move his board to the Western Canadian headquarters, and good all Sabotage from little
old acid will be heading the Eastern Canadian HQ, look
for the numbers in the site listing.
We need more ANSI artist that do pics, if you are, you
have no choice but the join, because I WILL find you
sooner or later, and you will find out why some people
used to call me MistaNag, save yourselves the trouble and give into my powers, le-w00p.
We had a HUGE amount of ASCII in the packet this month, I had to skim it down to 40 asciis out of around 72. That
is a lot of quality control, aint it? Anyways, since the
size of the ascii was so huge, it was zipped into a small
and convenient file for your viewing pleasure. I also use
this zip file to find a place for Silver Blades fileid.diz
and that should make him tingle. yAY!
For all members reading this file, check out ANE-1195.RUL
and be sure to read it all the way through. I have a few new rules that are going to be added to the list, and you
will need to know them. If you have any questions, you
find my e-mail address somewhere down there with my super
super leet sb made sig. Check it girls.
We have a Norway HQ, woop.
Obsidian loves us, obsidiwh0r3, we love you, dont join ice, join us, nah, dualgroupit, we always will love you
As you can see, I have no more news, so on the bottom of
the news, I wont be putting together next months packet,
Virtuoso will do that. We will be alternating, so the ones Virtuoso will put together are going to suck and mine
will rule as usual. Just kidding, check it out next month
as you all should, cause.. I own you, yeah.
Until then, peace, I need to find that bean dip for the
Nachos, I just cant seem to find them down my pants
anymore. Er, yeah, bye.
-mistajew, the real
-american Hebrew!
sb !
Virtuosos Coolio thing for the NFO thing
Anemia has come a long way these past four months, farther than I had expected. When we first started, honestly thought that wed
be around the ranks of groups such as where ink and era are, but
weve far surpassed that. I dont consider myself a biased person when I say this, but I honestly feel that Anemia is a top
ten group and is out to stay that way.
It looks like were Mung-less this pack, and that will hurt it a little bit since hes the best ANSI artist this side of the
Emerald City. However, I do like what I see in this Anemia pack.
It doesnt have as many ANSI pics as Id like, but there are quite a few excellent logos and VGAs that I really like.
I would like to welcome one person in particular to Anemia, Maytrickz. This deity of IRC produces VGAs that will make your
girlfriend fall in love with you again, or maybe not. Hes not
the best VGA guy in the scene, but he is a very strong addition to
Anemia. Not only that, but hes just a really k-Spiffy kind of
guy. He chills on IRC with the pimpinest of them.
Mistawho has been really good with the group. Silver Blade and I
are the presidents of the group, but Mistawho has been the guy thats been making everything happen, well, not everything, but
quite a bit. We have given Mistawho the task of being the head
coordinator guy for the group. Everything still goes through Silver Blade and me, but hes the one that gets the everything
going. I admire him for his vigor and initiative. He doesnt
have to keep asking Silver Blade and me if he could do this or
that, but he knows what he can and cant do on his own, and he
really knows what he is doing. Im not saying that Anemia
wouldnt survive without Mistawho, but there are a lot of things Anemia would be without if there was no Mistawho of Anemia.
Thanks, Mistawho, for everything youve been doing for the group.
Keep up the good work. I dont know how you do it. Maybe its the nachoes...peace!@
I have been relinquished of the duty of doing the Anemia web
pages, and Mistawho will be doing them from now on. They are not completely done yet, but you can check them out at the following
URL when you have a chance:
Since I will no longer be doing the Anemia pages, I am planning
to put up Virtuosity, a WWW bulleting board system. It will include some files, but this web site will feature message bases.
This site will be dedicated to the art scene, and it will be a
place where ideas and thoughts can be exchanged, just as they are in regular bulleting board systems. If you would like to help me
with Virtuosity, you could e-mail me. My e-mail address will be
at the end of this message.
As for now, my humble home page is up:
Please go there and check out my coolio home page. Its not much,
but there will be more. It looks like this will be the site of
Virtuosity once I get it up.
The last thing I will talk about will be ripping ANSI. First of
all, Anemia does not rip ANSI, and members caught ripping ANSI will be immediately kicked out of the group. In a time when our
eyes werent fully opened, we took in someone named Skatin. We
thought his logos were decent. Then we found out that he ripped.
He was immediately booted from the group. I dont think he knew right away, but you wont be seeing him in any Anemia packs any
time soon. If youre planning on joining Anemia, make fure you
dont rip, because if you do, it could be the end of your scene life.
I would like to say thank you to everyone who deserves thanking.
