- title
- ACiD Beanie Advert
- author
- Catbones
- group
- ACiD Productions
- date
- 1999-01-02
- comments
- ACiD Beanies *are* dope.. I wear one myself.
Our ACiD gear sells itself, because YOU WANT
ACiD! We only have to put our OWN name on
our magical textiles to entice you into buying,
unlike other panderers of silly cartooned
threads who ALSO use our name to push their
silliness onto the scene... BUY ACiD gear, when
you put it on, you'll know why you did.
ACiD-GEAR! The original! Bona Fide! The one's
REALLY in demand. - datatype
- bitmap
- filetype
- jpeg
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