this image contains text
The third Anemia packet. That just rings lovely in my ears.
I thought I would never be back with Anemia, but here I am,
and I now realize how much I enjoy the scene when I have the
time to dabble in it. Anemia is at its third packet, and
do I have some things to tell you this month around.
On top of all the news this month, one of Anemias founders
from the Paw/Enigma Merge has quit Anemia this month and
went about his business. This man is DD, and he will be
well missed. Virtuoso will take over DDs job, and his
work will be well cut out for him, as Anemia has many
projects for the future to work out. The three people
running the Anemia half will now be Silver Blade,
Virtuoso, and myself MistaWho.
We have a new toon artist in the group. Tonto. From
what I saw of his work, it was only toons, so I will just
say that he is a toon artist. We need more of his kind,
and are always open to toon artists applications. Dont
be shy when you apply, we have a very open mind when we
are taking applications for the group.
This months pack might be a theme packet. Since at the
end of the month is Halloween, I am sure you can guess what
the theme is. Yes, its Cryptic Images and it might be part
of the packet, then again, it might not. I will leave that
up to Silver Blade. From the Cryptic Images work I have seen
so far from Silver Blade and other artist, it is impressive,
but I dont believe in theme packets that much. I havent
tried out a theme packet before though, so I have no idea
how you will respond to this. If the Cryptic Images idea
goes through, and you like it, e-mail me at mistawho@zipnet.com
or Silver Blade at essbee@zipnet.com and let us know what
you think of the theme packet this month.
I would like to take this part of the informational file to
thank AiM for showing me how I dont want the group to become.
Sometimes you will have mentors that will help you when you
think they can only harm you if even that. I now know how
I want to run the group, and it will be nothing like AiM.
Thank you AiM, for helping out the future of Anemia in a very
positive way. Just when you thought you slammed us, you actually
helped us.
I would like to say that Mung and Locke have turned in some very
nice work for the packet, and they are some of the most improved
members since they joined. Thanks to those two members for their
work. Also to Virtuoso, who I consider the next Cthulu in the
small yet alive literature scene. He always has something to
write about, and his presentation is an excellent example of what
literature should be. I am glad to be working with Virtuoso in
the building of a new dream, Anemia.
Although I dont remember him from last month, we have a very
decent ascii artist this month with A LOT of work for the packet.
His name is Nurumberg, and I am not sure if we got him from the
TMS/Anemia merge or if he is a member that applied. I know
that he is very good at what he does, and I am going to be happy
to put his work in the packets for the months to come.
If you would like to read my short story, The History of Anemia,
as Fantasized by Mistawho, then check out the Anemia Web Page,
where it will be put on very soon. Also check out the page for
new Anemia packets, and information on members and TMS. The
Anemia/TMS homepage is very bare at the moment, as Virtuoso is
redoing everything, but bare with him, as he will get it up and
going at full stream sooner or later. Also ftp to anemia.com for
the latest in Anemia packets and other such related files.
I unzipped last months TMS addition in the Anemia packet. I love
their work, and happy to have them part of us. I think merging
with TMS is the best decision Silver Blade has made thus far, and
I hope that we will acquire a good working relationship in the
months/years to come with Anemia.
SuperDave will no longer be putting together the Anemia packets,
but he will still be a huge part of the group. SuperDave is a
very talented ansi artist, and an even more talented coder. I
am glad that he is going to be staying with Anemia.
I received a few complaints from people out on IRC that Anemia
did not have Sauce descriptions in the September of 1995 packet,
I unzipped the packet and found this completely untrue, as it
kept the same professional standard that Anemia hopes to set in
the years to come.
I checked out Neurotics September of 1995 top pics, and I think
he has a very good idea going on. It is very much like the top
ten in UnderGrown, but with a much more and less biased diverse
crowd to pick from. I think he has an excellent idea, and if he
does happen to read this, keep it up. He always has something
to keep himself busy :.
