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-ST -/CME PeS-
/CmE 95 Boards:
POiNT OMeGa 2i5.536.xxxx
Underground 2i5.538.9368
Fire on Ice 2i5.529.79o8
Radioactivity 2i5.453.7548
/CmE - Gong strong
for 6 fing months!
Shadowhawk - You like my portrait of ya?
Cryptic Blood - Mr. Metro service...remind me to kill myslef :
Rusty - What the hell is this? A greet to yourself? Good one genius.
Sniper - The Sinper, The Snipe-meister, the Snipa-ramma, Snipeholio!
Pinky - Cool name...cool art.
The rest of ACmE - I really cant think of anything else to write here.
So Ill just give ya all a big shout..
Omega - word from the bible - synonymous with The End
point omega
modded obv 2.25!
96oo-144oo baud
acme whq
wicked distro
smash dist.
armageddon distro
overlord: rusty
cooverlord: shadowhawk
cryptic blood
nup : reject
/CmE 95 Boards:
POiNT OMeGa 2i5.536.xxxx
Underground 2i5.538.9368
Fire on Ice 2i5.529.79o8
Radioactivity 2i5.453.7548
/CmE - Gong strong
for 6 fing months!
Shadowhawk - You like my portrait of ya?
Cryptic Blood - Mr. Metro service...remind me to kill myslef :
Rusty - What the hell is this? A greet to yourself? Good one genius.
Sniper - The Sinper, The Snipe-meister, the Snipa-ramma, Snipeholio!
Pinky - Cool name...cool art.
The rest of ACmE - I really cant think of anything else to write here.
So Ill just give ya all a big shout..
Omega - word from the bible - synonymous with The End
point omega
modded obv 2.25!
96oo-144oo baud
acme whq
wicked distro
smash dist.
armageddon distro
overlord: rusty
cooverlord: shadowhawk
cryptic blood
nup : reject
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