this image contains text
You better be ready
the ACiD news ... ,gg,
,dPTb, db jb
,gg, j TL ,gg,,dQ
,dPTb, dPTP
j TLL, ,IPj TL
db p, : db
TL, ,IP *P l:TL, ,IP
p, ,g, :l p, ,g
**P **P
j ,g@p, ,g@p, T jbg ,g@p, TL
yyyyyyy jL , d T yyyyyyy
, , , ,QP , jakACiD
Issue No.17 An Official ACiD Productionstm Public Update January 1998
gg qg
,@@, TP ,@@, ,@@,
L dP TL dP L TL dP by Cthulu
The endless cyclical course of a year has come full circle again, the
phoenix turned to ash, the boulder rolled to the bottom, and we here at
ACiD Productions are prepared to face this coming annum with no less passion
and enthusiasm as we have our past three quarters of a decade.
A new year gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate our goals and
mission statement for the upcoming twelve months, and it is clear to us that
little is required beyond simply continuing along the varied paths were
laying solidly down before and behind us.
qg gg
,@@, jP@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@,
TL TL dP TL dP L dP TL dP L dP TL dP
,@ ,@@, ,@@, TP ,@
@, TL @,
by Striker qQ dP TL dP TL dP TL dP qQ dP
Since our last newsletter, ACiD has experienced several admin-
istrative shifts and changes. pHluid underwent one of these when Protocol
was promoted as Advisor of ACiD Musicians. Protocol is handling all pHluid
applicants as well as packaging the music packs. One of ACiDs latest
editions, acid!press, has also witnessed changes as Striker, former writer
has been promoted as Advisor of ACiD Writers. Responsible for everything
from the format, layout, and other writers of ACiDs quarterly chronicles.
The leader of our now defunct ACiDic BBS modification division, Megga Hertz,
has been demoted as the modding section has been disassembled due to
futility. He now returns to his position as an ACiD artist, drawing ASCII
with the unequaled Remorse. Also stepping down from advisorhood is Pinion
between serious problems with his ISP and his hectic schedule, it was
unanimously decided to let him move on to other priorities. Mindcrime,
former head of acid!press, recently resigned from his position due to his
idleness. Whether, as in his words, he was lazy or not, he will be
missed. He has been suggestive that he may be contributing future columns
to our fine publication.
qg gg
,@@, jP@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@,
TL TL dP TL dP L dP TL dP L dP TL dP
,@@, ,@@, ,@@Q@, ,@@, ,@
T TP L dP @,
L dP TL dP L L TP qQ dP By Striker
As happens often with the creative artists in the scene, certain
members have decided to endure name changes. Eggman took a humble change
to his new alias, Grim. Acid Jack decided he liked his old nick better
and thus is now known as Kaleidas once more. Akairo apparently decided to
follow suit and has returned to his old familiar name, Sodium.
qg *gp gp gg
jP@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@QL ,@@,
TL dP L TL dP TL dP TL dP L dP gg gg gg By Striker
Two members have rejoined this newsletter. From the outback
of Australia comes Blup back to the hirez crew. You may know him better
as Skitzo. Infernal Flames, from Russia, has also returned to ACiD. He
has put down the ANSI pen, and moved on to VGA.
We also have some new faces within ACiD. Adya adds some estrogen to
the group with her graceful yet sexy, and sometimes-provocative hirez. Kyo
comes from the paradise of Hawaii with his hirez skills. Lion Gv produces
many abstract and killer cross techno urban styles. From Finland, we welcome
Saffron. He does impressive pixel art and is also a member of the very
prominent demogroup TBL, The Black Lotus.
ACiD ASCII, Remorse has several new members to greet. They include
Computerman, Deadsoul, Discofunct1974, Drax, Enigmatic, Erupt, Essence,
Fahrenheit, Hex Corrupt, Martz, Nine Lives, Phreak Klass, Revolution,
Seismic, Serial Toon, Speed Freak, Truman Star, and The Upright Man.
