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ThiS Sheet iS PHaT, So If Yo Want A FREE An-C from Me
JuST GeT A HoLd oF mE on My Bbs iRON ClAD Number Be-l
o BuT it D0eS HeLp Ta Pay iF yo WanT 31i73 l0oking
An-C anD Greetz goto Errie 4 inspytecing my on diz on
e aNd Gre3ts go owt ta Rad Man ya Group tiz the She3t
gReeT goto TuS of VoR loVed The C.O.p An-C Btw tus
AiC Wants ya taa j0iN, And To Capt n Crunch. Can Yaa
G3t me a Source Code 4 a Loader? and Greets to all th
eiNNERCHAOS PR0dUKShUN other SmaLl AsS Gr0ups LiKe MinE Keep the Faith, if
if Not thEn Appl-i 2 AiC And G0 Place- iNNER CHAOS !
i R O N C L A D
AiC WHQ - Theory WHQ
Revolt Distro - iNFECT WHQ
Starwares Distro-WiggysoftDistro
Art Support Bbs-RenegadeSupport -KoV Net
Havok Distro - KoV SiTE -ViRii Support
JuST GeT A HoLd oF mE on My Bbs iRON ClAD Number Be-l
o BuT it D0eS HeLp Ta Pay iF yo WanT 31i73 l0oking
An-C anD Greetz goto Errie 4 inspytecing my on diz on
e aNd Gre3ts go owt ta Rad Man ya Group tiz the She3t
gReeT goto TuS of VoR loVed The C.O.p An-C Btw tus
AiC Wants ya taa j0iN, And To Capt n Crunch. Can Yaa
G3t me a Source Code 4 a Loader? and Greets to all th
eiNNERCHAOS PR0dUKShUN other SmaLl AsS Gr0ups LiKe MinE Keep the Faith, if
if Not thEn Appl-i 2 AiC And G0 Place- iNNER CHAOS !
i R O N C L A D
AiC WHQ - Theory WHQ
Revolt Distro - iNFECT WHQ
Starwares Distro-WiggysoftDistro
Art Support Bbs-RenegadeSupport -KoV Net
Havok Distro - KoV SiTE -ViRii Support
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