Silver Blade turned in a lot of work this month. He never stops
to amaze me on how much of a work horse he really is. He runs
the group, takes applications, and still turns in usually more
work than anybody in the group, and of the highest quality. He
is a true example of a leader, and not a follower.
I havent written much in the way of literature lately, as that
is to the fact that I am doing so much for Anemia. I have acquired
many fans, and receive fan mail on multiple accounts. It really
does make a lonely literature artist happy when he knows that
somebody out there actually appreciates his work.
Last months packet was quite huge, in the case of this
packet not reaching last months size, dont worry. I
do have enough work for a big packet, but sometimes half
of it will not make it through the quality control. I
am putting the packet together in the same general way,
with only a few changes. Let me know what you think.
One reason why I have not written lately is because I think
I have writers block. If you would like something written
for you, like your BBS, or your group, then drop me a note.
Please include the theme that you wish me to write about.
This will not cost you anything, then again, charging for
literature especially amateur is pretty lame, so I
wont bother leeching money from you. Mail me at:
Please leave your e-mail address and I will have something
for you within 24 hours of receiving that letter, and the
literature will appear in the next Anemia release!
People always seem to remind me that I make a lot of typing
errors or just spelling in my works and in the info files.
Its not that I am under educated, its just that I dont
get a lot of time to go back and proof-read everything I
write. Yet, to further your reading enjoyment, I will now
go over every single piece of work I write and make sure I
catch all the errors I can. Just another way of saying that
the crew at Anemia cares for you. :
Thats it for the Anemia news this month. If you want
to get a hold of me to ask me a question, or if you want
to waist my time, or if your bored, you can mail me on
the internet at mistawho@zipnet.com. You can even
bug Silver Blade at essbee@zipnet.com. Happy doodling.
The following text hereafter was added on the day of the
release, and it is important information. PLEASE READ
You probably think that the information file is quite
dirty this month. It doesnt have a border, it doesnt
have a lot of things. That is due to the fact that
this was going to be coded into an e-mag if you will.
That idea was 86ed as SuperDave didnt want to code
the e-mag. All the information is put back together
in a very simple and working way. I wish it was more
organized, but I have to release the packet within the
next three hours, and I have no time for this.
The Cryptic Images idea did go through. It was very good
for a first attempt, be sure to check it out.
Now I can truly end the news this month around, take care.
-mistawho anemia.ss
Cryptic Images
In an attempt to further enhance our packs, Anemia has decided
to develop themes in some of our packs. This month is our
first attempt at developing a theme. The theme we have chosen
is Cryptic Images.
In the spirit of the month of October, the name Cryptic Images
has been chosen for obvious reasons. For those of you who may
not know these reasons, October is basically a month for fun
with ghosts, goblins, monsters, and those of the morbid and
dark side. The culmination of this month is Halloween, where
several things are celebrated.
This is our first shot at developing this theme, so there are
several loopholes in this pack. Not every single piece in the
pack will develop the theme, but it will be our goal to further
develop themes in the packs we choose to apply these themes to.
The main feature of Cryptic Images, we hope, is a combined ANSI
of several morbid and dark pieces of work. I will admit that
this hasnt been put together as well as we had planned, but
there is only one direction we could go with this concept, and
that is forward.
We do hope that you enjoy this pack. This attempt at deveoping
a theme is only another way to bring more variety and interest
in the National Art Scene. Even though Cryptic Images is a
failure, we now know what we must do to make it better the next
time around. If in your eyes it is a success, God bless you :
Anemias Plans
As most other groups, Anemia wants to only move forward. The
future of Anemia depends only on what its members make of it.
As Anemias presidents, Essbee and I want to make sure that
every member is performing to the best of his/her ability. We
want to make sure that every member epitomizes and grabs the
essence of what the art scene means.
Anemia wants to entertain every single person who takes a look
at our monthly packs. That is why we plan to once in a while
release packs that revolve around in a theme.
