this image contains text
MEMBER LISTING by dark element
/ prez---------- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
aspyre aspyre@hotmail.com asp
/ senior-------- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias for what? short form
Dark Element Head of Ansi de
cybershock head of vga cyb
intrepid head of coding in
lizard head of music ly
anuerizm head of ascii an
/ ansi-artists-- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
Dark Element DaRK-ELeMeNT@juno.com de
rabies rb
gangstarr ................... gs
white ice wi
/ ascii-artists- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
blackrain br
the sleep ts
higherstate hstate@hotmail.com hs
infect infect@pipeline.com inf
asPyre aspyre@hotmail.com asp
sodom df0silk@aol.com sm
chrom chromvortex@hotmail.com ch
Dat nigga Daz hacker12@eroms.com daz
space goat thespeedfreak@hotmail.com sg
anuerizm .......................... an
quix .......................... qx
/ vga-artists--- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
cybershock cyb
crowe crowe@ro.com cr
claypool cp
/ coders-------- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
intrepid in
lysand3r utopiaredux@agt.net ly
lizard interdog@america.net lz
escape esc
/ trakkers------ - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
lizard interdog@america.net lz
space goat thespeedfreak@hotmail.com sg
clayton ct
/ Guests ------ - -group ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
blind sniper dep tre-eightd38
mell farr suppastar!
MEMBER LISTING by dark element
/ prez---------- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
aspyre aspyre@hotmail.com asp
/ senior-------- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias for what? short form
Dark Element Head of Ansi de
cybershock head of vga cyb
intrepid head of coding in
lizard head of music ly
anuerizm head of ascii an
/ ansi-artists-- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
Dark Element DaRK-ELeMeNT@juno.com de
rabies rb
gangstarr ................... gs
white ice wi
/ ascii-artists- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
blackrain br
the sleep ts
higherstate hstate@hotmail.com hs
infect infect@pipeline.com inf
asPyre aspyre@hotmail.com asp
sodom df0silk@aol.com sm
chrom chromvortex@hotmail.com ch
Dat nigga Daz hacker12@eroms.com daz
space goat thespeedfreak@hotmail.com sg
anuerizm .......................... an
quix .......................... qx
/ vga-artists--- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
cybershock cyb
crowe crowe@ro.com cr
claypool cp
/ coders-------- - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
intrepid in
lysand3r utopiaredux@agt.net ly
lizard interdog@america.net lz
escape esc
/ trakkers------ - -- - ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
alias e-mail short form
lizard interdog@america.net lz
space goat thespeedfreak@hotmail.com sg
clayton ct
/ Guests ------ - -group ---- -- - - - ---- -- ---
blind sniper dep tre-eightd38
mell farr suppastar!
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