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A i C J a n u a r y p a c k e t A C i D
Well Pretty much this pack was ok. all my work was done at the last second. I
Was too damm busy trying to learn how to code. but any way this is the third Ai
CPack in the world! But i decided to lose alot of members and go for a higher
standers for the group. I have decided to let go of Grimjack. he was really
just not cutting it in ansi. i was gonna let a alright artist in called bloodsh
ot but his stuff just didnt work out too great. but on the good side. we just
get a Great Lit writer from Pennsilvania. called Ravaged Soul i love his work.
nice and cool and thats about it. im also gonna keep the stuff going out ver
yscaned. dont want nothing stupid or copied going out. i call it Pyroness.
we also picked up a whole bunch of Distro sites i went on the irc and pow! i
said anyone wanna de a distro for my group?it was hard for me to keep track.
another addition to the group was vein. nice little ansi artist. and this guy
that runs Chains of Destruction.... I forgot hopein for more out of this pa
ki think it was alright. some nice lits. good ansi. and bigger member list.
A C i D
i put this pack outin the name of acid for there very fine work in there las
tpack. i think its VERY well known the small battle bettween them and iCE. but i
think ice is falling behind. i may not have much right to say this.well anywa
yi love your stuff. your rips are the shit. and i think you should drop the
members that are just not doing anything but making your member list look good.
you had not that many contributers that month. and to you Jed. Are you the only
Ansimation person?. if any of you acid people have any comments or anything you
can Reach me on my bbs iRON CLAD 2o3-265-7542. no nup. nice little Ansi bbs.
even though you already have all the distro sites in the world. Why not come on
my bbs? : gg Peace /
A i C J a n u a r y p a c k e t A C i D
Well Pretty much this pack was ok. all my work was done at the last second. I
Was too damm busy trying to learn how to code. but any way this is the third Ai
CPack in the world! But i decided to lose alot of members and go for a higher
standers for the group. I have decided to let go of Grimjack. he was really
just not cutting it in ansi. i was gonna let a alright artist in called bloodsh
ot but his stuff just didnt work out too great. but on the good side. we just
get a Great Lit writer from Pennsilvania. called Ravaged Soul i love his work.
nice and cool and thats about it. im also gonna keep the stuff going out ver
yscaned. dont want nothing stupid or copied going out. i call it Pyroness.
we also picked up a whole bunch of Distro sites i went on the irc and pow! i
said anyone wanna de a distro for my group?it was hard for me to keep track.
another addition to the group was vein. nice little ansi artist. and this guy
that runs Chains of Destruction.... I forgot hopein for more out of this pa
ki think it was alright. some nice lits. good ansi. and bigger member list.
A C i D
i put this pack outin the name of acid for there very fine work in there las
tpack. i think its VERY well known the small battle bettween them and iCE. but i
think ice is falling behind. i may not have much right to say this.well anywa
yi love your stuff. your rips are the shit. and i think you should drop the
members that are just not doing anything but making your member list look good.
you had not that many contributers that month. and to you Jed. Are you the only
Ansimation person?. if any of you acid people have any comments or anything you
can Reach me on my bbs iRON CLAD 2o3-265-7542. no nup. nice little Ansi bbs.
even though you already have all the distro sites in the world. Why not come on
my bbs? : gg Peace /
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