We are always looking to expand. As Anemia grows older, quality
control will get tougher, and members will be expected to put
out quality art. Anemia members are expected to grow with the
group. It is inevitable that we will relieve some members of
their Anemia status, but it is our hope that many status and
help make this group one of the best around the scene.
We are going to let time take its toll, and let time mature us
as an art group. Though patient as we are, we will still try
our best to improve and reach for the top. Groups such as iCE
and ACiD are very far and difficult to set sights on, but with
time, we are hoping that well be up there some day.
Out with the old in with the bold
First of all, Id like to say goodbye to the very person who
brought me into the artscene, Dd. Dd has resigned as a member
of Anemia and one of its co-presidents to move on to other
things. He is one of the founders of Anemia, and he has
definitely been a big part of its success. I have the honor
of replacing him as a co-president of Anemia, and I will make
sure Dd is not forgotten for what hes done for the group.
I would like to announce the return of MistaWho, the person
who is the most responsible for bringing Anemia into the
National Art Scene. As everyone knows, he left the art scene
a month ago, but he has returned, and is back with a vengeance!
Or maybe not. Nevertheless, hell be back in quality control,
making sure we put out the best pack possible.
There are a lot of other people who have been released for one
reason or another, but Im not going to mention their names,
probably because I dont remember who they are.
There are also a lot of new members. Among them are K-Os,
Spear, my brother Xanathos well...not yet, but hes vowed to
join Anemia once he gets the art down, PhantaX, and a whole
load more, or maybe not. We welcome them into the Anemia
clique, and hope that they enjoy their stay in Anemias ribbon
of art packs.
Remember: if you would like to join Anemia, fill out an
application and get it to us.
You can e-mail Essbee or me for more information. Look for our
e-mail addresses somewhere in this pack.
- Virtuoso Official Anemia Afro Puff
New Leadership
This month is a time of great changes for anemia productions. If you have
checked out the member listings then youll notice that dds name doesnt appear
on that list anymore.
Dd has been with anemia productions since its founding day and has been
known to have some of the best logos Ive seen in the entire scene, not to
mention funkiest. This month he has left to pursue other wishes of his, an emag
about music computer or musical bands.
Although well miss having the great inspiring ansi talent of him,god i feel
like im writing a fucking obituary.. we must move on. Now is the time for
Virtuoso to take the spot as Anemia Co-President. I hope Virt will be with us
for a very long time in the aid of the day-before-release-oh-shit-were-missing
-artwork-rush. Yeah, you leaders know what Im talkin about. :
Anemia General Information for 10/95
This section is for any changes for 10/95, new stuff, and whatever else we
feel like putting in here that doesnt fall into any of the other categories :
First order of business is the 09/95 packet. I personally apologize for the
mistakes of allowing just about anything into the packet. This month is going
to be different, I guarantee that. Now that MistaWho is back with us doing
quality control, things wont slip by as they did before. And now there will be
a music disk for anemias ONE musician, Human. We hope to gain more musicians
in the future and have a varying array of music in the disk.
Next, Tms wil be releasing seperately from us this month, but our merge will
stay closely intact. Theres a few reasons for me choosing to do this. 1: People
want to have the art and not the mods, or the mods and not the art. This way
it can be done easily, and for those that want both, just grab both when they
are released. 2: Packets are too goddamn big, and not even Maytrickz wanted to
get the packet , and he runs the Eastern HQ :.
Second order of business is just where the hell did Anemia come from? Many of
you think you know the story behind us, but there is alot to tell. We come
mostly from 206-- the lamest area code that I have ever seen. We have a total
of 16 groups, 2 art, 2 coding, 11 are very poor quality art, and that leaves
just one group to lead 206 out of the hole - Anemia. Wow! sb knows math!@
Our main plan is simple- to get 206 out of the hole and get a good
international standing. Although alot of this is just a re-cap of what was said
in 08/95, not everyone got that packet, and so Im hoping you all get this one
and read the information file.
