this image contains text
some damn diz ascii i cant find goes here
.alive oSEVEN.nine-f0 nfo file
.by mass delusion/alive global coordinator
man, this month was both fast and slow. fast, it went by.
slow, i didnt do shit, i can tell you that much. : I started
a mega length Donkey Kong/Mario ansi and stuff, but its not even
close to being done. So, that means im not accounted for.
Several members arent, we shouldnt even REALLY release this.. but
hey, our fans on IRC beckon us to irrationality!
enough nonsense.
now, we know this isnt our best pack.
but we tried, and trying is all that counts.
now look in the mirror, go on, do it now.
say to yourself, i know i can do better than this.
because im good enough, im strong enough, and doggone it,
people like us.
.daily affirmations by stuart smalley
.warning: not a licensed psychologist
anyhow.. not much has happened this month - a bunch of
new members and sites that were pending and stuff like that
ansi - dive - this dude kicks ass, nuff said. glad to have the MF
on the alive side of the scene. call his board too.
ascii - tinyz - hes the mack from israel. what more do we say?
doing a joint effort with alive and kts!ascii! w0rd!
couriering - winter rose - the ice courier, shes helping us out
too, because our couriering sucks. as youve noticed. or
not as the case may be
coding - str!ct9 - a new coder, did a little loader for me this
pack, looks strong, hoping to see strong shit from da d00d.
deletions - the alive couriering staff from before.
schitzo - guy hasnt called in ever, fone bill etc, no hard
feelings with this guy.
nightrain - went to shiver or some shit like that.. who
smirk - i dunno if hes gone.. things are up in the air.
denizen - read below.. down aways...
Lets just say nothing is new, byteman has been moving, and
the thing is still sorry. We might have an all new viewer soon, but
who knows, and if you can code viewers, we need you. I cant get
the thing to run on my pooter with sound, so i dunno about yall..
but the mod included is new, unreleased, just for our viewer!
Its by Quarex, of TFX. The song title is Barbituadee and is just
a really mellow, chilling song to view this pack with. Youll
probably like this to the cool but repetetive smoke on the water
mod that we had been including. grin have fun, and big greets go
to Quarex, TFX productions, meet him on TRAX.
ALiVE And New Boards
Well, ya know how I said for sushi x to get in touch with
us? I just happened to see his board number on CZ! and gave it a
call. Hes back on Alive dist status and has joined MRi network.
welcome aboard sush-meister! A couple months ago, Sociopath/Maestro
agreed on a deal, for an alive site, well the deal wasnt completed
until this month. Now Death Row in 413 will help represent us in
the east. Welcome to alive and mri!
Big thanks to Beastie, my now long time friend, for agreeing
to allow us to convert our HQ to member run boards. CZ!, has been
converted from the alive western hq into the alive advice and
consolation hq, my personal crying grounds. Beastie has helped
me out more than he knows, and I thank him for it again and again,
regardless of his belief in deserving it. Congratulations to
the mack daddy of alive - the ever working and promoting - the
terbium meister himself - ABOMINATION! Aboms board Temporal
Distortion has assumed the western hq position, and rightfully so
for the work hes put into the group. Thank you abom, youve helped
me immensely. Call it at 510/283.4430, ALiVE Western HQ.
Denizen and the rip.
Terbium, the mag. run by abomination. it was great, minus
one teensy little bit of bad judgement by a alive member. Denizen
decided, a hed borrow Minor Threats font without giving credit
for it, and b hed use a half-circle from an ancient King Midas ACiD
ansi. So essentially, DNs interface was artistically, by other
people. This is not what we expect of alive members, nor is it
what abomination expects of terbium seniors. Both groups have
dropped him from their memberlists. However, alive, is releasing
his final ansi, that he drew AFTER the rip. Why? Because frankly,
we believe in him, I do at least. DN CAN draw, and he IS good.
However, he exercised poor judgement in using other peoples artwork
without permission in this instance, and not giving them any credit.
The issue is closed, DN has been dropped from the alive memberlist
and once again, we do not condone ansi ripping.
