this image contains text
The Acme
Pinnacle 02-96
Fuck me! A
cme is still aro
und. I would li
ke to apologize
for last months
pack being so Acid l
ike. Twas all
my thinking and
my fault and Iv
e come to
realize that it
was a mistake.
Infact, I made a
nother mistake,
but read that in
the new Acme policy.
Trust me, just
read it. Anyway
, I have no beef
with Acid
dont get me wro
ng, it was just
stupid for me to
try and design
a pack like
them. So onto t
he real news of
This pinnacl
e marks the sixt
h pack released
by Acme in 15 mo
nths. Where
has the time gon
e? I have no id
ea. To tell you
the truth, this
has been one
of the slowest m
onths to date.
No real change i
n the members ex
cept for
Solitude swing
ing down from Ve
rmont to help us
in the ansi dep
Well, we ha
ve decided to o
pen a modding di
vision to Acme c
alled Mercu
Yes, I know its
a real copy of
Acid, but I didn
t want to make
it another
division that I
have to run, so
we just said Mo
rtal, you ran me
rcury before it
was acme, so kee
p doing it. Ba
sically, Im too
lazy and too bu
sy to run a
modding group, b
ut we all know M
ortal has no lif
e so we gave him
the job. :
On an even
cooler note, Acm
e is proud to re
lease its first
viewer called
Visions! It i
s coded by our w
arm fuzzy friend
Blackbob of etg
. Check it out.
I dig. Everyone
else in Acme di
gs. You will di
g too.
Attention V
GA people! I wa
s going to relea
se a separate vg
a pack, but for
lack of vga I di
dnt. I would r
eally like to se
e the vga member
s increase in
Acme. So if you are in
terested, email
or fondle me on
Acme is stil
l looking for so
me more internet
. Guido is
incharge of this
division and yo
u can find him o
n acme almost a
ll the time.
So like apply or
And lastly,
enjoy the pack.
Apply to Acme.
Feel great. Be
-cryptic bl
***The newslette
r is now over, b
ut if you wish t
o read on, go ah
Also, in ag
reement with Min
dcrime, I have d
ecided to put a
special fuck
you to Maytrickz
who seems to be
like the big g
uy in ansi. Y
oure a prick
maytrickz. You
have penis envy
for me, catbones
, mindcrime, bor
ian, and
everyone else wh
o was hanging on
ice the other
night. Hopefull
y Mindcrime
will keep his en
d of the bargain
and we will see
a big fuck you
to Maytrickz
in the blade new
sletter : Any
other group who
wants to put a f
uck you to
Maytrickz in the
ir newsletter, g
o ahead. :
add twe
ed to that list
not the fuck you
list, but the p
enis envy list
I would lik
e to take the ti
me to question
everyone jumps
on the band-
wagon on ansi a
nd says acid suc
ks when you know
all the little
asses there
would jump at th
e chance to join
acid when its
invite only. A
ctually, they
werent jumping
at the chance.
They were /msg t
he ops in acid
saying invite
me man. whilst
they were bustin
g on acid in an
si. Go figure.
I dont
understand. Enl
ighten me.
As I just b
itched about som
e people, I woul
d just like to t
ake the time to
list all the fri
endly people who
I have talked t
o on irc. my n
ick is crypbld
Radman, te
etoo, tweed, ess
teesee, clorox,
tweed, catbones
, tweed :,
borian, mindcrim
e, zarkon, maxwe
ll, and ever
Infact, repeat e
ach of those
names twice caus
e they are all s
well guys and ma
de my experience
with irc
cool. I dont k
now when the nex
t time I will be
on again carde
d accounts dont
last forever, but lo
ok for me again
Lastly, I go t
o greets. My ti
me on irc has be
en relativly goo
d although I
find people are
rather cold on a
nsi related chan
nels except le
gend, everyone
is nice there.
Anyway, my gree
ts go out to:
Rusty, shadow
hawk, arcade, MI
ND BENDER, pinky
, torment, morta
l, guido,
metal man, black
death, righteou
s, stevo, anyone
else in acme I
forgot, radman
terminator 2, ru
stys mom, stone
the crow, cloro
x cowboy, tweed,
zarkon, mindcrim
e, borian, maxwe
ll, everlast, no
otropic. These
are all the
people that I ca
n remember that
made me think h
ey what a fuckin
g nice guy
not just a nice
guy, but a FUCKI
NG nice guy. So
me of you might
not remember
me, but it doesn
t matter, you g
uys are cool and
are a lot of fu
n to chat
enough of this
crap, lateron...
yptic blood
a.k.a cr
The Acme
Pinnacle 02-96
Fuck me! A
cme is still aro
und. I would li
ke to apologize
for last months
pack being so Acid l
ike. Twas all
my thinking and
my fault and Iv
e come to
realize that it
was a mistake.
