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a n e m i a m e m be r l i s t i ngf o r a p r i l 1 9 9 6
Vice President
Blatz, Crimeboss, Clorox Cowboy, Death Angel, Flame, Flight,
Human, IceCold, Locke, Mung, Penguin, Phantax, Pixel Pusher,
Coding Contributor Alumni
Nightrider CatBones Essbee
a n e m i a s i t e l i s t i n g
World Headquarters
BatKave 206 242-7645
Sysop: Coug
Eastern USHQ Western USHQ
Scum 606 266-6720 Mist 619 727-7843
Sysop: Blatz Sysop: Vertigo
Northern USHQ Southern USHQ
Freak Scene 907 276-0003 The Globe 407 264-4966
Sysop: Kaligula Sysop: Clorox Cowboy
Eastern Canada HQ Western Canada HQ
High Orbit 613 741-8236 Ides of March 403 273-8928
Sysop: Flight Sysop: Nuremberg
Australian HQ Brazilian HQ
The Deep Umbra +617-3202-8973 Medusa +55011-842-8667
Sysop: Squidgalator Sysop: Jungle
German HQ Israeli HQ
Fortress of Chaos +49-5401-45175 Artnophobia 972 XXX-XXXX
Sysop: Trancesonic Sysop: Youthnasia
Russian HQ South African HQ
Mutant Unlimitted XXX XXX-XXXX Toxic Delusions +27 24 852 5008
Sysop: Master Death Sysop: Toxic Entity
Switzerland HQ
The Neutral Zone +41-32-418860
Sysops: Wave/Locutus
i n t e r n e t
FTP: temporarily wuarchive.wustl.edu
WWW: under construcition weber.u.washington.edu/punchy
a n e m i a m e m be r l i s t i ngf o r a p r i l 1 9 9 6
Vice President
Blatz, Crimeboss, Clorox Cowboy, Death Angel, Flame, Flight,
Human, IceCold, Locke, Mung, Penguin, Phantax, Pixel Pusher,
Coding Contributor Alumni
Nightrider CatBones Essbee
a n e m i a s i t e l i s t i n g
World Headquarters
BatKave 206 242-7645
Sysop: Coug
Eastern USHQ Western USHQ
Scum 606 266-6720 Mist 619 727-7843
Sysop: Blatz Sysop: Vertigo
Northern USHQ Southern USHQ
Freak Scene 907 276-0003 The Globe 407 264-4966
Sysop: Kaligula Sysop: Clorox Cowboy
Eastern Canada HQ Western Canada HQ
High Orbit 613 741-8236 Ides of March 403 273-8928
Sysop: Flight Sysop: Nuremberg
Australian HQ Brazilian HQ
The Deep Umbra +617-3202-8973 Medusa +55011-842-8667
Sysop: Squidgalator Sysop: Jungle
German HQ Israeli HQ
Fortress of Chaos +49-5401-45175 Artnophobia 972 XXX-XXXX
Sysop: Trancesonic Sysop: Youthnasia
Russian HQ South African HQ
Mutant Unlimitted XXX XXX-XXXX Toxic Delusions +27 24 852 5008
Sysop: Master Death Sysop: Toxic Entity
Switzerland HQ
The Neutral Zone +41-32-418860
Sysops: Wave/Locutus
i n t e r n e t
FTP: temporarily wuarchive.wustl.edu
WWW: under construcition weber.u.washington.edu/punchy
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