You can e-mail me at the following address
I am looking forward to all your thoughts and comments.
For now, Ill leave you with this quote:
Yall aint got no love for the West Coast?@
- Snoop Doggy Dogg, Source Awards
punk-ass 1995
Thanks to Mung .
for this really .. .. spiffy sig. -
mg/anemia virtuoso
Greetz: due to my lack of energy right now, Virtuoso greetz
will be shown next month. Instead, you will have to look at who Silver Blade greets, and that just about
who Virtuoso would greet.
wOOP, a lot of Silver Blades info got cut off at the end
because he was too retarded to format his information for
his own information file, if you are good at guessing what someone might say, read on, if not, read on anyways, cause
I said so. Isnt green great yet annoying? Yeah, fuck you
Id like to say that I am entirely fully impressed with Anemia
productions as of this pack. Although our previous pack was not up t par with Anemia standards, it got the job done, and MG-MAY .ANS sure
got everyone hyped about Mung. : I will be covering in this article
the new members of anemia, some member reviews and hell, maybe Ill
even write my opinions about the scene as many people probably know how pissed I got on October 26th at CHaOS.:
Where to begin... hmm. After the packet was released on October whateverth, I think it started spreading like hot-kikes..er.cakes.
Mistawho got a total of 204 people to get the pack from him, and although I didnt log how many times people got it from me, Im sur
it was way up there too. * Editors Note: Thanks meeSta!@ .
those 204+ people , I believe about 8 people applied and about 6 of
them made it into Anemia. Those people are: Zero Cool, WarHammer, DarkPhoenix, Flight, Clorox Cowboy, and as much as I hate to think
how stupid I was, Skatin. Although he didnt apply, he is VERY
important to anemia productions VGA team and this man is none other than Imaginik-famed MayTrickZ. The following will explain a bit abou
these new artists and what to expect from them soon.
Zero Cool was an application brought up to me by Nuremberg. I
got a dcc from nuremberg one night and he told me that 0c wanted to
join, so I figured Id take a look at the packet O ascii. I was thoroughly impressed by his asciis and decided then that he is in.
Nuremberg sure as hell betterve told him that hes in. :
WarHammer was brought up to me by Virtuoso. I first saw his
stuff and thought that it wasnt that up to anemia standards, until I saw this logo by him that made me think how if he were to do more
logos like that hed be great. So here he is now. :
DarkPhoenix was a difficult one to handle. For starters he wouldnt decide wether or not to send me the damn application to me
:.. But then he sent me a VGA and I suppose it just kinda went from
there. :
Flight was sent to me by Prng of tms. Dont know much about thi guy just hope that I can get some more stuff from him. I was pretty
Clorox Cowboy I believe was the first one to call the WHQ to apply. Punk-ass.c mung 1995. Anyway, hes like some coolee-o ans
artist. Could always use more of them. : Dope. I dont know what els
to say really, Just hope he sticks around in Anemia for a while.
Skatin is an application Im so sorry I accepted. He sent me an app with two logos in it which I thought were outstanding pieces of
art, until I went on a viewing frenzy and saw Blindman of Sagas log
that looked exactly the same. I booted Skatin immediately for rippin
artwork, so donut worry. And if anyone thinks of attempting to apply to anemia with ripped artwork Ill fucking murder you. : Thanks.
MayTrickZ on the other hand is an application Im damn proud of Well, sorta an application. I was just informed of his VGA Co-ord
of anemia status one day by Mistawho, not that I have a prob with it MayTrickZ is a damn good VGA artist and his 2 VGAs in this packet ar
of some great quality.
As always, feel free to fill out an application to anemia and send it to Mistawho, Silverblade or Virtuoso. Soon well have an
account where you can just send general comments/applications/etc
to anemia@scn.org, but its not up so dont bother trying just yet. :
Anemia has merged with Suicide this month. All of their members have been transferred over into the anemia member list. If you are i
Anemia from Suicide, send me some mail with your email address and
anything else. If you do NOT want to be on the Anemia member list, y
MUST contact me telling me that you want out of the Anemia member li I can be contacted 3 ways :
email : essbee@zipnet.com bbs: 206-631-8012 IRC nick: essbee
While on the subject of merges, Anemia has dropped TMS merge thi month. Many of you believe it is because of Anemia not liking TMS, b
that is the exact opposite. I would like to remain friends with TMS
and believe they are the 1 modding group in the entire art scene. A
if you must know why the merge was dropped is because of Anemia or mostly G being overworked with artwork to do for Tms and no time
for artwork for requests. Thus showing how I am backed up about 10
pic requests.