Finally, we would like to welcome our newest journalist, Priest,
to acid!press.
qg *gp gp qg
jP@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@QL ,@@, gp qp TP
gg gg gg TL dP L TL dP TL dP TL dP TL dP TL dP TL dP
By Striker
As we greet our new members into the hirez family, we must also say
goodbye to some of our dormant relatives Blandest and Visigoth.
Remorse bids farewell to the following with sorrow Cain, Discyple,
Ewheat, Gravedancer, Nahal, Nitrogen, Point Blank, Skatter, Spirit of
Illusion, and Wise-K.
Gone from the rhythm of pHluid so far this year are In Tense, Rexazy,
and Sikos.
With exception to Megga Hertz, all ACiDic members have been removed
as the division has been expunged.
gg gp qg
,@@, ,@@, ,@QL ,@@, ,@@, TP ,@
j L dP TL @,
qg qg qg
TP ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, TP jP@, ,@@, ,@@,
TL L dP TL L dP by
TL dP TL dP TL dP TP TL dP TL dP TP L Necromancer
Ahh, summertime, a time of flowers and frolic. Well, for most people,
anyway, but for the members of ACiD Productions that attended ACiD Con II on
August 2nd, it was a time of pizza and beer.
Held at the Pizza and Pipes in Sunnyvale, California 408, of
course!, members old and new showed up to meet their fellow group-mates in
person, some of us for the first time. Partiers included Ravaged Wanderer,
Kaleidas, Prisoner 1, ReDMaN and his younger brother, RaD Man, Necromancer,
Necronite, Penguin, Terrorist, Eporue and his wife-to-be. It took a little
while to get started, but we had fun and enjoyed the eats. Of course thats
not all we did. After taking some pictures, watching some NAID videos, and
a couple of us splitting off, we decided that we should go see a movie about
a character that is quite prominent in the artscene: SPAWN! Surprised,
Well, having just one ACiD Con in 1997 wasnt going to cut it, so we
had another before the year was up. Held at Planet Hollywood in San
Francisco on October 12th, it was quite a blast. Attendees were Necronite,
Protocol, RaD Man, Nikki aka RaD Woman, Shivan Bastard, Snowman, and
Apparently some of the highlights included 151 Coke, Planet
Hollywoods very own Capn Crunch Chicken see: acid-64a, and the neat-o
Turbo Ride at Pier 39 that takes you through Jurassic Park, Aliens, or
Toyland, all the while sitting comfortably in a hydraulically powered chair.
Of course, the 151 and Coca-Cola combination made it all the more
worthwhile. That and having the maitre d say Party of ACiD, Your table
is now ready repeatedly over the intercom before we were seated.
As fall turned to winter, we decided the time was right for another
ACiD family gathering, ACiD Con IV. This one scheduled on January 10th, on
a Saturday. At around 3 oclock we all gathered at Cluck U! Chicken for a
good time, beer, and beer. The chicken at this place is so exquisite that
we stayed there a good three hours. Eventually we got Mass Delusion and
Apox to come across the street from Santa Clara University to mingle with
their ACiD rivals, which brought our total group to Apox, Betrayer,
Kaleidas, Mass Delusion iCE scum.. *cough*, Necromancer, Necronite,
Protocol, Ravaged Wanderer and his girlfriend Lindsey, RaD Man, Nikki RaD
Woman, Tommpa1, and Xenopraxis. With the alcohol flowing freely, the
situation rapidly arose to cries of iCE SUCKS! ACiD RULES!, and amusing
pictures and poses, including a yet to be seen picture of RaD Mans
nostrils, taken by yours truly.
Of course, theres only so much fun to be had at a restaurant, so
the iCE losers split off back to their dorms, and the ACiD crew headed back
to RaD Mans house. The AFTERparty consisted of margaritas and watching
Hellraiser: Bloodline. And forthwith, let it be writ in the annals of
history that RaD Man makes heavenly margaritas.
All in all, the ACiD get togethers, although generally small, give
people that have known each other for many years electronically a chance to
finally meet in person. Many of us will cherish these memorable experiences
for years to come. For me, these experiences include RaD Mans nostrils,
calling John Ravaged Wanderer RW in person, hearing Kaleidas scream
and hearing Xenopraxis SouthPark Song on my car stereo.
