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anemia news ..
Anemia June 1996 Information
Anemia has changed tremendously over the past two months.
However, you should already know thats nothing new. Youre probably
wondering what happened to last months pack? Well, last month a
large number of logos were turned in, however very few pics were
completed for the pack due to the busy lives of the members of Anemia.
Anemia has decided not to release any sub-par packs anymore, so weve
waited until now to release.
Memberlist Changes
The memberlist is one of the things which has changed most over
the last couple months. Essbee, a co-founder of Anemia has returned
from his break from the art scene. However, he has decided not to run
the group this time, he will continue to draw for Anemia though.
Phantax has been moved up to Vice President, and will assist in
running the group now since his position in the group. Virtuoso seems
to have vanished, so hes been taken out of the position of Vice
Presidency. Black Knight, and Psychoholic have also returned to the
group that refuses to die. On a sadder note, Pixel Pusher has
temporarily left the scene, though he plans on returning sometime
during the next school year. He did find time to contribute a
promotional VGA which is included in this packet for Anger however.
Flame has also left Anemia because he doesnt have enough time to run
Humid, and also draw for us anymore. Clorox Cowboy left Anemia for
reasons which he hasnt made completely clear. One thing that has
become evident about Anemia is that no matter what happens to our
memberlist, the group wont die. There are just too many devoted
members who will always stay in the group as long as theyre in the
Anemia Headquarters
Another important issue for Anemia is our site listing. If you
run an Anemia headquarter you must send mail to coug@zipnet.com in the
next month if your board is going to keep its status as a headquarter.
Some of the sites were accepted long ago, and may not even be up
anymore. There are many other boards which are run by people active in
the group who are much more deserving of having their board as an
Anemia headquarter than some of the current Sysops. The Anemia members
wont be expected to call outside of their country to see if they are
up, so if you want your boards status as an Anemia headquarter to
continue dont forget to send mail to Coug. However, if you dont run
a site, please dont ask us for it to become one.
Anemia Rocks Your World Once Again
Great job to all of the members who have contributed art to this
packet. Anemia keeps improving all the time, and by the looks of
things will continue to improve. A special thanks to Shadow Image who
is making a guest appearance in the pack this month with an Anemia
loader. This is definitely one of the better Anemia packs, and the
improvement of the artists over the last few months should be very
evident when viewing their work.
- Coug
anemia news ..
Anemia June 1996 Information
Anemia has changed tremendously over the past two months.
However, you should already know thats nothing new. Youre probably
wondering what happened to last months pack? Well, last month a
large number of logos were turned in, however very few pics were
completed for the pack due to the busy lives of the members of Anemia.
Anemia has decided not to release any sub-par packs anymore, so weve
waited until now to release.
Memberlist Changes
The memberlist is one of the things which has changed most over
the last couple months. Essbee, a co-founder of Anemia has returned
from his break from the art scene. However, he has decided not to run
the group this time, he will continue to draw for Anemia though.
Phantax has been moved up to Vice President, and will assist in
running the group now since his position in the group. Virtuoso seems
to have vanished, so hes been taken out of the position of Vice
Presidency. Black Knight, and Psychoholic have also returned to the
group that refuses to die. On a sadder note, Pixel Pusher has
temporarily left the scene, though he plans on returning sometime
during the next school year. He did find time to contribute a
promotional VGA which is included in this packet for Anger however.
Flame has also left Anemia because he doesnt have enough time to run
Humid, and also draw for us anymore. Clorox Cowboy left Anemia for
reasons which he hasnt made completely clear. One thing that has
become evident about Anemia is that no matter what happens to our
memberlist, the group wont die. There are just too many devoted
members who will always stay in the group as long as theyre in the
Anemia Headquarters
Another important issue for Anemia is our site listing. If you
run an Anemia headquarter you must send mail to coug@zipnet.com in the
next month if your board is going to keep its status as a headquarter.
Some of the sites were accepted long ago, and may not even be up
anymore. There are many other boards which are run by people active in
the group who are much more deserving of having their board as an
Anemia headquarter than some of the current Sysops. The Anemia members
wont be expected to call outside of their country to see if they are
up, so if you want your boards status as an Anemia headquarter to
continue dont forget to send mail to Coug. However, if you dont run
a site, please dont ask us for it to become one.
Anemia Rocks Your World Once Again
Great job to all of the members who have contributed art to this
packet. Anemia keeps improving all the time, and by the looks of
things will continue to improve. A special thanks to Shadow Image who
is making a guest appearance in the pack this month with an Anemia
loader. This is definitely one of the better Anemia packs, and the
improvement of the artists over the last few months should be very
evident when viewing their work.
- Coug
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