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Well, here are some news about this pak... This is our third pak in about
half a year. As you know, we release paks whenever we have enuff work, and
whenever we feel like it. A lot of shit has happened since I started AIM...
Some good artists left to bigger gorups, some new people joined...some wars
were started and finished.. but were still alive, hanging in there...
the main reason that this pak is so late, is cuz we had a lot of trouble
with the viewer... we didnt want to use the crappy viewer we had in the
first two paks... anyways, we got a new viewer, and then Whisper virus fucked
it up, then we made another viewer, and the HD crash destroyed that.. then
we were about to finish the viewer again, but a virus deleted some files
that were needed to compile the viewer, and noone had those files, so we had
buy the new compiler... well, now its finally finished..lemme see, what else
do I have to say...as you see, theres not as much work from me in this pak
as before.. thats because its my senior year and I dont like drawing ansis
stoned... so that means I dont draw that much anymore...no time.. its
fucken spring break ! yeaaaahhhh! anyways, the way I see it, the only thing
stopping us from becoming one of the best groups is that artists leave to
bigger groups... I understand that iCE and ACiD are the best at this point..
but if everyone leaves this group, itll never become as good as iCE and ACiD
so Im inviting everyone to apply to AIM...you can find me on almost any
board in 213/818/310.. call Aura 213 644-1966...Im the remote there...
the good thing about this group is that we understand that people have lives
well, most of them anywayz, and that we release shit when we feel like it..
were just a group of friends who got tired of all the bullshit thats
going on in the scene .. like wars between groups, etc... we just wanna
kickback and fuck around.... well, thats all I guess... reporting for
Channel 11, Rosa Maria Veranda De La Cruz Taco Supreme... :
luc aim founder/sc prez/aura remote
Now that everything is up and running we will start releasing the Paks every
month. Our Boards are going back up and Dying Breed now at its 3rd run
is up and running once again. We welcome any merge offersto merge into aim
that is and any new members are always welcome. Now that we said a fairwell
fuck you to PHC we need more couriers, and we Badly need more InterNet
and Member coordinators.
lp aim founder/wdc founder/uad founder
Captains Log...Stardate whatever the fuck it is : destination - uhhh..what ?
anyways, it actually seems like Im really gonna release the pak today ! yes,
after years..well, months of trying to get the viewer, I finally got it, and
now Im pretty much just sitting here wasting time typing up this bullshit..
I cant believe youre actually reading this.. but anyways.. I really believe
that we have a chance of becoming one of the best groups in the scene..the
only thing thats stopping us is that as soon as we get a good pak out, most
of our best artists leave to bigger groups... but from now on, we have a
commitement, so we welcome everyone who wants to apply to AIM..if youre
tired of your group, or your group died, which happens often : call AURA
and apply to AIM...lates
lc blah/blah founder/blah remote
half a year. As you know, we release paks whenever we have enuff work, and
whenever we feel like it. A lot of shit has happened since I started AIM...
Some good artists left to bigger gorups, some new people joined...some wars
were started and finished.. but were still alive, hanging in there...
the main reason that this pak is so late, is cuz we had a lot of trouble
with the viewer... we didnt want to use the crappy viewer we had in the
first two paks... anyways, we got a new viewer, and then Whisper virus fucked
it up, then we made another viewer, and the HD crash destroyed that.. then
we were about to finish the viewer again, but a virus deleted some files
that were needed to compile the viewer, and noone had those files, so we had
buy the new compiler... well, now its finally finished..lemme see, what else
do I have to say...as you see, theres not as much work from me in this pak
as before.. thats because its my senior year and I dont like drawing ansis
stoned... so that means I dont draw that much anymore...no time.. its
fucken spring break ! yeaaaahhhh! anyways, the way I see it, the only thing
stopping us from becoming one of the best groups is that artists leave to
bigger groups... I understand that iCE and ACiD are the best at this point..
but if everyone leaves this group, itll never become as good as iCE and ACiD
so Im inviting everyone to apply to AIM...you can find me on almost any
board in 213/818/310.. call Aura 213 644-1966...Im the remote there...
the good thing about this group is that we understand that people have lives
well, most of them anywayz, and that we release shit when we feel like it..
were just a group of friends who got tired of all the bullshit thats
going on in the scene .. like wars between groups, etc... we just wanna
kickback and fuck around.... well, thats all I guess... reporting for
Channel 11, Rosa Maria Veranda De La Cruz Taco Supreme... :
luc aim founder/sc prez/aura remote
Now that everything is up and running we will start releasing the Paks every
month. Our Boards are going back up and Dying Breed now at its 3rd run
is up and running once again. We welcome any merge offersto merge into aim
that is and any new members are always welcome. Now that we said a fairwell
fuck you to PHC we need more couriers, and we Badly need more InterNet
and Member coordinators.
lp aim founder/wdc founder/uad founder
Captains Log...Stardate whatever the fuck it is : destination - uhhh..what ?
anyways, it actually seems like Im really gonna release the pak today ! yes,
after years..well, months of trying to get the viewer, I finally got it, and
now Im pretty much just sitting here wasting time typing up this bullshit..
I cant believe youre actually reading this.. but anyways.. I really believe
that we have a chance of becoming one of the best groups in the scene..the
only thing thats stopping us is that as soon as we get a good pak out, most
of our best artists leave to bigger groups... but from now on, we have a
commitement, so we welcome everyone who wants to apply to AIM..if youre
tired of your group, or your group died, which happens often : call AURA
and apply to AIM...lates
lc blah/blah founder/blah remote
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