Photographs from ACiD Con IV will be available soon online Acheron
http://www.acheron.org and on the members section of the ACiD website
qg gp
,@@, ,@@, TP ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, LdP ,@
TL j P@, @,
TL dP L TL dP TL dP TL dP TL TL dP qQ dP
,@@, ,@@, gp qp ,@@, ,@@, jP@,
TL dP TL dP TL dP L dP TL TL dP By Striker
The ACiD Artpacks Archives /artpacks directories are now connected to
CNet, The Computer Network. All files online artpacks.acid.org under
the directory are dually indexed and available via CNets virtual software
library, shareware.com.
In other Artpacks news, the Artpacks Explained documentary is now
complete. Artpacks Explained gives a brief introduction to the common
graphical file formats used in artpacks. As it describes these types of
art, visual examples are also displayed in GIF and JFIF images. This
wonderful resource is available at
http://artpacks.acid.org/www/html/intro.html. We welcome all comments
and feedback regarding this new addition.
At the time of our previous newsletter, disk space had become so
limited that we could only accept RAR compressed uploads. The demand for
additional room on our archive grew, and we responded. To allow for our
continued growth, we have allocated more free space to the site. While
we continue to strongly encourage the useage of RAR archives, we are now
able to allow both RAR and ZIP files to be uploaded once again.
Also in the works for artpacks.acid.org is a completely new
interface. We are reorganizing and will soon give a face lift to the
main page, as well as giving the scripts a complete overhaul.
*gp gg gp
,@ ,@@, ,@QL
@, P
qQ dP TL dP L TL dP
qg *gp gg gp
,@@, jP@, gp qp ,@QL
By Protocol TL dP TL dP L TL dP TL dP
After being dormant for a few months pHluid is back! We promised a
new release back in ACiDs News-59, but time slipped by and here we are in
January. :P
This past year has introduced several changes in the art and music
scenes, and weve had our share of internal changes and challenges within
the group. Unfortunately, In Tense a.k.a. Sonic, Rexazy, and Sikos are
no longer in pHluid. But, due to the efforts of the currect active
members we are back on schedule and have been releasing monthly music
packs since November 1997 on Hornet http://www.hornet.org. Two other
major changes have taken place recently.
First in the news is that I have assumed the responsibility of
coordinating these monthly packs. Pinion, the former coordinator, has
become consumed with too much work for the time being. However, he still
remains an active member in the group.
Second, Panther took the initiative to spend a bit of time
reconstructing the pHluid website and the results are a clean,
well-designed set of pages. He will be the webmaster for this site and
has all the current information on it. Look for its public unveiling on
March 1, 1998! Applications to pHluid are encouraged. We are a dynamic
group that does not have a single style but demands high quality from its
members. If you are interested, email me at protocol@acid.org. Send
information on a site that contains your portfolio---no binary attachments
qg gp
,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, TP ,@@, ,@QL ,@@, gp qp
,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@,
L dP
TP ,@@, ,@@Q@, ,@@Q@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,p q,
by Priest and Striker
The extremely phat ACiD Caps have proved to be a very successful
item. Several fashion savvy scene members have been spotted sporting their
k-rad caps, and weve heard nothing but positive and encouraging feedback
about them. Your rare opportunity to buy one of these hot-selling caps
ends on February 28th, 1998. ACiD would like to thank all of you who
supported us by buying a hat. Your contribution and obvious taste gives
us a warm fuzzy feeling all over no, really. For those who are about to
miss out, put that gun down because we are working diligently to bring you
something new! Stay tuned for future offers by ACiD, including more
incredibly elite clothing gear.
,@@, gp qp TP ,@@, ,@@,
TL dP TL dP TL dP L TL dP by Cthulu
What to expect from us in the upcoming months? In a word: more.
Look for progress inside and outside the conventional scenes we all know -
more ACiDgear, more appearances at conventions and demoparties, more and
tighter releases in high-resolution, music and ASCII, as well as a few
surprises. But you didnt really need us to tell you all that, did you?