-silverblade anemia founder . tms ss
I thought I would never be back with Anemia, but here I am,
and I now realize how much I enjoy the scene when I have the
time to dabble in it. Anemia is at its third packet, and
do I have some things to tell you this month around.
On top of all the news this month, one of Anemias founders
from the Paw/Enigma Merge has quit Anemia this month and
went about his business. This man is DD, and he will be
well missed. Virtuoso will take over DDs job, and his
work will be well cut out for him, as Anemia has many
projects for the future to work out. The three people
running the Anemia half will now be Silver Blade,
Virtuoso, and myself MistaWho.
We have a new toon artist in the group. Tonto. From
what I saw of his work, it was only toons, so I will just
say that he is a toon artist. We need more of his kind,
and are always open to toon artists applications. Dont
be shy when you apply, we have a very open mind when we
are taking applications for the group.
This months pack might be a theme packet. Since at the
end of the month is Halloween, I am sure you can guess what
the theme is. Yes, its Cryptic Images and it might be part
of the packet, then again, it might not. I will leave that
up to Silver Blade. From the Cryptic Images work I have seen
so far from Silver Blade and other artist, it is impressive,
but I dont believe in theme packets that much. I havent
tried out a theme packet before though, so I have no idea
how you will respond to this. If the Cryptic Images idea
goes through, and you like it, e-mail me at mistawho@zipnet.com
or Silver Blade at essbee@zipnet.com and let us know what
you think of the theme packet this month.
I would like to take this part of the informational file to
thank AiM for showing me how I dont want the group to become.
Sometimes you will have mentors that will help you when you
think they can only harm you if even that. I now know how
I want to run the group, and it will be nothing like AiM.
Thank you AiM, for helping out the future of Anemia in a very
positive way. Just when you thought you slammed us, you actually
helped us.
I would like to say that Mung and Locke have turned in some very
nice work for the packet, and they are some of the most improved
members since they joined. Thanks to those two members for their
work. Also to Virtuoso, who I consider the next Cthulu in the
small yet alive literature scene. He always has something to
write about, and his presentation is an excellent example of what
literature should be. I am glad to be working with Virtuoso in
the building of a new dream, Anemia.
Although I dont remember him from last month, we have a very
decent ascii artist this month with A LOT of work for the packet.
His name is Nurumberg, and I am not sure if we got him from the
TMS/Anemia merge or if he is a member that applied. I know
that he is very good at what he does, and I am going to be happy
to put his work in the packets for the months to come.
If you would like to read my short story, The History of Anemia,
as Fantasized by Mistawho, then check out the Anemia Web Page,
where it will be put on very soon. Also check out the page for
new Anemia packets, and information on members and TMS. The
Anemia/TMS homepage is very bare at the moment, as Virtuoso is
redoing everything, but bare with him, as he will get it up and
going at full stream sooner or later. Also ftp to anemia.com for
the latest in Anemia packets and other such related files.
I unzipped last months TMS addition in the Anemia packet. I love
their work, and happy to have them part of us. I think merging
with TMS is the best decision Silver Blade has made thus far, and
I hope that we will acquire a good working relationship in the
months/years to come with Anemia.
SuperDave will no longer be putting together the Anemia packets,
but he will still be a huge part of the group. SuperDave is a
very talented ansi artist, and an even more talented coder. I
am glad that he is going to be staying with Anemia.
I received a few complaints from people out on IRC that Anemia
did not have Sauce descriptions in the September of 1995 packet,
I unzipped the packet and found this completely untrue, as it
kept the same professional standard that Anemia hopes to set in
the years to come.
I checked out Neurotics September of 1995 top pics, and I think
he has a very good idea going on. It is very much like the top
ten in UnderGrown, but with a much more and less biased diverse
crowd to pick from. I think he has an excellent idea, and if he
does happen to read this, keep it up. He always has something
to keep himself busy :.
