this image contains text
UnReaL E-Mag in full effect!!!
--------------UnReaL 1---------------------------------------------------------
/ virt
--------------UnReaL 2---------------------------------------------------------
/ U n R e a L /
/ read it, and youre instantly cool!
E - M A G A Z I N E
--------------UnReaL 3---------------------------------------------------------
. . U n R e a L E - M A G . .
/ virt
--------------UnReaL 4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, this logo colly is dedicated to UnReaL E-Mag.pretty obvious, huh?
Hopefully by now, UnReaL has released its first issue, and if it hasnt, well,
thats just too bad. Greets to the UnReaL staff, especially to Ranma, iM,
Night Angel, King Saver, Nivenh, and Leonardo.
As always, Id like to greet Essbee, Dd, Mistawho, Mung, Buckwheat, Coug, and
everyone else in Anemia. Id also like to greet Kid Krylon who will
eventually be making me a few more Vs.
Id like this to be my final ASCII colly, but I could be wrong. ASCII pics may
be in my future, and may theyre not.
Long Live the ASCII Scene, as long as lamers dont plague it and use it as an
easy channel to enter the art scene.
UnReaL E-Mag in full effect!!!
--------------UnReaL 1---------------------------------------------------------
/ virt
--------------UnReaL 2---------------------------------------------------------
/ U n R e a L /
/ read it, and youre instantly cool!
E - M A G A Z I N E
--------------UnReaL 3---------------------------------------------------------
. . U n R e a L E - M A G . .
/ virt
--------------UnReaL 4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, this logo colly is dedicated to UnReaL E-Mag.pretty obvious, huh?
Hopefully by now, UnReaL has released its first issue, and if it hasnt, well,
thats just too bad. Greets to the UnReaL staff, especially to Ranma, iM,
Night Angel, King Saver, Nivenh, and Leonardo.
As always, Id like to greet Essbee, Dd, Mistawho, Mung, Buckwheat, Coug, and
everyone else in Anemia. Id also like to greet Kid Krylon who will
eventually be making me a few more Vs.
Id like this to be my final ASCII colly, but I could be wrong. ASCII pics may
be in my future, and may theyre not.
Long Live the ASCII Scene, as long as lamers dont plague it and use it as an
easy channel to enter the art scene.
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