ACiD Writers: ACiD!Press Editor: RaD Man ACiD
ACiD Special Thanks: Kaleidas, Necromancer, and Protocol ACiD
the ACiD news ... ,gg,
,dPTb, db jb
,gg, j TL ,gg,,dQ
,dPTb, dPTP
j TLL, ,IPj TL
db p, : db
TL, ,IP *P l:TL, ,IP
p, ,g, :l p, ,g
**P **P
j ,g@p, ,g@p, T jbg ,g@p, TL
yyyyyyy jL , d T yyyyyyy
, , , ,QP , jakACiD
Issue No.17 An Official ACiD Productionstm Public Update January 1998
gg qg
,@@, TP ,@@, ,@@,
L dP TL dP L TL dP by Cthulu
The endless cyclical course of a year has come full circle again, the
phoenix turned to ash, the boulder rolled to the bottom, and we here at
ACiD Productions are prepared to face this coming annum with no less passion
and enthusiasm as we have our past three quarters of a decade.
A new year gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate our goals and
mission statement for the upcoming twelve months, and it is clear to us that
little is required beyond simply continuing along the varied paths were
laying solidly down before and behind us.
qg gg
,@@, jP@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@,
TL TL dP TL dP L dP TL dP L dP TL dP
,@ ,@@, ,@@, TP ,@
@, TL @,
by Striker qQ dP TL dP TL dP TL dP qQ dP
Since our last newsletter, ACiD has experienced several admin-
istrative shifts and changes. pHluid underwent one of these when Protocol
was promoted as Advisor of ACiD Musicians. Protocol is handling all pHluid
applicants as well as packaging the music packs. One of ACiDs latest
editions, acid!press, has also witnessed changes as Striker, former writer
has been promoted as Advisor of ACiD Writers. Responsible for everything
from the format, layout, and other writers of ACiDs quarterly chronicles.
The leader of our now defunct ACiDic BBS modification division, Megga Hertz,
has been demoted as the modding section has been disassembled due to
futility. He now returns to his position as an ACiD artist, drawing ASCII
with the unequaled Remorse. Also stepping down from advisorhood is Pinion
between serious problems with his ISP and his hectic schedule, it was
unanimously decided to let him move on to other priorities. Mindcrime,
former head of acid!press, recently resigned from his position due to his
idleness. Whether, as in his words, he was lazy or not, he will be
missed. He has been suggestive that he may be contributing future columns
to our fine publication.
qg gg
,@@, jP@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@,
TL TL dP TL dP L dP TL dP L dP TL dP
,@@, ,@@, ,@@Q@, ,@@, ,@
T TP L dP @,
L dP TL dP L L TP qQ dP By Striker
As happens often with the creative artists in the scene, certain
members have decided to endure name changes. Eggman took a humble change
to his new alias, Grim. Acid Jack decided he liked his old nick better
and thus is now known as Kaleidas once more. Akairo apparently decided to
follow suit and has returned to his old familiar name, Sodium.
qg *gp gp gg
jP@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@QL ,@@,
TL dP L TL dP TL dP TL dP L dP gg gg gg By Striker
Two members have rejoined this newsletter. From the outback
of Australia comes Blup back to the hirez crew. You may know him better
as Skitzo. Infernal Flames, from Russia, has also returned to ACiD. He
has put down the ANSI pen, and moved on to VGA.
We also have some new faces within ACiD. Adya adds some estrogen to
the group with her graceful yet sexy, and sometimes-provocative hirez. Kyo
comes from the paradise of Hawaii with his hirez skills. Lion Gv produces
many abstract and killer cross techno urban styles. From Finland, we welcome
Saffron. He does impressive pixel art and is also a member of the very
prominent demogroup TBL, The Black Lotus.
ACiD ASCII, Remorse has several new members to greet. They include
Computerman, Deadsoul, Discofunct1974, Drax, Enigmatic, Erupt, Essence,
Fahrenheit, Hex Corrupt, Martz, Nine Lives, Phreak Klass, Revolution,
Seismic, Serial Toon, Speed Freak, Truman Star, and The Upright Man.
Finally, we would like to welcome our newest journalist, Priest,
to acid!press.
qg *gp gp qg
jP@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@QL ,@@, gp qp TP
gg gg gg TL dP L TL dP TL dP TL dP TL dP TL dP TL dP
By Striker
As we greet our new members into the hirez family, we must also say
goodbye to some of our dormant relatives Blandest and Visigoth.