Infact, I made a
nother mistake,
but read that in
the new Acme policy.
Trust me, just
read it. Anyway
, I have no beef
with Acid
dont get me wro
ng, it was just
stupid for me to
try and design
a pack like
them. So onto t
he real news of
This pinnacl
e marks the sixt
h pack released
by Acme in 15 mo
nths. Where
has the time gon
e? I have no id
ea. To tell you
the truth, this
has been one
of the slowest m
onths to date.
No real change i
n the members ex
cept for
Solitude swing
ing down from Ve
rmont to help us
in the ansi dep
Well, we ha
ve decided to o
pen a modding di
vision to Acme c
alled Mercu
Yes, I know its
a real copy of
Acid, but I didn
t want to make
it another
division that I
have to run, so
we just said Mo
rtal, you ran me
rcury before it
was acme, so kee
p doing it. Ba
sically, Im too
lazy and too bu
sy to run a
modding group, b
ut we all know M
ortal has no lif
e so we gave him
the job. :
On an even
cooler note, Acm
e is proud to re
lease its first
viewer called
Visions! It i
s coded by our w
arm fuzzy friend
Blackbob of etg
. Check it out.
I dig. Everyone
else in Acme di
gs. You will di
g too.
Attention V
GA people! I wa
s going to relea
se a separate vg
a pack, but for
lack of vga I di
dnt. I would r
eally like to se
e the vga member
s increase in
Acme. So if you are in
terested, email
or fondle me on
Acme is stil
l looking for so
me more internet
. Guido is
incharge of this
division and yo
u can find him o
n acme almost a
ll the time.
So like apply or
And lastly,
enjoy the pack.
Apply to Acme.
Feel great. Be
-cryptic bl
***The newslette
r is now over, b
ut if you wish t
o read on, go ah
Also, in ag
reement with Min
dcrime, I have d
ecided to put a
special fuck
you to Maytrickz
who seems to be
like the big g
uy in ansi. Y
oure a prick
maytrickz. You
have penis envy
for me, catbones
, mindcrime, bor
ian, and
everyone else wh
o was hanging on
ice the other
night. Hopefull
y Mindcrime
will keep his en
d of the bargain
and we will see
a big fuck you
to Maytrickz
in the blade new
sletter : Any
other group who
wants to put a f
uck you to
Maytrickz in the
ir newsletter, g
o ahead. :
add twe
ed to that list
not the fuck you
list, but the p
enis envy list
I would lik
e to take the ti
me to question
everyone jumps
on the band-
wagon on ansi a
nd says acid suc
ks when you know
all the little
asses there
would jump at th
e chance to join
acid when its
invite only. A
ctually, they
werent jumping
at the chance.
They were /msg t
he ops in acid
saying invite
me man. whilst
they were bustin
g on acid in an
si. Go figure.
I dont
understand. Enl
ighten me.
As I just b
itched about som
e people, I woul
d just like to t
ake the time to
list all the fri
endly people who
I have talked t
o on irc. my n
ick is crypbld
Radman, te
etoo, tweed, ess
teesee, clorox,
tweed, catbones
, tweed :,
borian, mindcrim
e, zarkon, maxwe
ll, and ever
Infact, repeat e
ach of those
names twice caus
e they are all s
well guys and ma
de my experience
with irc
cool. I dont k
now when the nex
t time I will be
on again carde
d accounts dont
last forever, but lo
ok for me again
Lastly, I go t
o greets. My ti
me on irc has be
en relativly goo
d although I
find people are
rather cold on a
nsi related chan
nels except le
gend, everyone
is nice there.
Anyway, my gree
ts go out to:
Rusty, shadow
hawk, arcade, MI
ND BENDER, pinky
, torment, morta
l, guido,
metal man, black
death, righteou
s, stevo, anyone
else in acme I
forgot, radman
terminator 2, ru
stys mom, stone
the crow, cloro
x cowboy, tweed,
zarkon, mindcrim
e, borian, maxwe
ll, everlast, no
otropic. These
are all the
people that I ca
n remember that
made me think h
ey what a fuckin
g nice guy
not just a nice
guy, but a FUCKI
NG nice guy. So
me of you might
not remember
me, but it doesn
t matter, you g
uys are cool and
are a lot of fu
n to chat
enough of this
crap, lateron...
yptic blood
a.k.a cr
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