Silver Blade turned in a lot of work this month. He never stops
to amaze me on how much of a work horse he really is. He runs
the group, takes applications, and still turns in usually more
work than anybody in the group, and of the highest quality. He
is a true example of a leader, and not a follower.
I havent written much in the way of literature lately, as that
is to the fact that I am doing so much for Anemia. I have acquired
many fans, and receive fan mail on multiple accounts. It really
does make a lonely literature artist happy when he knows that
somebody out there actually appreciates his work.
Last months packet was quite huge, in the case of this
packet not reaching last months size, dont worry. I
do have enough work for a big packet, but sometimes half
of it will not make it through the quality control. I
am putting the packet together in the same general way,
with only a few changes. Let me know what you think.
One reason why I have not written lately is because I think
I have writers block. If you would like something written
for you, like your BBS, or your group, then drop me a note.
Please include the theme that you wish me to write about.
This will not cost you anything, then again, charging for
literature especially amateur is pretty lame, so I
wont bother leeching money from you. Mail me at:
Please leave your e-mail address and I will have something
for you within 24 hours of receiving that letter, and the
literature will appear in the next Anemia release!
People always seem to remind me that I make a lot of typing
errors or just spelling in my works and in the info files.
Its not that I am under educated, its just that I dont
get a lot of time to go back and proof-read everything I
write. Yet, to further your reading enjoyment, I will now
go over every single piece of work I write and make sure I
catch all the errors I can. Just another way of saying that
the crew at Anemia cares for you. :
Thats it for the Anemia news this month. If you want
to get a hold of me to ask me a question, or if you want
to waist my time, or if your bored, you can mail me on
the internet at mistawho@zipnet.com. You can even
bug Silver Blade at essbee@zipnet.com. Happy doodling.
The following text hereafter was added on the day of the
release, and it is important information. PLEASE READ
You probably think that the information file is quite
dirty this month. It doesnt have a border, it doesnt
have a lot of things. That is due to the fact that
this was going to be coded into an e-mag if you will.
That idea was 86ed as SuperDave didnt want to code
the e-mag. All the information is put back together
in a very simple and working way. I wish it was more
organized, but I have to release the packet within the
next three hours, and I have no time for this.
The Cryptic Images idea did go through. It was very good
for a first attempt, be sure to check it out.
Now I can truly end the news this month around, take care.
-mistawho anemia.ss
Cryptic Images
In an attempt to further enhance our packs, Anemia has decided
to develop themes in some of our packs. This month is our
first attempt at developing a theme. The theme we have chosen
is Cryptic Images.
In the spirit of the month of October, the name Cryptic Images
has been chosen for obvious reasons. For those of you who may
not know these reasons, October is basically a month for fun
with ghosts, goblins, monsters, and those of the morbid and
dark side. The culmination of this month is Halloween, where
several things are celebrated.
This is our first shot at developing this theme, so there are
several loopholes in this pack. Not every single piece in the
pack will develop the theme, but it will be our goal to further
develop themes in the packs we choose to apply these themes to.
The main feature of Cryptic Images, we hope, is a combined ANSI
of several morbid and dark pieces of work. I will admit that
this hasnt been put together as well as we had planned, but
there is only one direction we could go with this concept, and
that is forward.
We do hope that you enjoy this pack. This attempt at deveoping
a theme is only another way to bring more variety and interest
in the National Art Scene. Even though Cryptic Images is a
failure, we now know what we must do to make it better the next
time around. If in your eyes it is a success, God bless you :
Anemias Plans
As most other groups, Anemia wants to only move forward. The
future of Anemia depends only on what its members make of it.
As Anemias presidents, Essbee and I want to make sure that
every member is performing to the best of his/her ability. We
want to make sure that every member epitomizes and grabs the
essence of what the art scene means.
Anemia wants to entertain every single person who takes a look
at our monthly packs. That is why we plan to once in a while
release packs that revolve around in a theme.