As many of you know now, I am no longer doing free art. Before yo get all mad at me, hear me out. Through the summer, I did many pics.
Actually , alot of pics. So now that school has started, Im kinda
busy, almost too busy for the art scene. If you would like to get so
art from me, fill out the order form sborder.frm , print it out an send it to me as it says. Dont bother asking for a free doodle from
cuz I can guarantee I will NOT do one for you. I am taking paying
requests only.
This concludes my part of this informational file. Enjoy the Anem packet, and let us know how we are doing! Thanks, and goodbye.
m u n
a n e m i a
l o g o b y p h a n e m i a
Its time for that special feeling children, and Im
talking about Anemias 4th packet, and its going to
be the best yet. The good get better, and if thats true, then this is the best improvement in the history
of Anemia. However short that history may be, its
still great to see an improvement.
On top of all news, Silver Blade, Virtuoso, and myself
decided it was time to drop the TMS merge. Although
we love TMS, and believe they are great at what they
do, it just wasnt working out.
We decided with the loss of TMS, we needed to add
something to the Anemia ranks, something that will make Anemia even better than before. We went with
Suicide, and Silver Blade will tell you all about what
is going on with his addition to the information file,
check it out when your done reading my lame shit.
Infinity Electronic Magazine, the long time and well
know supporters of CiA, are now supporting Anemia,
look for their magazines in the Anemia packets. There would have been an Infinity magazine in this packet,
but Superfly and Mr. Muff are having a couple problems
with other more important business, so they decided
to delay the magazine.
Although Virtuoso did drop the very fun job of doing the Anemia page to me, he is still running a little page of his own about himself, and about the 206.
This page is GREAT for anybody interested in learning
about a weird history of art in the Seattle area
area code.
You are probably wondering, whats the Anemia homepage?
You can check it out at http://www.zipnet.com/mistawho I would like to give a few thanks to the people who are
doing or have done art for the page:
Visigoth acid
Stone the Crow acid Obsidian soon to be ice, woop
Locke Anemia
The page isnt done yet, Im not going to work on it
until I get more art, and not until I can think of
something smooth enough to say to Borian to get him to
do me some damn art for the page :. Thanks to the
people who have done art, and I hope to get more
contributions to the page. Also, dont check out the page with lynx, I will add a text based HTML sooner or
later when I feel like redoing a WHOLE page just so
you can view it. It will be something like http://www.zipnet.com/mistawho/text.html.
Now, enough bullshit aside, its time to tell you who
is new, and who left.
Spear leaves the group this month, he thinks I am a big
asshole, while that is true, I wasnt to him, but its
more power to his elbow, have fun with whatever you choose to do, and I hope you get into a group better or
just as good as Anemia.
MayTrickZ comes over as the VGA coordinator, check out his
work too. Had has too VERY nice VGAs in the packet, and
he will only improve he took a break from the art scene for a while.
Shatters from his old Shiver days is now in Anemia. Check out his work, its awe inspiring to say the least. I think
he is almost as good as Mung, and dammit, this boy will
only improve. I am glad to have him.
Deeply Disturbed asked me to put him in the member list, as its his goal to reach 1000 groups this month, at least
he wants to be in 1000 groups. I think we were the first
other than acid, neato, eh? Well, not really, next topic.
Penguin is the mascot, she will just sit in acid and
anemia and say doodle until you die. She will also do
a VGA or two the group, look for it next month.
Psycoholic joins us, and in trade, Silver Blade joined his group gOo, goO, Goo, gOO, hell, I cant remember, check
his two neato logos in the packet, they are spiffy.
Miasma from the 516 area code joins Anemia. Hes the
second decent artist from 516, the other being in iCE,
so check out his work. He does some wonderful ASCII and
some great literature.
We have a second Locke in the group. I dont know why I
didnt tell him to change his nick, mostly because that
would have been very rude. He goes by LK-*.whatever, and he is a VGA artist. He does some different, yet great,
work. A definate plus to the VGA division.
Nuremberg will move to the ASCII coordinator, and will be
putting together the ASCII section of the group this
month, he will also move his board to the Western Canadian headquarters, and good all Sabotage from little
old acid will be heading the Eastern Canadian HQ, look
for the numbers in the site listing.
We need more ANSI artist that do pics, if you are, you
have no choice but the join, because I WILL find you
sooner or later, and you will find out why some people
used to call me MistaNag, save yourselves the trouble and give into my powers, le-w00p.
