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DaRK ELeMeNT of AIR, Dep 38, PLan 9, PoW Presents
------cut here bizatch--------------------------------------------------------yea well i know this one sucks but i rushed it it and i shows...i think i need
to stick to fonts and shit and get out of my large pis stage...ah well itll pass
id like to give some love out to: BushyWeave, Driftwood, Silent bob, Blind
Sniper, Aspyre, daz, Drfreeze, all of Air, PLan 9,
all of Department 38, trevster, and everyone else thats keepin the art
scene alive and kickin in 97............
------cut here bizatch--------------------------------------------------------yea well i know this one sucks but i rushed it it and i shows...i think i need
to stick to fonts and shit and get out of my large pis stage...ah well itll pass
id like to give some love out to: BushyWeave, Driftwood, Silent bob, Blind
Sniper, Aspyre, daz, Drfreeze, all of Air, PLan 9,
all of Department 38, trevster, and everyone else thats keepin the art
scene alive and kickin in 97............
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