Remorse bids farewell to the following with sorrow Cain, Discyple,
Ewheat, Gravedancer, Nahal, Nitrogen, Point Blank, Skatter, Spirit of
Illusion, and Wise-K.
Gone from the rhythm of pHluid so far this year are In Tense, Rexazy,
and Sikos.
With exception to Megga Hertz, all ACiDic members have been removed
as the division has been expunged.
gg gp qg
,@@, ,@@, ,@QL ,@@, ,@@, TP ,@
j L dP TL @,
qg qg qg
TP ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, TP jP@, ,@@, ,@@,
TL L dP TL L dP by
TL dP TL dP TL dP TP TL dP TL dP TP L Necromancer
Ahh, summertime, a time of flowers and frolic. Well, for most people,
anyway, but for the members of ACiD Productions that attended ACiD Con II on
August 2nd, it was a time of pizza and beer.
Held at the Pizza and Pipes in Sunnyvale, California 408, of
course!, members old and new showed up to meet their fellow group-mates in
person, some of us for the first time. Partiers included Ravaged Wanderer,
Kaleidas, Prisoner 1, ReDMaN and his younger brother, RaD Man, Necromancer,
Necronite, Penguin, Terrorist, Eporue and his wife-to-be. It took a little
while to get started, but we had fun and enjoyed the eats. Of course thats
not all we did. After taking some pictures, watching some NAID videos, and
a couple of us splitting off, we decided that we should go see a movie about
a character that is quite prominent in the artscene: SPAWN! Surprised,
Well, having just one ACiD Con in 1997 wasnt going to cut it, so we
had another before the year was up. Held at Planet Hollywood in San
Francisco on October 12th, it was quite a blast. Attendees were Necronite,
Protocol, RaD Man, Nikki aka RaD Woman, Shivan Bastard, Snowman, and
Apparently some of the highlights included 151 Coke, Planet
Hollywoods very own Capn Crunch Chicken see: acid-64a, and the neat-o
Turbo Ride at Pier 39 that takes you through Jurassic Park, Aliens, or
Toyland, all the while sitting comfortably in a hydraulically powered chair.
Of course, the 151 and Coca-Cola combination made it all the more
worthwhile. That and having the maitre d say Party of ACiD, Your table
is now ready repeatedly over the intercom before we were seated.
As fall turned to winter, we decided the time was right for another
ACiD family gathering, ACiD Con IV. This one scheduled on January 10th, on
a Saturday. At around 3 oclock we all gathered at Cluck U! Chicken for a
good time, beer, and beer. The chicken at this place is so exquisite that
we stayed there a good three hours. Eventually we got Mass Delusion and
Apox to come across the street from Santa Clara University to mingle with
their ACiD rivals, which brought our total group to Apox, Betrayer,
Kaleidas, Mass Delusion iCE scum.. *cough*, Necromancer, Necronite,
Protocol, Ravaged Wanderer and his girlfriend Lindsey, RaD Man, Nikki RaD
Woman, Tommpa1, and Xenopraxis. With the alcohol flowing freely, the
situation rapidly arose to cries of iCE SUCKS! ACiD RULES!, and amusing
pictures and poses, including a yet to be seen picture of RaD Mans
nostrils, taken by yours truly.
Of course, theres only so much fun to be had at a restaurant, so
the iCE losers split off back to their dorms, and the ACiD crew headed back
to RaD Mans house. The AFTERparty consisted of margaritas and watching
Hellraiser: Bloodline. And forthwith, let it be writ in the annals of
history that RaD Man makes heavenly margaritas.
All in all, the ACiD get togethers, although generally small, give
people that have known each other for many years electronically a chance to
finally meet in person. Many of us will cherish these memorable experiences
for years to come. For me, these experiences include RaD Mans nostrils,
calling John Ravaged Wanderer RW in person, hearing Kaleidas scream
and hearing Xenopraxis SouthPark Song on my car stereo.