We had a HUGE amount of ASCII in the packet this month, I had to skim it down to 40 asciis out of around 72. That
is a lot of quality control, aint it? Anyways, since the
size of the ascii was so huge, it was zipped into a small
and convenient file for your viewing pleasure. I also use
this zip file to find a place for Silver Blades fileid.diz
and that should make him tingle. yAY!
For all members reading this file, check out ANE-1195.RUL
and be sure to read it all the way through. I have a few new rules that are going to be added to the list, and you
will need to know them. If you have any questions, you
find my e-mail address somewhere down there with my super
super leet sb made sig. Check it girls.
We have a Norway HQ, woop.
Obsidian loves us, obsidiwh0r3, we love you, dont join ice, join us, nah, dualgroupit, we always will love you
As you can see, I have no more news, so on the bottom of
the news, I wont be putting together next months packet,
Virtuoso will do that. We will be alternating, so the ones Virtuoso will put together are going to suck and mine
will rule as usual. Just kidding, check it out next month
as you all should, cause.. I own you, yeah.
Until then, peace, I need to find that bean dip for the
Nachos, I just cant seem to find them down my pants
anymore. Er, yeah, bye.
-mistajew, the real
-american Hebrew!
sb !
Virtuosos Coolio thing for the NFO thing
Anemia has come a long way these past four months, farther than I had expected. When we first started, honestly thought that wed
be around the ranks of groups such as where ink and era are, but
weve far surpassed that. I dont consider myself a biased person when I say this, but I honestly feel that Anemia is a top
ten group and is out to stay that way.
It looks like were Mung-less this pack, and that will hurt it a little bit since hes the best ANSI artist this side of the
Emerald City. However, I do like what I see in this Anemia pack.
It doesnt have as many ANSI pics as Id like, but there are quite a few excellent logos and VGAs that I really like.
I would like to welcome one person in particular to Anemia, Maytrickz. This deity of IRC produces VGAs that will make your
girlfriend fall in love with you again, or maybe not. Hes not
the best VGA guy in the scene, but he is a very strong addition to
Anemia. Not only that, but hes just a really k-Spiffy kind of
guy. He chills on IRC with the pimpinest of them.
Mistawho has been really good with the group. Silver Blade and I
are the presidents of the group, but Mistawho has been the guy thats been making everything happen, well, not everything, but
quite a bit. We have given Mistawho the task of being the head
coordinator guy for the group. Everything still goes through Silver Blade and me, but hes the one that gets the everything
going. I admire him for his vigor and initiative. He doesnt
have to keep asking Silver Blade and me if he could do this or
that, but he knows what he can and cant do on his own, and he
really knows what he is doing. Im not saying that Anemia
wouldnt survive without Mistawho, but there are a lot of things Anemia would be without if there was no Mistawho of Anemia.
Thanks, Mistawho, for everything youve been doing for the group.
Keep up the good work. I dont know how you do it. Maybe its the nachoes...peace!@
I have been relinquished of the duty of doing the Anemia web
pages, and Mistawho will be doing them from now on. They are not completely done yet, but you can check them out at the following
URL when you have a chance:
Since I will no longer be doing the Anemia pages, I am planning
to put up Virtuosity, a WWW bulleting board system. It will include some files, but this web site will feature message bases.
This site will be dedicated to the art scene, and it will be a
place where ideas and thoughts can be exchanged, just as they are in regular bulleting board systems. If you would like to help me
with Virtuosity, you could e-mail me. My e-mail address will be
at the end of this message.
As for now, my humble home page is up:
Please go there and check out my coolio home page. Its not much,
but there will be more. It looks like this will be the site of
Virtuosity once I get it up.
The last thing I will talk about will be ripping ANSI. First of
all, Anemia does not rip ANSI, and members caught ripping ANSI will be immediately kicked out of the group. In a time when our
eyes werent fully opened, we took in someone named Skatin. We
thought his logos were decent. Then we found out that he ripped.
He was immediately booted from the group. I dont think he knew right away, but you wont be seeing him in any Anemia packs any
time soon. If youre planning on joining Anemia, make fure you
dont rip, because if you do, it could be the end of your scene life.
I would like to say thank you to everyone who deserves thanking.
You can e-mail me at the following address
I am looking forward to all your thoughts and comments.
