this image contains text
By the time yo
u read this, Anemia is out, and I,
, is sitting there offering it on IRC. I
am sure qu
ite a few of you know me from the fights
that I liked to get int
o. I have messed around in
the scene for a while no
w, and I never did see a
206 group as good as Anemia come through during
that tim
e. Now that Anemia is alive, I know that
206 is going to get a better name. They Anemia
Members might not be the best, but they are very
ted to bringing good art to the scene.
The group is basically
here to revive 206, a once
huge area code that has recently slowed down to just
about n
othing. With Anemia, we plan to change the
status of
206, and bring better art to it. Just
here to make 206 a better looking place.
I will b
e taking over Quality Assurance along with
Silver Blade and dd, and it is very strict. This
packet isnt
up to ice or acid quality, but we are
still ne
w, get that in mind. We have a very long
time ah
ead of us until we reach such quality, but all
of us plan to be her
e however long it takes to make
this t
he group of 206. Enough blabbing about how
great the group is, lets talk about members.
Silver Blade, what a story. There is this little
group ca
lled RaT, which just about everybody thinks
is the lamest thing to come along in a while, and
Good old Silver Blade was once in it. He was just
at ansi, couldnt do anything. Now he is
a promotional ansi for teklordz, and he is
also easily the b
est logo artist in 206. He just
keeps getting better, and better, and he said he
shall n
ever leave Anemia.
DD is a very nice ansi artist, hell if I know what
DD sta
nds for, he hasnt told me :. He makes some
damn g
reat logos, like the gothic font he made for
the Anemia Application
Generator. He is also one
of the founders, so he has no choice but to learn
how to
be one of the best members of Anemia.
Coug makes some wonderful pics, and he thinks they
are just horrible. The artist of his own wor
k will
always be his wors
e Critic, so its ok. He made a
very decent pic for this very packet, check it out,
with a logo from DD in it too.
o, whoa. I didnt know what to say when I
first read his liter
ature. He might not be the
but it just made me wonder, where the hell
did this come from? I
dont remember anything he
wrote, so I dont say th
at he is ripping. Its
very easy reading, and I look forward to seeing
a lot mo
re from him.
Locke is a kick ass RIP artist, I dont know what
Area C
ode he is from, but he is great. I hope he
leaves the group.
Mung, our best Full length pic artist. He makes
some sl
amming ansis. Just keep a watch out for
this guy,
he could be the next big thing.
it this month. If you want to get the pack
it wil
l always be on peace.wit.com in the directory
of /ansi. If you have
any further questions, then
just read ANE-0895.RUL, later.
Back a
bout January of 95, Paw was started.
this is where it all began, so shall
this information
file.The premiere packet
was nothing at all to write home about, and
probably hurt the rep of 2
06 more than it
was. The feb. packet still sucked as
it was
only local 206 members with no inter-
national sites or an
ything. Then April came.
That w
as the first big turning point for paw.
ver, it didnt turn out too great because
on the original irc rele
ase, I had forgotten
to compress the packet :. May came and went
incredibly quick and the pack was delayed till
the 26th. Jeeze, and people think Acid releases
late :
. June also came by very quickly with a
pack o
f lousy art work and throught this whole
timeperiod there was no
quality control. Then
July hit, the second major turning point for paw.
The art
was decent I guess, since Mistawho still
uses some
logos I made for him back then. Nearly
immediately after the release of the packet I left
ENiGMA. About a week later, I joined back up
nd dd called me up one day and thought we
should merge. I said it sounded good, and here we
are now. Som
e of the first things we decided to do:
A: have
quality control
B: have both preside
nts of Paw and ENiGMA become
the fo
unders/presidents and all senior staff from
oth groups are senior staff of Anemia.
And quality control did we get. Back in May of 95,
I made a
request for Mistawho to join as he was
pretty much dead in the scene without a net account
and running a door game only board. I never got a
from him as right after that request, he took
the bo
ard down and started building the all new
Batkave, which I
hadnt known until a month later.
As many of you already know Mistawhos background
in the
scene, I wont go into it. Approximately a
week befor
e I began writing this informational file,
Mistawho took up my offer to join as quality control-
Senior staff. Like his board, Anemia is here
to give
206 a go
od reputation. Currently we have 20+ members,
and for a premiere group as anemia is, thats pretty
nice. As you
may have noticed, this is only our debut
packet t
o show you just what we can do. If you would
like th
e real August 1995 packet it will be released
shortly after this v
ery debut packet.
