this image contains text
It was the year 2040ad, and the future of the city NewPort inJapan was looking
very Good. Japan had just discovered a new technology. The Tehnology of Perfect
Artificial Life. A pure and virtueous Robot. The Robots had rplaced many of the
work forces jobs, and became police , computer consultants, ven Door to Door
Sailsmen! Their only problem was that they looked Really dumb But not everyone
liked the Robots....
// PHEeR MeE!!!
Team Productions Presents
A Joint Ansi For Blender 24!
A TraJiCK TaLe Of CorRuPtioN ------
the /4
::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::::: ::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::revolution
It was a Simple and ordinary day. The adults were relaxing athome.The kids we
Throwing Rice at eachother in the fields, and the sound of th Robots working
could be heard all around. Mr. Toukumashikuno Took a huge gul of air and smil
Life is Good, He thaught. But it was the last thing he everthaught before a
Razor Blade Covered Robot hand plunged Through His Chest.
Mr. Komuzimanatoki Gasped in frustration. Carrying a trunk ful of merchant
supplies was hard work. He was glad to know that soon all thegoods in his trunk
would be turned into money. Suddenly he heard a high pitched cream. It Took his
brain a few seconds to realize it was his own body Screaming,then he tumbled
over dead, a Robot insanity device attached to his neck. Not: For those of you
wondering what an Insanity device is, its a little box that wen attached to the
body, makes u think that Opra Winfrey would be good in bed, tus driving you
insane, and killing you
+asp .,sssssaspyressssssssssssss,..
This Is The Face Of The Murderous Robot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There had been too many Robot related deaths recently, and Mr Yonfooikouku new
it had to end. Mr. Yonfooikouku was a Japaneese Robot expert,and he new Robots
shouldnt be massacring the local NewPort residents. Somethin was wrong.. the
idea sounded stupid.... but what if the Robots were Revolting??
Mr. Sh-bjork laughed insanely deep within his underground forress. He had come
all the way from Sweden and was going to take over NewPort, ten all of Japan!!
Those Japaneese people are soo dumb he thaugt. He was Egoitstic and thaught
just because he had reproggrammed the Robots to attack their asters , which
would probably end up killing everyone in Japan and allow Sween to take it
over!!!!!! Mr. Sh-bjork was proud of himself....
// PHEeR MeE!!!
Mr. Yonfooikouku looked at the carnage that lay all around hi. Robots had gone
ballistic and murdered almost 90 of the NewPort Population!.Mr. Yonfooikouku
quickly send word to the Japaneese president , Mr. Toposakigokukiako for help,
Then he looked at his Radar Tracking System. It was of course The Radar
Tracking System that went along with his SONYtmTracking Bugthat he had
strategicly placed on his own Robot before it Went Crazy. So ar, the Tracker
had led him to a secret underground fortress.
Mr. Yonfooikouku entered the Fortress and Saw Mr. Sh-bjork flipping d
bthrough the local Japaneese T.v. channels, looking for something 7
Pother than a godzilla rerun. Mr. Sh-bjork Gasped when he saw Mr. Yon.
Mr. Yonfooikouku threw an Insane device at Mr. Sh-bjork , but it had
no effect because
Mr. Sh-bjork really ,ssSSsss,
wanted Opra. Mr. ,sss,
Sh-bjork counter ss
attacked by summon- ss
ing a bunch of ss
Robots! Mr. Yon. ,,
reprogrammed them b
and then they ripped P
Mr. Sh-bjork to ss
shreds. Mr.Yon
rejoiced. Just Then
Mr. Yon rememberd
he had told the s s
president to act ssSSss
fast! Just then, theSssssssssS
President called Mr. Yonfooikouku and told him that he had dispatched
Nuclear missles at Sweden cuz thats where Mr. Sh-bjork came from. Ah well,
Small loss thaught Mr. Yonfooikouku. The Robot Revolution had ended!!!!!!!
HS :,g@@yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy::.g@yy,: yyyyyyyyyyy,y@,, :::::::
lll b, 8 :88 7Tb,8::l
b,b,yyyyyy @@@@@ ,d ::
lb,@ yyyyy l 8
yyyyyyy 8 8 :::,@
l :: :::::: s::::1
b,. .,d 1 !
,4@yyy@7 : :
HS::::::::: :::::: :::::::::: ::::: ::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::
: :::: :::::::::: :::: :::::::::::,d@b, ::::: ::: :::: ::::::: :::::
::,@,:: ,@,:: :::::: ::: yyyy,@, ::::
::74b, 77b,yy :: @,:74b, ::
: 8l 8l 88: ,d77:8l 8l :
:8b,. .,d78 :::::: : 8:8l 88:8b,. .,d7,:
::l: l : :::::: l, 8l:l,:::
::: :::::::::: : :: ::::: : 7b,,,,,d: 7888 llll ::
members that are in blenders compo
aspyre - Did Japaneese Flag ascii and Air/Japan ascii, Big robot face
higherstate - did Closing Air Logo, and Robot Revolution ascii.
rabies - Wrote the Wicked Storee , made small robots/small flag
smoke - Did the Opening AiR Logo Ansi
Membah Greetz:
Rabies: - Greetz To Aneurizm cuz i couldnt draw with you, to osiris , tf, 3c,
and all of impact, and to all of ya air dudes!
Higherstate: Greetz to Fatal, Mess, blkjack and serial2n!
Smoke: - too bad u werent around to greet anyone .