We are always looking to expand. As Anemia grows older, quality
control will get tougher, and members will be expected to put
out quality art. Anemia members are expected to grow with the
group. It is inevitable that we will relieve some members of
their Anemia status, but it is our hope that many status and
help make this group one of the best around the scene.
We are going to let time take its toll, and let time mature us
as an art group. Though patient as we are, we will still try
our best to improve and reach for the top. Groups such as iCE
and ACiD are very far and difficult to set sights on, but with
time, we are hoping that well be up there some day.
Out with the old in with the bold
First of all, Id like to say goodbye to the very person who
brought me into the artscene, Dd. Dd has resigned as a member
of Anemia and one of its co-presidents to move on to other
things. He is one of the founders of Anemia, and he has
definitely been a big part of its success. I have the honor
of replacing him as a co-president of Anemia, and I will make
sure Dd is not forgotten for what hes done for the group.
I would like to announce the return of MistaWho, the person
who is the most responsible for bringing Anemia into the
National Art Scene. As everyone knows, he left the art scene
a month ago, but he has returned, and is back with a vengeance!
Or maybe not. Nevertheless, hell be back in quality control,
making sure we put out the best pack possible.
There are a lot of other people who have been released for one
reason or another, but Im not going to mention their names,
probably because I dont remember who they are.
There are also a lot of new members. Among them are K-Os,
Spear, my brother Xanathos well...not yet, but hes vowed to
join Anemia once he gets the art down, PhantaX, and a whole
load more, or maybe not. We welcome them into the Anemia
clique, and hope that they enjoy their stay in Anemias ribbon
of art packs.
Remember: if you would like to join Anemia, fill out an
application and get it to us.
You can e-mail Essbee or me for more information. Look for our
e-mail addresses somewhere in this pack.
- Virtuoso Official Anemia Afro Puff
New Leadership
This month is a time of great changes for anemia productions. If you have
checked out the member listings then youll notice that dds name doesnt appear
on that list anymore.
Dd has been with anemia productions since its founding day and has been
known to have some of the best logos Ive seen in the entire scene, not to
mention funkiest. This month he has left to pursue other wishes of his, an emag
about music computer or musical bands.
Although well miss having the great inspiring ansi talent of him,god i feel
like im writing a fucking obituary.. we must move on. Now is the time for
Virtuoso to take the spot as Anemia Co-President. I hope Virt will be with us
for a very long time in the aid of the day-before-release-oh-shit-were-missing
-artwork-rush. Yeah, you leaders know what Im talkin about. :
Anemia General Information for 10/95
This section is for any changes for 10/95, new stuff, and whatever else we
feel like putting in here that doesnt fall into any of the other categories :
First order of business is the 09/95 packet. I personally apologize for the
mistakes of allowing just about anything into the packet. This month is going
to be different, I guarantee that. Now that MistaWho is back with us doing
quality control, things wont slip by as they did before. And now there will be
a music disk for anemias ONE musician, Human. We hope to gain more musicians
in the future and have a varying array of music in the disk.
Next, Tms wil be releasing seperately from us this month, but our merge will
stay closely intact. Theres a few reasons for me choosing to do this. 1: People
want to have the art and not the mods, or the mods and not the art. This way
it can be done easily, and for those that want both, just grab both when they
are released. 2: Packets are too goddamn big, and not even Maytrickz wanted to
get the packet , and he runs the Eastern HQ :.
Second order of business is just where the hell did Anemia come from? Many of
you think you know the story behind us, but there is alot to tell. We come
mostly from 206-- the lamest area code that I have ever seen. We have a total
of 16 groups, 2 art, 2 coding, 11 are very poor quality art, and that leaves
just one group to lead 206 out of the hole - Anemia. Wow! sb knows math!@
Our main plan is simple- to get 206 out of the hole and get a good
international standing. Although alot of this is just a re-cap of what was said
in 08/95, not everyone got that packet, and so Im hoping you all get this one
and read the information file.
-silverblade anemia founder . tms ss
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