The TafkaSK rip? Uhhh no. The artist formerly known as
Shihear Kallizad believes that DN also ripped an iCE ansi of his.
The opening font choice screen? With the head and mouth open? That
was originally by SK, in his iCE days. DN modified it, then added
the font choice box, and left a thanks SK with NO CREDIT FOR
HIMSELF on the ansi. Abomination, unknowlingly, thought DN would
like credit for his ansi, so he put -dn on the ansi, coded it in
the mag, and released it. I do not think this is a rip, true, D2
should NOT have used SKs ansi without permission, but he did NOT
claim it as his own either. This is definitely an important point.
On IRC, TafkaSK argues, Thanks SK is NOT credit!
Well its better than -dn isnt it?
The issue is over, tafkask and I have solved it out.
We still disagree, but hey, opinions are like assholes, everyone has
one, and each one smells different. eh? Tanx for the conversation on
IRC however TafkaSK, you wasted my precious Delphi time. You owe
me something along the lines of TRiBE. gringringringrin
The end result? Denizen is overall finished in the
scene, he really doesnt give half a shit as it is. Those people
arent my real friends, I dont really care. He has been dropped
from ALiVE and TERBiUM. Sorry to see it end this way DN, you had a
really promising future ahead of ya.
However, while some may not think this be a wise move,
ALiVE *IS* releasing a ansi that DN did all by his lonesome after
to prove everyone that yes, he is a good artist, even on his own.
His single ansi, DN-ALIVE.ALI was done after the terbium controversy
started and settled. thanks.
let this be a lesson to you new artists.
if you rip, you will get caught, trust cavaliereagle eyes
-/- ATZ is the official new greet of IRC, channel ansi -/-
sliver cut greets himself.
I hate waruhz keedies.
maestro fart...
nyckid bboyz rule!
t2acid acid r00lz ed. T2-PR1.ANS :
px sure, lemme think for a minute. ed. :
px px is in da howez yall!
gevil how preferably great is alive!
sparr md: remember to do a big greet to CORP ed. no problem
lpegasus Alive is the future of pron-couriers in the scene!
lpegasus porn even!
nn jesus loves godzilla
tinyz sir, you forgot your snowshoe ed. not again!
maestro md: Full on Maestroness? cool. ed. NAT-0894.ZIP,MA-PR1.ANS
*TafkaSk* Here comes my quote. :
TafkaSk Maestro Steve
TafkaSk Wants a bit O glory
TafkaSk He loves the cats
TafkaSk He loves the dogs,
TafkaSk He turns the ladies into frogs,
TafkaSk He made some hats,
TafkaSk Of baby rats
TafkaSk But thats another story.
TafkaSk -TRiBE Lit After Imajica
Insidious damn, that was moving.
Maestro TafkaSk: Youre so cool...
ccipher tafka: U R Mi EYEDOLL
- *tafkask* shit, im going to lose my nation member now!
*TafkaSk* Add maestro and ccs quotes :
Nailz UNiON rulz!
- Alive kicks all ya asses, face it. w0rd.
if you are an IRC homie, the s and *s will make sense.
if not, tough shit. And everyone knows that this is in fun.
mass delusion/alive.te94.wballz
packaged rebellion, 916/246.7165
greetz! --/-- alive needs a telecom guy --/-- call pr up and mail me --/--
abom, beastie:thanks man, maestro, cavalier, DENIZEN , tafkask, tafkaRM:,
thee 3rd, grifter, the beholder, :::dive:::!, m1n0r thr34t, str!ct9, nailz,
proze, px, hammer, peak velocity, god speed, usul, tkiller, beastie again,
abom again, bknight:K-sPAM, discoman, does this look like ansi /who *?? ,
winter rose, anarchy, mca, WBALLZ rulz, fuck yall, these greets rulz!,
tguardian, neurotic/brain pilot?, all thoze phat alive freaks. and lotzzZZz
more of ya h0m13s that I d1dnt put in th1s el33t3 gr33tzzzzZZZZZzzzz...
i was trying so hard to make a 200 line nfo file.. you irc people..
