this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : November Update December 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU1294.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID1194 ANS 9115 113094 November 1994 Member/Board List
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 106288 090194 ACiD Application Form Generator
*N/CACIDVIEW CFG 4004 120194 ACiD View configuration
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 100804 120194 ACiD View version 3
*4 ACIDVIEW NFO 41292 120194 + ACiD View Documentation
*5 AE-AMBR2 RIP 15147 120194 Amber
*6 AE-DSUN3 ANS 18153 120194 + Dark Sun World
*7 AN-AGORA RIP 15558 120194 Agora
*8 BG-COC EXE 37883 120194 Citadel of Chaos
*N/CBGIFONTS ZIP 67843 031593 BGI fonts
*9 BK-GS1 ANS 15064 120194 + The Games Station
*10 BK-NC2 ANS 23858 120194 + No Carrier
*11 CS-AGORA GIF 222302 112894 Agora
*12 CS-XMAS EXE 442881 120194 Merry Christmas!
*N/CFILEID DIZ 613 120194 Acquisition FILE ID by RM
*13 JD-JERKY ANS 138168 120194 + Merry Christmas...
*14 KZ-TAG1 ANS 43431 110194 + The Assassins Guild
*15 LD-CF1 ANS 50462 120194 + Cyberforce
*16 LD-LOD1 ANS 7865 120194 + Land of Defiance
*17 LD-UTOP1 ANS 11542 111294 + Utopia
*18 LOGO1294 ZIP 17938 120194 Logo Assortment for December
*19 NEWS1294 ANS 20092 120194 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 6
*20 PC-DOG1 ANS 38949 120194 + Delusions of Grandeur
*21 RL-SS2 ANS 51686 112794 + Suicidal Shrimp
*22 SI-SS1 ANS 22259 120194 + Suicidal Shrimp
*23 SM-DOMIN ANS 21202 120194 + The Dominion
*24 SO-LOKI ANS 45299 120194 + Lokis Error
*25 SS-DSW RIP 29228 113094 Dark Sun World
*26 SS-GOLG2 GIF 153158 113094 Golgotha
*27 SS-LOKI3 RIP 109737 113094 Lokis Error
*28 SS-SWD1 RIP 38518 120194 Sword
*29 SS-TRN RIP 57986 113094 The Ravaged Nightmare
*30 TS-ACID1 COM 2510 112294 ACiD double plasma
*31 TS-APSRC ZIP 7162 112294 ACiD double plasma source
*32 TT-TF ANS 15738 120194 + Terra Firma
*33 US-AGORA RIP 26630 120194 Agora
*34 US-LOKI RIP 10769 120194 Lokis Error
*35 WM-AWSRC ZIP 43853 120194 ACiDWeen source
*36 ACDU1294 NFO 6421 120194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 39 Average Compression Rate: 38
Total Bytes: 2,091,408 Average Of Bytes/File: 53,626
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,308,394
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : November Update December 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU1294.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID1194 ANS 9115 113094 November 1994 Member/Board List
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 106288 090194 ACiD Application Form Generator
*N/CACIDVIEW CFG 4004 120194 ACiD View configuration
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 100804 120194 ACiD View version 3
*4 ACIDVIEW NFO 41292 120194 + ACiD View Documentation
*5 AE-AMBR2 RIP 15147 120194 Amber
*6 AE-DSUN3 ANS 18153 120194 + Dark Sun World
*7 AN-AGORA RIP 15558 120194 Agora
*8 BG-COC EXE 37883 120194 Citadel of Chaos
*N/CBGIFONTS ZIP 67843 031593 BGI fonts
*9 BK-GS1 ANS 15064 120194 + The Games Station
*10 BK-NC2 ANS 23858 120194 + No Carrier
*11 CS-AGORA GIF 222302 112894 Agora
*12 CS-XMAS EXE 442881 120194 Merry Christmas!
*N/CFILEID DIZ 613 120194 Acquisition FILE ID by RM
*13 JD-JERKY ANS 138168 120194 + Merry Christmas...
*14 KZ-TAG1 ANS 43431 110194 + The Assassins Guild
*15 LD-CF1 ANS 50462 120194 + Cyberforce
*16 LD-LOD1 ANS 7865 120194 + Land of Defiance
*17 LD-UTOP1 ANS 11542 111294 + Utopia
*18 LOGO1294 ZIP 17938 120194 Logo Assortment for December
*19 NEWS1294 ANS 20092 120194 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 6
*20 PC-DOG1 ANS 38949 120194 + Delusions of Grandeur
*21 RL-SS2 ANS 51686 112794 + Suicidal Shrimp
*22 SI-SS1 ANS 22259 120194 + Suicidal Shrimp
*23 SM-DOMIN ANS 21202 120194 + The Dominion
*24 SO-LOKI ANS 45299 120194 + Lokis Error
*25 SS-DSW RIP 29228 113094 Dark Sun World
*26 SS-GOLG2 GIF 153158 113094 Golgotha
*27 SS-LOKI3 RIP 109737 113094 Lokis Error
*28 SS-SWD1 RIP 38518 120194 Sword
*29 SS-TRN RIP 57986 113094 The Ravaged Nightmare
*30 TS-ACID1 COM 2510 112294 ACiD double plasma
*31 TS-APSRC ZIP 7162 112294 ACiD double plasma source
*32 TT-TF ANS 15738 120194 + Terra Firma
*33 US-AGORA RIP 26630 120194 Agora
*34 US-LOKI RIP 10769 120194 Lokis Error
*35 WM-AWSRC ZIP 43853 120194 ACiDWeen source
*36 ACDU1294 NFO 6421 120194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 39 Average Compression Rate: 38
Total Bytes: 2,091,408 Average Of Bytes/File: 53,626
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,308,394
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