this image contains text
a n e m i a
l o g o b y p h a n e m i a
--------------- silverblade ane
Welcome to anemia February 1996 compilation. What sweet music to my ears after a long anemia rest. In this packet we bring
you quite possibly the best anemia has ever had to offer.
Although Virtuoso has not completed quality checking all of the
artwork in this packet, well over 80 of the artwork I receieved
would have gone into the packet. However I am not sure how Virtuosos quality checking will be.
This month anemia has come through with large and great improvements, both in the fields of members, and in quality. Some
great improvements on members would be people such as Pixel Pusha
and IllusionX, both from a high fame in the scene. And some new
faces in anemia would be from the Anemia/Jello merge The Fool and
Some of our great quality improvements can be seen in such ansi pics by Rev, Coug, Mortos and Phantax, to name a few. We are
sorry to say that some of the founders of putting anemia on the
map in the way of pictures are currently sleeping in this month
and those people would be Nuremberg, Shatters and Clorox Cowboy. There are others as well , but Im a
lazy bitch so youll just have to look
at the packet.
Oh yeah, before I forget, Tsk or The
Silent Killer for those who dont know
joined anemia as just some senior staff
position, doing whatever the hell he wants to. Just cuz hes so damn leet.
And our elite vice president virtuoso plans on drawing ansi pics sometime as suspected, virt is taking
soon, I phear the thought of that. doodle classes at Nootropics
school for the doodle impaired
silverblade ane
In other news, Anemia had its first conf ever on Jan 29th.
It began at about 7pm pacific time and ended sometime Jan 30th. Although we had good intensions with this conf, it turned out to
be utter mayhem after the first half hour. Id like to take some
time out to say that Anemias VGA Co-ordinator, MayTrickZ sounds
suprisingly like a taxi cab driver from New York.
Many members that had gotten on
the conf and refused to get off
it when I told them repeatedly have risked me being an evil
bastard and lowering them down
yellow cab to trial member status, I think
you all know who you are, so I wont go through the trouble of embarassing you. In any case
I would like to apologize to
MayTrickZ quit doing VGA for Penguin and Tsk for wasting
his secret day job...taxi their time on this pathetic conf driver -- Im really sorry.
In even more elite news, anemia has set up a mailing list for members to get on. Yay. If you are a member and have yet to get
on the list, contact essbee via email :essbee@zipnet.com: or on IRC as essbee. Thank you.
fonebone ane
Yo foolz. You must be wondering why theres a bunch of ansis
and logos in the pack with the group names jello and trauma
on them.. well, fresh, the founder of trauma/jello, called ld
a little too much and lost his fone line .. then the group
got handed over to me and the fool, and we decided that itd be best if we merged with anemia. Well, it seems to have been a good
idea so far. The only thing is, we
didnt want to have a full merge,
or else thered be way too many jell-o
members in anemia. So, if you were in trauma/jello and submitted for
february pack, but your stuff isnt
in this pack, then I guess youre out of a group. If anyone else
wants to continue jello, go right mom!! my jello has a blood
ahead. disorder!
coug ane
Last month was without a doubt a very big
disappointment not only to Anemia members, but also to all of
our many crowds of swarming fans. Even the groupies that
normally wait for the Anemia studs to release the pack were a little disappointed. People around the scene have a problem
with thinking that everything is dead because it has a low
point in its level of quality. Its too bad that they have to be be disappointed, but everything has a low point. Most people made the huge mistake of saying Anemias dying..,
or some were bold enough to say that its already dead. This didnt really surprise me since people have said that even in Anemias best months. Its almost inevitable for an art group
to have alot of high and low points though. Last month alot
of our very important pic artists had other things to do that
they placed higher on their priority list than the art scene. The absence of those many high-quality pics was noticable when
people looked at the pack. Rumors have said that this is
probably the reason that Anemia members havent had quite as many groupies stalking them the past month, though well see
if these rumors are true after this pack is released.
I really hate sitting here saying WERE THE BEST!@ WELL NEVER DIE!@,
which is why Im not doing it. I dont
want to pull a Union and sit here for
months saying that nothing was ever wrong
when I know very well that last month was a low point. Im not trying to get down
on any of the Ex-Union members because I
had alot of respect for that group. Anemia has potential, and has shown it
this month by sucking up the criticism
that everyone has given to us and having Doctor silverblade in
by far our best month ever. If we action trying to revive continue to improve the way that we have anemia since our first pack back in august we should be able to contend
with the heavy-weights of the scene ie. Acid, and Ice.
a n e m i a
l o g o b y p h a n e m i a
--------------- silverblade ane
Welcome to anemia February 1996 compilation. What sweet music to my ears after a long anemia rest. In this packet we bring
you quite possibly the best anemia has ever had to offer.
