this image contains text
a n e m i a
Logo Collection 5
r c
i l
c e
heres your stats on this elite board
your name: bbs calls today:
your total calls: bbs u/ls today:
your time left: bbs d/ls today:
your dl points: bbs new users today:
your msg posts: bbs total messages:
your d/ls: bbs total files:
your u/ls: bbs time:
your security: bbs date:
silverblade... mad circle...
silverblade... JuaNz JuareZ...
c i r c l e
mad circle ... main menu
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
silverblade... madcircle menu set...
phantax silverblade
silverblade phantax... angel dust...
q 0 k
q u a r t o f k 0 0 l a i d
-mg anemia
there is n0 reas0n f0r this b0x...
mung... quart of koolaid...
b o d y c o u n t
mg ane
mung... body count...
--FINALLY.. The end of the logo collys!!@!@-------------------------------
thanks to all who participated in making this logo colly thing such a fucking
huge idea.. NEXT MONTH I will be very strict on logos, as there will be only
2 collys, so in other words.. make it hard for me to decide what goes in the
collies.. And more importantly -- Do MORE pICS@
- silverblade
a n e m i a
Logo Collection 5
r c
i l
c e
heres your stats on this elite board
your name: bbs calls today:
your total calls: bbs u/ls today:
your time left: bbs d/ls today:
your dl points: bbs new users today:
your msg posts: bbs total messages:
your d/ls: bbs total files:
your u/ls: bbs time:
your security: bbs date:
silverblade... mad circle...
silverblade... JuaNz JuareZ...
c i r c l e
mad circle ... main menu
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
xx command xx command xx command xx command
silverblade... madcircle menu set...
phantax silverblade
silverblade phantax... angel dust...
q 0 k
q u a r t o f k 0 0 l a i d
-mg anemia
there is n0 reas0n f0r this b0x...
mung... quart of koolaid...
b o d y c o u n t
mg ane
mung... body count...
--FINALLY.. The end of the logo collys!!@!@-------------------------------
thanks to all who participated in making this logo colly thing such a fucking
huge idea.. NEXT MONTH I will be very strict on logos, as there will be only
2 collys, so in other words.. make it hard for me to decide what goes in the
collies.. And more importantly -- Do MORE pICS@
- silverblade

- title
- Logo Collection #5
- author
- ;:Anemia:;
- group
- .;:Anemia:;.
- date
- 1995-12-31
- comments
- datatype
- character
- filetype
- ansi
- filetype info
width: 80
height: 157
icecolors: no
letter spacing: not specified
legacy aspect: not specified
- artist(s)
- group(s)
- content
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