.alive oSEVEN.nine-f0 nfo file
.by mass delusion/alive global coordinator
man, this month was both fast and slow. fast, it went by.
slow, i didnt do shit, i can tell you that much. : I started
a mega length Donkey Kong/Mario ansi and stuff, but its not even
close to being done. So, that means im not accounted for.
Several members arent, we shouldnt even REALLY release this.. but
hey, our fans on IRC beckon us to irrationality!
enough nonsense.
now, we know this isnt our best pack.
but we tried, and trying is all that counts.
now look in the mirror, go on, do it now.
say to yourself, i know i can do better than this.
because im good enough, im strong enough, and doggone it,
people like us.
.daily affirmations by stuart smalley
.warning: not a licensed psychologist
anyhow.. not much has happened this month - a bunch of
new members and sites that were pending and stuff like that
ansi - dive - this dude kicks ass, nuff said. glad to have the MF
on the alive side of the scene. call his board too.
ascii - tinyz - hes the mack from israel. what more do we say?
doing a joint effort with alive and kts!ascii! w0rd!
couriering - winter rose - the ice courier, shes helping us out
too, because our couriering sucks. as youve noticed. or
not as the case may be
coding - str!ct9 - a new coder, did a little loader for me this
pack, looks strong, hoping to see strong shit from da d00d.
deletions - the alive couriering staff from before.
schitzo - guy hasnt called in ever, fone bill etc, no hard
feelings with this guy.
nightrain - went to shiver or some shit like that.. who
smirk - i dunno if hes gone.. things are up in the air.
denizen - read below.. down aways...
Lets just say nothing is new, byteman has been moving, and
the thing is still sorry. We might have an all new viewer soon, but
who knows, and if you can code viewers, we need you. I cant get
the thing to run on my pooter with sound, so i dunno about yall..
but the mod included is new, unreleased, just for our viewer!
Its by Quarex, of TFX. The song title is Barbituadee and is just
a really mellow, chilling song to view this pack with. Youll
probably like this to the cool but repetetive smoke on the water
mod that we had been including. grin have fun, and big greets go
to Quarex, TFX productions, meet him on TRAX.
ALiVE And New Boards
Well, ya know how I said for sushi x to get in touch with
us? I just happened to see his board number on CZ! and gave it a
call. Hes back on Alive dist status and has joined MRi network.
welcome aboard sush-meister! A couple months ago, Sociopath/Maestro
agreed on a deal, for an alive site, well the deal wasnt completed
until this month. Now Death Row in 413 will help represent us in
the east. Welcome to alive and mri!
Big thanks to Beastie, my now long time friend, for agreeing
to allow us to convert our HQ to member run boards. CZ!, has been
converted from the alive western hq into the alive advice and
consolation hq, my personal crying grounds. Beastie has helped
me out more than he knows, and I thank him for it again and again,
regardless of his belief in deserving it. Congratulations to
the mack daddy of alive - the ever working and promoting - the
terbium meister himself - ABOMINATION! Aboms board Temporal
Distortion has assumed the western hq position, and rightfully so
for the work hes put into the group. Thank you abom, youve helped
me immensely. Call it at 510/283.4430, ALiVE Western HQ.
Denizen and the rip.
Terbium, the mag. run by abomination. it was great, minus
one teensy little bit of bad judgement by a alive member. Denizen
decided, a hed borrow Minor Threats font without giving credit
for it, and b hed use a half-circle from an ancient King Midas ACiD
ansi. So essentially, DNs interface was artistically, by other
people. This is not what we expect of alive members, nor is it
what abomination expects of terbium seniors. Both groups have
dropped him from their memberlists. However, alive, is releasing
his final ansi, that he drew AFTER the rip. Why? Because frankly,
we believe in him, I do at least. DN CAN draw, and he IS good.
However, he exercised poor judgement in using other peoples artwork
without permission in this instance, and not giving them any credit.
The issue is closed, DN has been dropped from the alive memberlist
and once again, we do not condone ansi ripping.
