this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : November Update December 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU1295.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-TEE GIF 164921 120195 ACiD T-Shirt Promo
*2 ACID-TEE NFO 4268 120195 + ACiD T-Shirt Order Form
*3 ACID1195 ANS 5944 113095 + November Member/Board Listing
*4 ACIDAPP EXE 43939 120195 ACiD Application Form Generator
*5 ACIDVIEW EXE 97412 120195 ACiD View version 4
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 41782 120195 + ACiD View Documentation
*6 AL-ACID2 RIP 23956 120195 http://www.echo-on.net/alien
*7 ALC1295 ANS 70057 120195 + ACiD logocluster 12 12/95
*8 AN-EVIL1 ANS 27118 120195 + Evil Intentions
*9 AN-NEO1 ANS 23753 112495 + Neo Nacho
*10 ASC1295 ASC 51363 120195 + ACiD ascii cluster 2 12/95
*11 AZ-TBF1 RIP 110802 120195 The Blast Furnace
*12 BM-VOICE RIP 27472 120195 Disembodied Voices
*13 CS-7DEGR GIF 154720 120195 Seven Degrees
*14 CS-APOCA GIF 189522 120195 Apocalypse
*15 CS-BUDDH GIF 184028 120195 Buddha Emag
*16 CS-HIFI1 GIF 188239 120195 High Fidelity
*17 CS-PROPH GIF 200949 120195 Prophecy BBS Software
*N/CFILEID DIZ 604 120195 Acquisition FILE ID by RK
*18 GS-TRN1 ANS 31110 120195 + The Ravaged Nightmare
*19 KO-RAPTR GIF 173044 120195 Koshs Pet Raptor
*20 MA-BSUN ANS 15199 120195 + Black Sun Rising
*21 PC-IC2 ANS 35264 120195 + Inner Circle
*22 RK-CNB2 RIP 23737 120195 Crash N Burn
*23 RK-HYP2 RIP 22359 120195 Hypnosis
*24 SA-SUCCO RIP 65405 120195 Succotash
*25 SUCCO EXE 9587 113095 Succotash
*26 TR-ERE1 ANS 29673 120194 + Erebus
*27 TRE-IOM5 ANS 29720 120194 + Ides of March
*28 US-ACID3 RIP 28683 120195 ACiD Promo
*29 US-HYP1 RIP 175644 120195 Hypnosis
*30 US-IOM1 ANS 56997 120195 + Ides of March
*31 US-NH1 RIP 51249 120195 Nuclear Holocaust
*32 US-NH2 RIP 50518 120195 Nuclear Holocaust
*33 US-TROM2 ANS 46209 120195 + The Realm of Magic
*34 WE-WILL SUE 1531 110195 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
*35 ZV-ECHH RIP 20401 120195 Brand Echh
*36 ACDU1295 NFO 6341 120195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 38 Average Compression Rate: 28
Total Bytes: 2,483,520 Average Of Bytes/File: 65,356
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,814,761
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : November Update December 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU1295.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-TEE GIF 164921 120195 ACiD T-Shirt Promo
*2 ACID-TEE NFO 4268 120195 + ACiD T-Shirt Order Form
*3 ACID1195 ANS 5944 113095 + November Member/Board Listing
*4 ACIDAPP EXE 43939 120195 ACiD Application Form Generator
*5 ACIDVIEW EXE 97412 120195 ACiD View version 4
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 41782 120195 + ACiD View Documentation
*6 AL-ACID2 RIP 23956 120195 http://www.echo-on.net/alien
*7 ALC1295 ANS 70057 120195 + ACiD logocluster 12 12/95
*8 AN-EVIL1 ANS 27118 120195 + Evil Intentions
*9 AN-NEO1 ANS 23753 112495 + Neo Nacho
*10 ASC1295 ASC 51363 120195 + ACiD ascii cluster 2 12/95
*11 AZ-TBF1 RIP 110802 120195 The Blast Furnace
*12 BM-VOICE RIP 27472 120195 Disembodied Voices
*13 CS-7DEGR GIF 154720 120195 Seven Degrees
*14 CS-APOCA GIF 189522 120195 Apocalypse
*15 CS-BUDDH GIF 184028 120195 Buddha Emag
*16 CS-HIFI1 GIF 188239 120195 High Fidelity
*17 CS-PROPH GIF 200949 120195 Prophecy BBS Software
*N/CFILEID DIZ 604 120195 Acquisition FILE ID by RK
*18 GS-TRN1 ANS 31110 120195 + The Ravaged Nightmare
*19 KO-RAPTR GIF 173044 120195 Koshs Pet Raptor
*20 MA-BSUN ANS 15199 120195 + Black Sun Rising
*21 PC-IC2 ANS 35264 120195 + Inner Circle
*22 RK-CNB2 RIP 23737 120195 Crash N Burn
*23 RK-HYP2 RIP 22359 120195 Hypnosis
*24 SA-SUCCO RIP 65405 120195 Succotash
*25 SUCCO EXE 9587 113095 Succotash
*26 TR-ERE1 ANS 29673 120194 + Erebus
*27 TRE-IOM5 ANS 29720 120194 + Ides of March
*28 US-ACID3 RIP 28683 120195 ACiD Promo
*29 US-HYP1 RIP 175644 120195 Hypnosis
*30 US-IOM1 ANS 56997 120195 + Ides of March
*31 US-NH1 RIP 51249 120195 Nuclear Holocaust
*32 US-NH2 RIP 50518 120195 Nuclear Holocaust
*33 US-TROM2 ANS 46209 120195 + The Realm of Magic
*34 WE-WILL SUE 1531 110195 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
*35 ZV-ECHH RIP 20401 120195 Brand Echh
*36 ACDU1295 NFO 6341 120195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 38 Average Compression Rate: 28
Total Bytes: 2,483,520 Average Of Bytes/File: 65,356
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,814,761
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