this image contains text
i, rusty if acme, hereby present a
logo colly ... these would have
been in the last colly, but they
were to big for the border..
rs!acme t e m p t a t i o n s
font by rusty for oderous urungus
sop: white mage
wax whq
acme distro
---cut here X----------------------------------------------------------------3l3370-bURi70 ph0nt fr0m rustyacme -p.s. i hate 33l3370 typing..call p/o!
logo colly ... these would have
been in the last colly, but they
were to big for the border..
rs!acme t e m p t a t i o n s
font by rusty for oderous urungus
sop: white mage
wax whq
acme distro
---cut here X----------------------------------------------------------------3l3370-bURi70 ph0nt fr0m rustyacme -p.s. i hate 33l3370 typing..call p/o!
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