this image contains text
to Acme! We are
definatly an up
and com
ing ansi art gro
up to the ansi s
This is
an updated poli
cy from the last
use as the scene
changes, the gr
oups in the
scene m
ust change their
ways to adapt.
of like
Social Darwinis
m on an ansi lev
el. So,
in this
new policy, mos
t of the topics
have beenrevampe
d to modernize
if you will Acme
. If you are in
terested in know
ing moreabout Ac
me and what it ha
s to offer to yo
u the member and
viewer, please
our World Headqu
arters, Argyle P
ark, at 215-721-
Now onto some r
ules of Acme. F
irst off, we do
not allow dual g
period. In the
past we have let
our members dua
l group only if
they partici-
pated in another
art medium with
in that group ot
her than the one
they chose for
Acme. We have f
ound in our expe
rience that it l
owers the standa
rd of quality
Acme has built.
We want all our
artists to cont
ribute all their
efforts into
Acme so they can
make Acme the b
est group it can
be. So please,
no dualing.
As most ansi gr
oups have a poli
cy of quality no
t quantity, so d
oes Acme We h
ave a standard th
at we have set f
rom our artists
talent and it wo
uld be
stupid to drop b
ack from that st
andard. Acme ha
s the right to q
uality check our
aritsts work. Acme
DOES NOT have th
e right to chang
e the artists w
ork in any
way to make it p
ack material. W
hat you see is w
hat you get. No
addons done by
any Acme member
other than the o
riginal artist.
Applying to
Acme is easier
than you might t
hink. We have m
any represen-
tatives on the Intern
et. You can als
o call our World
Headquarters, s
end me
mail telling me
about yourself a
nd including you
r best works. I
n the past, Acme
has had a policy of y
ou must call the
s at least once
a week to get i
nformation on gro
up happenings.
Well, weve foun
d that as the gr
oup grows,its h
arder to have eve
ryone call. So,
you can now cont
act Rusty on the
Internetto get
you Acme informat
ion as well as s
ubmitting your w
ork. However, i
f you
can call the Wor
ldHeadquaters, t
hen please do.
It keeps the gro
up unity much
So say you
dont do ansi or
anything like t
hat, but you fee
l that you could
be a great contributi
on to Acme. BY
I love to have
astic people in
an ansi group.
It makes relatio
ns much better.
If we feel that
you can benefit Acme,
then we will le
t you in. Acme
realizes that pe
ople who
dont have artis
tic talents can
still benefit a
group as much as
their best
artist can.
Distro sites a
re welcomed and
appreciated. Ho
wever, the sysop
of that
distro board wil
l have to call t
he WHQ and get t
o know Acme. On
ce we find that
we like you, you
will become a m
ember of Acme.
Since you then b
ecome a member
of Acme, your bo
ard becomes a me
mber board. So
only member boar
d will be listed
in the packs because
we dont have di
stros. By havin
g the sysops cal
l the WHQ
every week, we h
ope to weed out
any sysop just l
ooking for the a
ffil as well as
getting to know
more people thro
ughout the BBS c
*Note, not a
ll issues have b
een covered in t
his policy. It i
s just an
overview of some
basic issues we
feel needed to
be addressed. A
s always, there
are exceptions t
o rules and Acme
can handle thes
e exceptions on
a one to one
basis between th
e seniors and
the individual t
o whom the probl
refers to.
c Blood
to Acme! We are
definatly an up
and com
ing ansi art gro
up to the ansi s
This is
an updated poli
cy from the last
use as the scene
changes, the gr
oups in the
scene m
ust change their
ways to adapt.
of like
Social Darwinis
m on an ansi lev
el. So,
in this
new policy, mos
t of the topics
have beenrevampe
d to modernize
if you will Acme
. If you are in
terested in know
ing moreabout Ac
me and what it ha
s to offer to yo
u the member and
viewer, please
our World Headqu
arters, Argyle P
ark, at 215-721-
Now onto some r
ules of Acme. F
irst off, we do
not allow dual g
period. In the
past we have let
our members dua
l group only if
they partici-
pated in another
art medium with
in that group ot
her than the one
they chose for
Acme. We have f
ound in our expe
rience that it l
owers the standa
rd of quality
Acme has built.
We want all our
artists to cont
ribute all their
efforts into
Acme so they can
make Acme the b
est group it can
be. So please,
no dualing.
As most ansi gr
oups have a poli
cy of quality no
t quantity, so d
oes Acme We h
ave a standard th
at we have set f
rom our artists
talent and it wo
uld be
stupid to drop b
ack from that st
andard. Acme ha
s the right to q
uality check our
aritsts work. Acme
DOES NOT have th
e right to chang
e the artists w
ork in any
way to make it p
ack material. W
hat you see is w
hat you get. No
addons done by
any Acme member
other than the o
riginal artist.
Applying to
Acme is easier
than you might t
hink. We have m
any represen-
tatives on the Intern
et. You can als
o call our World
Headquarters, s
end me
mail telling me
about yourself a
nd including you
r best works. I
n the past, Acme
has had a policy of y
ou must call the
s at least once
a week to get i
nformation on gro
up happenings.
Well, weve foun
d that as the gr
oup grows,its h
arder to have eve
ryone call. So,
you can now cont
act Rusty on the
Internetto get
you Acme informat
ion as well as s
ubmitting your w
ork. However, i
f you
can call the Wor
ldHeadquaters, t
hen please do.
It keeps the gro
up unity much
So say you
dont do ansi or
anything like t
hat, but you fee
l that you could
be a great contributi
on to Acme. BY
I love to have
astic people in
an ansi group.
It makes relatio
ns much better.
If we feel that
you can benefit Acme,
then we will le
t you in. Acme
realizes that pe
ople who
dont have artis
tic talents can
still benefit a
group as much as
their best
artist can.
Distro sites a
re welcomed and
appreciated. Ho
wever, the sysop
of that
distro board wil
l have to call t
he WHQ and get t
o know Acme. On
ce we find that
we like you, you
will become a m
ember of Acme.
Since you then b
ecome a member
of Acme, your bo
ard becomes a me
mber board. So
only member boar
d will be listed
in the packs because
we dont have di
stros. By havin
g the sysops cal
l the WHQ
every week, we h
ope to weed out
any sysop just l
ooking for the a
ffil as well as
getting to know
more people thro
ughout the BBS c
*Note, not a
ll issues have b
een covered in t
his policy. It i
s just an
overview of some
basic issues we
feel needed to
be addressed. A
s always, there
are exceptions t
o rules and Acme
can handle thes
e exceptions on
a one to one
basis between th
e seniors and
the individual t
o whom the probl
refers to.
c Blood
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