shout out - gd/ad/cb/rh/ml/mb/rs can be reached at : torment@
da/mm/oi/pk/sn/ms/ks or - torment on argyle park allt
haniggazfromway all rekuests are free for now unless the
re ---back--! is a high demand yeah right.
-- ---- -- :: torment02
96colliesubmission : : acm
eeproductionsin1996 - -- ----- - .. :
----------- - ------------frayedendsofsanity --- -- ------- -
hoe shit! it cant be...
it cant be! noooooo!
is it real s0n? is it really real s0n?
let me know if its real s0n, if its really real
method man bring th
e pain
. . . p a r k
----------- - ------------argylepark-- - -- - --- -- ------- -
t e r m i n a l o v e r d o s e
stats here
----------- - ------------terminaloverdose- - --- -- ------- -
a c m e e p r o d u c t i o n s
c h e c k d i s f l y s h i t o u t
f o r t h o s e w h o d o n t l i k e i t
e a t a d i c k
----------- - ------------acmeproductions!- - --- -- ------- -
--- ------- fuck dis sheeeeiat.. im out
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