this image contains text
Hmph. What a boring month, and school sucks.
By - Who do you think dumbass?!
Howdy cowboys and cowgirls they had rodeo week here a couple
weekends ago, and Im still recovering! This month pretty much sucked. At
least for me, during this wonderful Rodeo week we had, I rear-ended some
old man driving a tank..err.. an el camino. Caused 3100 in damage to my
front end, and left a mark of paint on his bumper. At least he didnt go
into fits of eppeleptic seizuressp. Anyways.. oh, this is the ALIVE
article.. thats right.
Publicity for us -
This month we had a corruption 3 article lined up, but
when psyco child lost his 800, I lost the time to call. grin
So the official corruption 3 article on the alive history - is now
the official corruption 4 article.
Iridium article as well was planned - but I finish writing
the sucker and I call ShadowLands.. cant connect all of a sudden.
Then, I try the next day - lines disconnected. Anyone know whats
going on over there? If someone wants to call up my board and
get the two articles... feel free.
New Members -
This month saw the welcomed addition of a few new members.
First off was Illusive Criminals complete welcome in, from a
somewhat sketchy standing last month. Next, Biscuit, a previous
no-name has joined us - and hes great. This dude will turn some
heads, so keep an eye on him. But of course, Einstein. One day, I
was cruising my local VBBS board, on VNET, and of course on ANSI
ELITEis that a paradox or irony or what? when I see EN posting
that he isnt going to join the union/empire merger. Hmph, I think.
So I sift through an old empire pack for a board number or two. I
call up Straight No Chaser on accident - PsycoTranes board and ask
for a voice. No go, but I do have Falling Fasts number, ENs own
board. Called it up, left him email, he joined alive. In the
process, PsycoTrane, previously of empire, told me that he wasnt
going to union either.
ed. note: why was empire so anti-union? not that im
complaining, but its interesting, thats all.
Soon, PT calls my board, u/ls an application, and is a member.
Cool, a lit guy, now we can have some multi-media productions,
graphics AND literary prowess.
The other thing this month - was the re-establishment of
contact with Mr. Sinister ours, not the ex-tribe one.. and picking
up one of his works. Its for Legion of Silence, which has overall
dropped out of contact with us, but nonetheless, its for you SD.
New Site for 6/94 -
Well, last month I said that sites were going out to friends
on an invite only basis. Ok maybe not. I forgot we only had two
canadian boards, and RipTide, of Nation, called me up with a
application. We talked, and I decided it would be good to pick up
one last canadian site. MaelStrom, in 905, is now an alive board.
We regretfully inform the public that weve dropped Sushi Bar Z.
What happened to this guy? Did he fall of the edge of the planet?
Sushmeister - you were like our very FIRST site, and we havent
heard from you in 6 months... did you get shot in compton or..?
If Sushi X reads this, and is still interested in an alive site,
he can call up PR and chat with me on the issue and well work
something back out.
There is also a certain board, run by a certain sysop, in
a certain ac like 413, who happens to be a nation whq, and who
would like to think hes an alive site. Too bad this sucker hasnt
called me back. Now by the chance that he does call me back,
perhaps such things as him being added to the site list could happen.
To Hammer in 413 - Sorry man, I have to do what I promised first.
Requests during 6/94 -
ALiVE has a request to put out. I recently have aquired an
account on the internet via Delphi. oh joy ren. And Im now a
certified IRC junkie, but Delphi is gay. There is no /DCCing and
its not UNIX based so I cant run bots. Our request is this -
could someone setup and run an ALiVEBot for us on channel ALiVE ?
Just have the bot log all the messages and send it to me each day in
email or however it works? If youre interested in taking us up on
the deal - mail me at massdelusion@delphi.com. Thanks..
Oh, and I can be found on acid, ice, alive, but mainly ice.
And thanks to quazar for his help on this subject. BTW: I JUST found
an account to use... muhaha.. alive alive alive alive alive
Tradition you ask? No, not the normal kind, well that too,
but its actually a mag. A mag you ask? No, its not a normal mag,
to compete with the countless others. Whats the difference? Well,
Tradition is COMPLETELY alive based. Its about alive, by alive, on
alive, and for alive. We dont plug other groups, other artists, or
non-alive boards not very often. The point? Its just about our
six-month anniversary, and we want to do something special to show
how much weve improved. This mag is not intended to be a regular
production like Corruption or Iridium as regular as theyve ever
been anyways. but more like a bi-annual production probably.