We are sorry to say that DD, Coug, and Flatline did
not wri
te anything for this informational file, but
I am sure
Silver Blade and myself made our point
very clear, so lets get on with the packet.
o Anemia/Revolt/Disco
a m
9 a
9 1
By the time yo
u read this, Anemia is out, and I,
, is sitting there offering it on IRC. I
am sure qu
ite a few of you know me from the fights
that I liked to get int
o. I have messed around in
the scene for a while no
w, and I never did see a
206 group as good as Anemia come through during
that tim
e. Now that Anemia is alive, I know that
206 is going to get a better name. They Anemia
Members might not be the best, but they are very
ted to bringing good art to the scene.
The group is basically
here to revive 206, a once
huge area code that has recently slowed down to just
about n
othing. With Anemia, we plan to change the
status of
206, and bring better art to it. Just
here to make 206 a better looking place.
I will b
e taking over Quality Assurance along with
Silver Blade and dd, and it is very strict. This
packet isnt
up to ice or acid quality, but we are
still ne
w, get that in mind. We have a very long
time ah
ead of us until we reach such quality, but all
of us plan to be her
e however long it takes to make
this t
he group of 206. Enough blabbing about how
great the group is, lets talk about members.
Silver Blade, what a story. There is this little
group ca
lled RaT, which just about everybody thinks
is the lamest thing to come along in a while, and
Good old Silver Blade was once in it. He was just
at ansi, couldnt do anything. Now he is
a promotional ansi for teklordz, and he is
also easily the b
est logo artist in 206. He just
keeps getting better, and better, and he said he
shall n
ever leave Anemia.
DD is a very nice ansi artist, hell if I know what
DD sta
nds for, he hasnt told me :. He makes some
damn g
reat logos, like the gothic font he made for
the Anemia Application
Generator. He is also one
of the founders, so he has no choice but to learn
how to
be one of the best members of Anemia.
Coug makes some wonderful pics, and he thinks they
are just horrible. The artist of his own wor
k will
always be his wors
e Critic, so its ok. He made a
very decent pic for this very packet, check it out,
with a logo from DD in it too.
o, whoa. I didnt know what to say when I
first read his liter
ature. He might not be the
but it just made me wonder, where the hell
did this come from? I
dont remember anything he
wrote, so I dont say th
at he is ripping. Its
very easy reading, and I look forward to seeing
a lot mo
re from him.
Locke is a kick ass RIP artist, I dont know what
Area C
ode he is from, but he is great. I hope he
leaves the group.
Mung, our best Full length pic artist. He makes
some sl
amming ansis. Just keep a watch out for
this guy,
he could be the next big thing.
it this month. If you want to get the pack
it wil
l always be on peace.wit.com in the directory
of /ansi. If you have
any further questions, then
just read ANE-0895.RUL, later.
Back a
bout January of 95, Paw was started.
this is where it all began, so shall
this information
file.The premiere packet
was nothing at all to write home about, and
probably hurt the rep of 2
06 more than it
was. The feb. packet still sucked as
it was
only local 206 members with no inter-
national sites or an
ything. Then April came.
That w
as the first big turning point for paw.
ver, it didnt turn out too great because
on the original irc rele
ase, I had forgotten
to compress the packet :. May came and went
incredibly quick and the pack was delayed till
the 26th. Jeeze, and people think Acid releases
late :
. June also came by very quickly with a
pack o
f lousy art work and throught this whole
timeperiod there was no
quality control. Then
July hit, the second major turning point for paw.
The art
was decent I guess, since Mistawho still
uses some
logos I made for him back then. Nearly
immediately after the release of the packet I left
ENiGMA. About a week later, I joined back up
nd dd called me up one day and thought we
should merge. I said it sounded good, and here we
are now. Som
e of the first things we decided to do:
A: have
quality control
B: have both preside
nts of Paw and ENiGMA become
the fo
unders/presidents and all senior staff from
oth groups are senior staff of Anemia.
And quality control did we get. Back in May of 95,
I made a
request for Mistawho to join as he was
pretty much dead in the scene without a net account
and running a door game only board. I never got a
from him as right after that request, he took
the bo
ard down and started building the all new
Batkave, which I
hadnt known until a month later.
As many of you already know Mistawhos background
in the
scene, I wont go into it. Approximately a
week befor
e I began writing this informational file,
Mistawho took up my offer to join as quality control-
Senior staff. Like his board, Anemia is here
to give
206 a go
od reputation. Currently we have 20+ members,
and for a premiere group as anemia is, thats pretty
nice. As you
may have noticed, this is only our debut
packet t
o show you just what we can do. If you would
like th
e real August 1995 packet it will be released
shortly after this v
ery debut packet.
We are sorry to say that DD, Coug, and Flatline did
not wri
te anything for this informational file, but
I am sure
Silver Blade and myself made our point
very clear, so lets get on with the packet.
o Anemia/Revolt/Disco
a m
9 a
9 1
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