For now, Ill leave you with this quote:
Yall aint got no love for the West Coast?@
- Snoop Doggy Dogg, Source Awards
punk-ass 1995
Thanks to Mung .
for this really .. .. spiffy sig. -
mg/anemia virtuoso
Greetz: due to my lack of energy right now, Virtuoso greetz
will be shown next month. Instead, you will have to look at who Silver Blade greets, and that just about
who Virtuoso would greet.
wOOP, a lot of Silver Blades info got cut off at the end
because he was too retarded to format his information for
his own information file, if you are good at guessing what someone might say, read on, if not, read on anyways, cause
I said so. Isnt green great yet annoying? Yeah, fuck you
Id like to say that I am entirely fully impressed with Anemia
productions as of this pack. Although our previous pack was not up t par with Anemia standards, it got the job done, and MG-MAY .ANS sure
got everyone hyped about Mung. : I will be covering in this article
the new members of anemia, some member reviews and hell, maybe Ill
even write my opinions about the scene as many people probably know how pissed I got on October 26th at CHaOS.:
Where to begin... hmm. After the packet was released on October whateverth, I think it started spreading like hot-kikes..er.cakes.
Mistawho got a total of 204 people to get the pack from him, and although I didnt log how many times people got it from me, Im sur
it was way up there too. * Editors Note: Thanks meeSta!@ .
those 204+ people , I believe about 8 people applied and about 6 of
them made it into Anemia. Those people are: Zero Cool, WarHammer, DarkPhoenix, Flight, Clorox Cowboy, and as much as I hate to think
how stupid I was, Skatin. Although he didnt apply, he is VERY
important to anemia productions VGA team and this man is none other than Imaginik-famed MayTrickZ. The following will explain a bit abou
these new artists and what to expect from them soon.
Zero Cool was an application brought up to me by Nuremberg. I
got a dcc from nuremberg one night and he told me that 0c wanted to
join, so I figured Id take a look at the packet O ascii. I was thoroughly impressed by his asciis and decided then that he is in.
Nuremberg sure as hell betterve told him that hes in. :
WarHammer was brought up to me by Virtuoso. I first saw his
stuff and thought that it wasnt that up to anemia standards, until I saw this logo by him that made me think how if he were to do more
logos like that hed be great. So here he is now. :
DarkPhoenix was a difficult one to handle. For starters he wouldnt decide wether or not to send me the damn application to me
:.. But then he sent me a VGA and I suppose it just kinda went from
there. :
Flight was sent to me by Prng of tms. Dont know much about thi guy just hope that I can get some more stuff from him. I was pretty
Clorox Cowboy I believe was the first one to call the WHQ to apply. Punk-ass.c mung 1995. Anyway, hes like some coolee-o ans
artist. Could always use more of them. : Dope. I dont know what els
to say really, Just hope he sticks around in Anemia for a while.
Skatin is an application Im so sorry I accepted. He sent me an app with two logos in it which I thought were outstanding pieces of
art, until I went on a viewing frenzy and saw Blindman of Sagas log
that looked exactly the same. I booted Skatin immediately for rippin
artwork, so donut worry. And if anyone thinks of attempting to apply to anemia with ripped artwork Ill fucking murder you. : Thanks.
MayTrickZ on the other hand is an application Im damn proud of Well, sorta an application. I was just informed of his VGA Co-ord
of anemia status one day by Mistawho, not that I have a prob with it MayTrickZ is a damn good VGA artist and his 2 VGAs in this packet ar
of some great quality.
As always, feel free to fill out an application to anemia and send it to Mistawho, Silverblade or Virtuoso. Soon well have an
account where you can just send general comments/applications/etc
to anemia@scn.org, but its not up so dont bother trying just yet. :
Anemia has merged with Suicide this month. All of their members have been transferred over into the anemia member list. If you are i
Anemia from Suicide, send me some mail with your email address and
anything else. If you do NOT want to be on the Anemia member list, y
MUST contact me telling me that you want out of the Anemia member li I can be contacted 3 ways :
email : essbee@zipnet.com bbs: 206-631-8012 IRC nick: essbee
While on the subject of merges, Anemia has dropped TMS merge thi month. Many of you believe it is because of Anemia not liking TMS, b
that is the exact opposite. I would like to remain friends with TMS
and believe they are the 1 modding group in the entire art scene. A
if you must know why the merge was dropped is because of Anemia or mostly G being overworked with artwork to do for Tms and no time
for artwork for requests. Thus showing how I am backed up about 10
pic requests.
As many of you know now, I am no longer doing free art. Before yo get all mad at me, hear me out. Through the summer, I did many pics.
Actually , alot of pics. So now that school has started, Im kinda
busy, almost too busy for the art scene. If you would like to get so
art from me, fill out the order form sborder.frm , print it out an send it to me as it says. Dont bother asking for a free doodle from
cuz I can guarantee I will NOT do one for you. I am taking paying
requests only.
This concludes my part of this informational file. Enjoy the Anem packet, and let us know how we are doing! Thanks, and goodbye.
m u n
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