Its going to showcase our work, the few best works from each pack.
Its going to have articles on the past, present and future alive
by each member. But best of all - its not generic. Weve taken a
new idea and incorporated it into our mag interface.
Weve been seeing lots of side-scrolling ansis lately
right? Tribe and Crisis had some of the first, then Acid had a
really sweet ASM one by Tasmaniac. Well, our interface is SIDE
SCROLLING. In fact, my interface is a huge Tradition font that is
approxiamately 200 columns wide.2 1/2 Screens Well be using a
standard Iridium styled pulldown, but youll scroll sideways with
the choices on top. Neeto huh? Just wait - it should be out this
month sometime providing school gets out and we get to it.
Summer -
Its 3:51 right now.. AM. I should be studying for a
government test and doing my physics homework. Oh well, Im writing
an info file for a computer art group. This summer is going to
be a major stress reliever, and will bring a higher echelon of work
from alive. Well all really be able to concetrate for once, and
our packs should get even better. Hopefully yall twang! will be
around to check it out.
I greet, therefore Im cool.
ALiVE Art Productions : Love ya all men, you guys made it happen.
variation:stop working, and give me that damned ansi of mine.
thee 3rd:busy huh? i know the feeling
byteman: thanks for helping the viewer along
ascnesion: thanks for being so busy. j/k ...
the prosecutor/krazi karma: you guys are great. cant wait to get it out.
minor threat:hmmm...alive? just maybe...just maybe, and lets trade calvins.
quazar: uhhh ALiVEBot?
LargeCoke: psst.. do you know this one guy rad man? yeah, I heard that...
the guardian: good god... all these greets later shouldnt i get an ansi??
CRiSiS: and i never even got an ansi.. sheesh...
Neurotic, Neurotic, put your hands all over my.. err... hmmm.. scuse me.
Shasta Union High School District: umm.. you like.. uhh.. suck.
irc: acid, ice, vi, bad, shiver, but what about alive?
syntax error: wheres da merge?!
Visual Insanity: Call me, well do lunch. That means you PeakVcty.
RipTide: you need to call me about alive.. no wham bam thank you mam.
SHiVER: You looked good, no matter what anyone says.. I like.
By - Who do you think dumbass?!
Howdy cowboys and cowgirls they had rodeo week here a couple
weekends ago, and Im still recovering! This month pretty much sucked. At
least for me, during this wonderful Rodeo week we had, I rear-ended some
old man driving a tank..err.. an el camino. Caused 3100 in damage to my
front end, and left a mark of paint on his bumper. At least he didnt go
into fits of eppeleptic seizuressp. Anyways.. oh, this is the ALIVE
article.. thats right.
Publicity for us -
This month we had a corruption 3 article lined up, but
when psyco child lost his 800, I lost the time to call. grin
So the official corruption 3 article on the alive history - is now
the official corruption 4 article.
Iridium article as well was planned - but I finish writing
the sucker and I call ShadowLands.. cant connect all of a sudden.
Then, I try the next day - lines disconnected. Anyone know whats
going on over there? If someone wants to call up my board and
get the two articles... feel free.
New Members -
This month saw the welcomed addition of a few new members.
First off was Illusive Criminals complete welcome in, from a
somewhat sketchy standing last month. Next, Biscuit, a previous
no-name has joined us - and hes great. This dude will turn some
heads, so keep an eye on him. But of course, Einstein. One day, I
was cruising my local VBBS board, on VNET, and of course on ANSI
ELITEis that a paradox or irony or what? when I see EN posting
that he isnt going to join the union/empire merger. Hmph, I think.
So I sift through an old empire pack for a board number or two. I
call up Straight No Chaser on accident - PsycoTranes board and ask
for a voice. No go, but I do have Falling Fasts number, ENs own
board. Called it up, left him email, he joined alive. In the
process, PsycoTrane, previously of empire, told me that he wasnt
going to union either.
ed. note: why was empire so anti-union? not that im
complaining, but its interesting, thats all.
Soon, PT calls my board, u/ls an application, and is a member.
Cool, a lit guy, now we can have some multi-media productions,
graphics AND literary prowess.
The other thing this month - was the re-establishment of
contact with Mr. Sinister ours, not the ex-tribe one.. and picking
up one of his works. Its for Legion of Silence, which has overall
dropped out of contact with us, but nonetheless, its for you SD.