Aspyre: Greetz to Mess, Rayden, Warhawk, Lethal injection , feral and compuman
x-402-01v x-402-01v x-402-01v
very Good. Japan had just discovered a new technology. The Tehnology of Perfect
Artificial Life. A pure and virtueous Robot. The Robots had rplaced many of the
work forces jobs, and became police , computer consultants, ven Door to Door
Sailsmen! Their only problem was that they looked Really dumb But not everyone
liked the Robots....
// PHEeR MeE!!!
Team Productions Presents
A Joint Ansi For Blender 24!
A TraJiCK TaLe Of CorRuPtioN ------
the /4
::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: :::::: ::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::revolution
It was a Simple and ordinary day. The adults were relaxing athome.The kids we
Throwing Rice at eachother in the fields, and the sound of th Robots working
could be heard all around. Mr. Toukumashikuno Took a huge gul of air and smil
Life is Good, He thaught. But it was the last thing he everthaught before a
Razor Blade Covered Robot hand plunged Through His Chest.
Mr. Komuzimanatoki Gasped in frustration. Carrying a trunk ful of merchant
supplies was hard work. He was glad to know that soon all thegoods in his trunk
would be turned into money. Suddenly he heard a high pitched cream. It Took his
brain a few seconds to realize it was his own body Screaming,then he tumbled
over dead, a Robot insanity device attached to his neck. Not: For those of you
wondering what an Insanity device is, its a little box that wen attached to the
body, makes u think that Opra Winfrey would be good in bed, tus driving you
insane, and killing you
+asp .,sssssaspyressssssssssssss,..
This Is The Face Of The Murderous Robot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There had been too many Robot related deaths recently, and Mr Yonfooikouku new
it had to end. Mr. Yonfooikouku was a Japaneese Robot expert,and he new Robots
shouldnt be massacring the local NewPort residents. Somethin was wrong.. the
idea sounded stupid.... but what if the Robots were Revolting??
Mr. Sh-bjork laughed insanely deep within his underground forress. He had come
all the way from Sweden and was going to take over NewPort, ten all of Japan!!
Those Japaneese people are soo dumb he thaugt. He was Egoitstic and thaught
just because he had reproggrammed the Robots to attack their asters , which
would probably end up killing everyone in Japan and allow Sween to take it
over!!!!!! Mr. Sh-bjork was proud of himself....
// PHEeR MeE!!!
Mr. Yonfooikouku looked at the carnage that lay all around hi. Robots had gone
ballistic and murdered almost 90 of the NewPort Population!.Mr. Yonfooikouku
quickly send word to the Japaneese president , Mr. Toposakigokukiako for help,
Then he looked at his Radar Tracking System. It was of course The Radar
Tracking System that went along with his SONYtmTracking Bugthat he had
strategicly placed on his own Robot before it Went Crazy. So ar, the Tracker
had led him to a secret underground fortress.
Mr. Yonfooikouku entered the Fortress and Saw Mr. Sh-bjork flipping d
bthrough the local Japaneese T.v. channels, looking for something 7
Pother than a godzilla rerun. Mr. Sh-bjork Gasped when he saw Mr. Yon.
Mr. Yonfooikouku threw an Insane device at Mr. Sh-bjork , but it had
no effect because
Mr. Sh-bjork really ,ssSSsss,
wanted Opra. Mr. ,sss,
Sh-bjork counter ss
attacked by summon- ss
ing a bunch of ss
Robots! Mr. Yon. ,,
reprogrammed them b
and then they ripped P
Mr. Sh-bjork to ss
shreds. Mr.Yon
rejoiced. Just Then
Mr. Yon rememberd
he had told the s s
president to act ssSSss
fast! Just then, theSssssssssS
President called Mr. Yonfooikouku and told him that he had dispatched
Nuclear missles at Sweden cuz thats where Mr. Sh-bjork came from. Ah well,
Small loss thaught Mr. Yonfooikouku. The Robot Revolution had ended!!!!!!!
HS :,g@@yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy::.g@yy,: yyyyyyyyyyy,y@,, :::::::
lll b, 8 :88 7Tb,8::l
b,b,yyyyyy @@@@@ ,d ::
lb,@ yyyyy l 8
yyyyyyy 8 8 :::,@
l :: :::::: s::::1
b,. .,d 1 !
,4@yyy@7 : :
HS::::::::: :::::: :::::::::: ::::: ::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::
: :::: :::::::::: :::: :::::::::::,d@b, ::::: ::: :::: ::::::: :::::
::,@,:: ,@,:: :::::: ::: yyyy,@, ::::
::74b, 77b,yy :: @,:74b, ::
: 8l 8l 88: ,d77:8l 8l :
:8b,. .,d78 :::::: : 8:8l 88:8b,. .,d7,:
::l: l : :::::: l, 8l:l,:::
::: :::::::::: : :: ::::: : 7b,,,,,d: 7888 llll ::
members that are in blenders compo
aspyre - Did Japaneese Flag ascii and Air/Japan ascii, Big robot face
higherstate - did Closing Air Logo, and Robot Revolution ascii.
rabies - Wrote the Wicked Storee , made small robots/small flag
smoke - Did the Opening AiR Logo Ansi
Membah Greetz:
Rabies: - Greetz To Aneurizm cuz i couldnt draw with you, to osiris , tf, 3c,
and all of impact, and to all of ya air dudes!
Higherstate: Greetz to Fatal, Mess, blkjack and serial2n!
Smoke: - too bad u werent around to greet anyone .
Aspyre: Greetz to Mess, Rayden, Warhawk, Lethal injection , feral and compuman
x-402-01v x-402-01v x-402-01v
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