Photographs from ACiD Con IV will be available soon online Acheron
http://www.acheron.org and on the members section of the ACiD website
qg gp
,@@, ,@@, TP ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, LdP ,@
TL j P@, @,
TL dP L TL dP TL dP TL dP TL TL dP qQ dP
,@@, ,@@, gp qp ,@@, ,@@, jP@,
TL dP TL dP TL dP L dP TL TL dP By Striker
The ACiD Artpacks Archives /artpacks directories are now connected to
CNet, The Computer Network. All files online artpacks.acid.org under
the directory are dually indexed and available via CNets virtual software
library, shareware.com.
In other Artpacks news, the Artpacks Explained documentary is now
complete. Artpacks Explained gives a brief introduction to the common
graphical file formats used in artpacks. As it describes these types of
art, visual examples are also displayed in GIF and JFIF images. This
wonderful resource is available at
http://artpacks.acid.org/www/html/intro.html. We welcome all comments
and feedback regarding this new addition.
At the time of our previous newsletter, disk space had become so
limited that we could only accept RAR compressed uploads. The demand for
additional room on our archive grew, and we responded. To allow for our
continued growth, we have allocated more free space to the site. While
we continue to strongly encourage the useage of RAR archives, we are now
able to allow both RAR and ZIP files to be uploaded once again.
Also in the works for artpacks.acid.org is a completely new
interface. We are reorganizing and will soon give a face lift to the
main page, as well as giving the scripts a complete overhaul.
*gp gg gp
,@ ,@@, ,@QL
@, P
qQ dP TL dP L TL dP
qg *gp gg gp
,@@, jP@, gp qp ,@QL
By Protocol TL dP TL dP L TL dP TL dP
After being dormant for a few months pHluid is back! We promised a
new release back in ACiDs News-59, but time slipped by and here we are in
January. :P
This past year has introduced several changes in the art and music
scenes, and weve had our share of internal changes and challenges within
the group. Unfortunately, In Tense a.k.a. Sonic, Rexazy, and Sikos are
no longer in pHluid. But, due to the efforts of the currect active
members we are back on schedule and have been releasing monthly music
packs since November 1997 on Hornet http://www.hornet.org. Two other
major changes have taken place recently.
First in the news is that I have assumed the responsibility of
coordinating these monthly packs. Pinion, the former coordinator, has
become consumed with too much work for the time being. However, he still
remains an active member in the group.
Second, Panther took the initiative to spend a bit of time
reconstructing the pHluid website and the results are a clean,
well-designed set of pages. He will be the webmaster for this site and
has all the current information on it. Look for its public unveiling on
March 1, 1998! Applications to pHluid are encouraged. We are a dynamic
group that does not have a single style but demands high quality from its
members. If you are interested, email me at protocol@acid.org. Send
information on a site that contains your portfolio---no binary attachments
qg gp
,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, TP ,@@, ,@QL ,@@, gp qp
,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@,
L dP
TP ,@@, ,@@Q@, ,@@Q@, ,@@, ,@@, ,@@, ,p q,
by Priest and Striker
The extremely phat ACiD Caps have proved to be a very successful
item. Several fashion savvy scene members have been spotted sporting their
k-rad caps, and weve heard nothing but positive and encouraging feedback
about them. Your rare opportunity to buy one of these hot-selling caps
ends on February 28th, 1998. ACiD would like to thank all of you who
supported us by buying a hat. Your contribution and obvious taste gives
us a warm fuzzy feeling all over no, really. For those who are about to
miss out, put that gun down because we are working diligently to bring you
something new! Stay tuned for future offers by ACiD, including more
incredibly elite clothing gear.
,@@, gp qp TP ,@@, ,@@,
TL dP TL dP TL dP L TL dP by Cthulu
What to expect from us in the upcoming months? In a word: more.
Look for progress inside and outside the conventional scenes we all know -
more ACiDgear, more appearances at conventions and demoparties, more and
tighter releases in high-resolution, music and ASCII, as well as a few
surprises. But you didnt really need us to tell you all that, did you?
ACiD Writers: ACiD!Press Editor: RaD Man ACiD
ACiD Special Thanks: Kaleidas, Necromancer, and Protocol ACiD
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