The TafkaSK rip? Uhhh no. The artist formerly known as
Shihear Kallizad believes that DN also ripped an iCE ansi of his.
The opening font choice screen? With the head and mouth open? That
was originally by SK, in his iCE days. DN modified it, then added
the font choice box, and left a thanks SK with NO CREDIT FOR
HIMSELF on the ansi. Abomination, unknowlingly, thought DN would
like credit for his ansi, so he put -dn on the ansi, coded it in
the mag, and released it. I do not think this is a rip, true, D2
should NOT have used SKs ansi without permission, but he did NOT
claim it as his own either. This is definitely an important point.
On IRC, TafkaSK argues, Thanks SK is NOT credit!
Well its better than -dn isnt it?
The issue is over, tafkask and I have solved it out.
We still disagree, but hey, opinions are like assholes, everyone has
one, and each one smells different. eh? Tanx for the conversation on
IRC however TafkaSK, you wasted my precious Delphi time. You owe
me something along the lines of TRiBE. gringringringrin
The end result? Denizen is overall finished in the
scene, he really doesnt give half a shit as it is. Those people
arent my real friends, I dont really care. He has been dropped
from ALiVE and TERBiUM. Sorry to see it end this way DN, you had a
really promising future ahead of ya.
However, while some may not think this be a wise move,
ALiVE *IS* releasing a ansi that DN did all by his lonesome after
to prove everyone that yes, he is a good artist, even on his own.
His single ansi, DN-ALIVE.ALI was done after the terbium controversy
started and settled. thanks.
let this be a lesson to you new artists.
if you rip, you will get caught, trust cavaliereagle eyes
-/- ATZ is the official new greet of IRC, channel ansi -/-
sliver cut greets himself.
I hate waruhz keedies.
maestro fart...
nyckid bboyz rule!
t2acid acid r00lz ed. T2-PR1.ANS :
px sure, lemme think for a minute. ed. :
px px is in da howez yall!
gevil how preferably great is alive!
sparr md: remember to do a big greet to CORP ed. no problem
lpegasus Alive is the future of pron-couriers in the scene!
lpegasus porn even!
nn jesus loves godzilla
tinyz sir, you forgot your snowshoe ed. not again!
maestro md: Full on Maestroness? cool. ed. NAT-0894.ZIP,MA-PR1.ANS
*TafkaSk* Here comes my quote. :
TafkaSk Maestro Steve
TafkaSk Wants a bit O glory
TafkaSk He loves the cats
TafkaSk He loves the dogs,
TafkaSk He turns the ladies into frogs,
TafkaSk He made some hats,
TafkaSk Of baby rats
TafkaSk But thats another story.
TafkaSk -TRiBE Lit After Imajica
Insidious damn, that was moving.
Maestro TafkaSk: Youre so cool...
ccipher tafka: U R Mi EYEDOLL
- *tafkask* shit, im going to lose my nation member now!
*TafkaSk* Add maestro and ccs quotes :
Nailz UNiON rulz!
- Alive kicks all ya asses, face it. w0rd.
if you are an IRC homie, the s and *s will make sense.
if not, tough shit. And everyone knows that this is in fun.
mass delusion/alive.te94.wballz
packaged rebellion, 916/246.7165
greetz! --/-- alive needs a telecom guy --/-- call pr up and mail me --/--
abom, beastie:thanks man, maestro, cavalier, DENIZEN , tafkask, tafkaRM:,
thee 3rd, grifter, the beholder, :::dive:::!, m1n0r thr34t, str!ct9, nailz,
proze, px, hammer, peak velocity, god speed, usul, tkiller, beastie again,
abom again, bknight:K-sPAM, discoman, does this look like ansi /who *?? ,
winter rose, anarchy, mca, WBALLZ rulz, fuck yall, these greets rulz!,
tguardian, neurotic/brain pilot?, all thoze phat alive freaks. and lotzzZZz
more of ya h0m13s that I d1dnt put in th1s el33t3 gr33tzzzzZZZZZzzzz...
i was trying so hard to make a 200 line nfo file.. you irc people..
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