New Site for 6/94 -
Well, last month I said that sites were going out to friends
on an invite only basis. Ok maybe not. I forgot we only had two
canadian boards, and RipTide, of Nation, called me up with a
application. We talked, and I decided it would be good to pick up
one last canadian site. MaelStrom, in 905, is now an alive board.
We regretfully inform the public that weve dropped Sushi Bar Z.
What happened to this guy? Did he fall of the edge of the planet?
Sushmeister - you were like our very FIRST site, and we havent
heard from you in 6 months... did you get shot in compton or..?
If Sushi X reads this, and is still interested in an alive site,
he can call up PR and chat with me on the issue and well work
something back out.
There is also a certain board, run by a certain sysop, in
a certain ac like 413, who happens to be a nation whq, and who
would like to think hes an alive site. Too bad this sucker hasnt
called me back. Now by the chance that he does call me back,
perhaps such things as him being added to the site list could happen.
To Hammer in 413 - Sorry man, I have to do what I promised first.
Requests during 6/94 -
ALiVE has a request to put out. I recently have aquired an
account on the internet via Delphi. oh joy ren. And Im now a
certified IRC junkie, but Delphi is gay. There is no /DCCing and
its not UNIX based so I cant run bots. Our request is this -
could someone setup and run an ALiVEBot for us on channel ALiVE ?
Just have the bot log all the messages and send it to me each day in
email or however it works? If youre interested in taking us up on
the deal - mail me at massdelusion@delphi.com. Thanks..
Oh, and I can be found on acid, ice, alive, but mainly ice.
And thanks to quazar for his help on this subject. BTW: I JUST found
an account to use... muhaha.. alive alive alive alive alive
Tradition you ask? No, not the normal kind, well that too,
but its actually a mag. A mag you ask? No, its not a normal mag,
to compete with the countless others. Whats the difference? Well,
Tradition is COMPLETELY alive based. Its about alive, by alive, on
alive, and for alive. We dont plug other groups, other artists, or
non-alive boards not very often. The point? Its just about our
six-month anniversary, and we want to do something special to show
how much weve improved. This mag is not intended to be a regular
production like Corruption or Iridium as regular as theyve ever
been anyways. but more like a bi-annual production probably.
Its going to showcase our work, the few best works from each pack.
Its going to have articles on the past, present and future alive
by each member. But best of all - its not generic. Weve taken a
new idea and incorporated it into our mag interface.
Weve been seeing lots of side-scrolling ansis lately
right? Tribe and Crisis had some of the first, then Acid had a
really sweet ASM one by Tasmaniac. Well, our interface is SIDE
SCROLLING. In fact, my interface is a huge Tradition font that is
approxiamately 200 columns wide.2 1/2 Screens Well be using a
standard Iridium styled pulldown, but youll scroll sideways with
the choices on top. Neeto huh? Just wait - it should be out this
month sometime providing school gets out and we get to it.
Summer -
Its 3:51 right now.. AM. I should be studying for a
government test and doing my physics homework. Oh well, Im writing
an info file for a computer art group. This summer is going to
be a major stress reliever, and will bring a higher echelon of work
from alive. Well all really be able to concetrate for once, and
our packs should get even better. Hopefully yall twang! will be
around to check it out.
I greet, therefore Im cool.
ALiVE Art Productions : Love ya all men, you guys made it happen.
variation:stop working, and give me that damned ansi of mine.
thee 3rd:busy huh? i know the feeling
byteman: thanks for helping the viewer along
ascnesion: thanks for being so busy. j/k ...
the prosecutor/krazi karma: you guys are great. cant wait to get it out.
minor threat:hmmm...alive? just maybe...just maybe, and lets trade calvins.
quazar: uhhh ALiVEBot?
LargeCoke: psst.. do you know this one guy rad man? yeah, I heard that...
the guardian: good god... all these greets later shouldnt i get an ansi??
CRiSiS: and i never even got an ansi.. sheesh...
Neurotic, Neurotic, put your hands all over my.. err... hmmm.. scuse me.
Shasta Union High School District: umm.. you like.. uhh.. suck.
irc: acid, ice, vi, bad, shiver, but what about alive?
syntax error: wheres da merge?!
Visual Insanity: Call me, well do lunch. That means you PeakVcty.
RipTide: you need to call me about alive.. no wham bam thank you mam.
SHiVER: You looked good, no matter what anyone says.. I like.
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