Although Virtuoso has not completed quality checking all of the
artwork in this packet, well over 80 of the artwork I receieved
would have gone into the packet. However I am not sure how Virtuosos quality checking will be.
This month anemia has come through with large and great improvements, both in the fields of members, and in quality. Some
great improvements on members would be people such as Pixel Pusha
and IllusionX, both from a high fame in the scene. And some new
faces in anemia would be from the Anemia/Jello merge The Fool and
Some of our great quality improvements can be seen in such ansi pics by Rev, Coug, Mortos and Phantax, to name a few. We are
sorry to say that some of the founders of putting anemia on the
map in the way of pictures are currently sleeping in this month
and those people would be Nuremberg, Shatters and Clorox Cowboy. There are others as well , but Im a
lazy bitch so youll just have to look
at the packet.
Oh yeah, before I forget, Tsk or The
Silent Killer for those who dont know
joined anemia as just some senior staff
position, doing whatever the hell he wants to. Just cuz hes so damn leet.
And our elite vice president virtuoso plans on drawing ansi pics sometime as suspected, virt is taking
soon, I phear the thought of that. doodle classes at Nootropics
school for the doodle impaired
silverblade ane
In other news, Anemia had its first conf ever on Jan 29th.
It began at about 7pm pacific time and ended sometime Jan 30th. Although we had good intensions with this conf, it turned out to
be utter mayhem after the first half hour. Id like to take some
time out to say that Anemias VGA Co-ordinator, MayTrickZ sounds
suprisingly like a taxi cab driver from New York.
Many members that had gotten on
the conf and refused to get off
it when I told them repeatedly have risked me being an evil
bastard and lowering them down
yellow cab to trial member status, I think
you all know who you are, so I wont go through the trouble of embarassing you. In any case
I would like to apologize to
MayTrickZ quit doing VGA for Penguin and Tsk for wasting
his secret day job...taxi their time on this pathetic conf driver -- Im really sorry.
In even more elite news, anemia has set up a mailing list for members to get on. Yay. If you are a member and have yet to get
on the list, contact essbee via email :essbee@zipnet.com: or on IRC as essbee. Thank you.
fonebone ane
Yo foolz. You must be wondering why theres a bunch of ansis
and logos in the pack with the group names jello and trauma
on them.. well, fresh, the founder of trauma/jello, called ld
a little too much and lost his fone line .. then the group
got handed over to me and the fool, and we decided that itd be best if we merged with anemia. Well, it seems to have been a good
idea so far. The only thing is, we
didnt want to have a full merge,
or else thered be way too many jell-o
members in anemia. So, if you were in trauma/jello and submitted for
february pack, but your stuff isnt
in this pack, then I guess youre out of a group. If anyone else
wants to continue jello, go right mom!! my jello has a blood
ahead. disorder!
coug ane
Last month was without a doubt a very big
disappointment not only to Anemia members, but also to all of
our many crowds of swarming fans. Even the groupies that
normally wait for the Anemia studs to release the pack were a little disappointed. People around the scene have a problem
with thinking that everything is dead because it has a low
point in its level of quality. Its too bad that they have to be be disappointed, but everything has a low point. Most people made the huge mistake of saying Anemias dying..,
or some were bold enough to say that its already dead. This didnt really surprise me since people have said that even in Anemias best months. Its almost inevitable for an art group
to have alot of high and low points though. Last month alot
of our very important pic artists had other things to do that
they placed higher on their priority list than the art scene. The absence of those many high-quality pics was noticable when
people looked at the pack. Rumors have said that this is
probably the reason that Anemia members havent had quite as many groupies stalking them the past month, though well see
if these rumors are true after this pack is released.
I really hate sitting here saying WERE THE BEST!@ WELL NEVER DIE!@,
which is why Im not doing it. I dont
want to pull a Union and sit here for
months saying that nothing was ever wrong
when I know very well that last month was a low point. Im not trying to get down
on any of the Ex-Union members because I
had alot of respect for that group. Anemia has potential, and has shown it
this month by sucking up the criticism
that everyone has given to us and having Doctor silverblade in
by far our best month ever. If we action trying to revive continue to improve the way that we have anemia since our first pack back in august we should be able to contend
with the heavy-weights of the scene ie. Acid, and Ice.
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