this image contains text
skewl sux, parents sux, government sux, lif
e sux
...that beatles anth
ology is wicked tho
anemia nine six
re sbmassdvirtforlampbennymxanarchistak if you want me t
ew cook up some
ansi for your sorry little bbs/wutevah, send me an de
scription and stuph to
garfield@c-zone.net,and im also rival@irc
e sux
...that beatles anth
ology is wicked tho
anemia nine six
re sbmassdvirtforlampbennymxanarchistak if you want me t
ew cook up some
ansi for your sorry little bbs/wutevah, send me an de
scription and stuph to
garfield@c-zone.net,and im also rival@irc
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