this image contains text
+.--,----------------------------------------------------------------------,--.+A Death Angel c0lly! buncha c0llys all done by me. me dA! of anemia is acceptingansi request one logo for 1 dollar. any kind of logo you want i will make.
my address is on the buttom. da!
---tr.logo------- --------------------------------------------------,--.+ da h00d aut0-m3ssage crap m0tha-fuckah!.
da! want ansi? send mail to
+ .-,----- ---------.- .+ death angel on any board im on/
da h00d of 206! name.numba.board shit. blah!
+ .-,------------------.-, .+ 1 dollar an ansi. put in mail too.
,. c0lly ., ,. ansi. .,
---------------- -- ------------------ anemia kickin ass in 96 motha fuckah . straight up to all you wiggers.
,. Da ho0d l0go .,
da!------ ---------- ------------------------------ ----------
., da hood infomation ,.
-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------,.sta lg0.,
sta. obv/2
3yeballs --
oDium logo : death angel.ane
If you want an ansi from me write on a piece of paper your boards name and
info and mail it to **** n ***st
******* , *a 9***3
if you want ansi from me ask death angel somewheres. its 25 cents an ansi.
my address is on the buttom. da!
---tr.logo------- --------------------------------------------------,--.+ da h00d aut0-m3ssage crap m0tha-fuckah!.
da! want ansi? send mail to
+ .-,----- ---------.- .+ death angel on any board im on/
da h00d of 206! name.numba.board shit. blah!
+ .-,------------------.-, .+ 1 dollar an ansi. put in mail too.
,. c0lly ., ,. ansi. .,
---------------- -- ------------------ anemia kickin ass in 96 motha fuckah . straight up to all you wiggers.
,. Da ho0d l0go .,
da!------ ---------- ------------------------------ ----------
., da hood infomation ,.
-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------,.sta lg0.,
sta. obv/2
3yeballs --
oDium logo : death angel.ane
If you want an ansi from me write on a piece of paper your boards name and
info and mail it to **** n ***st
******* , *a 9***3
if you want ansi from me ask death angel somewheres. its 25 cents an ansi.
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