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ACiDView v1.10
ACiD Productionstm Acquisition Enhanced File Viewer
Coding Layout by The Hit M/N of ACiD
Logo by IcSZR of ACiD
Introduction to ACiDView:
For the past three months, ACiD has been promoting an
ANSI Viewer that had been neglected by its author throughout
that time. In response to this, I have taken it upon myself
to write a new viewer that has a simple interface and some
new features. There will no longer be extraneous interfaces
or menus, however, the viewer will provide more ANSI viewing
enjoyment through a few new innovations. In addition,
there will be no need to make use of any third party RIP
screen viewers due to a built-in driver.
What ACiDView displays:
ACiDView will display ANSI screens in several different video
modes. These modes include the default, 80x25, aand others
such as the 80x43/80x50 text modes, as well as the sought
after 640x480x16 high-resolution VGA mode.
ACiDView displays most low level 0-1 RIP screens. Although
it will show all of the RIPs presented in the Acquisition, it
may not display some of the other RIPS you have. This is due
to the fact that some of the higher level RIP commands have
not been implemented.
80x50 Display - If you have a VGA card, this will compress the
default 8x16 font into an 8x8 font and display
the screen. This feature is nice when you want
to display a big ANSI on one screen.
640x480 VGA - ACiDView will first display the ANSI screen in
80x25 as it is converting it to the 640x480
mode. VGA or better is required for this
ANSI Speed - Toggles the different speeds the ANSis will be
No Error a Fastest WARP
b Fast FAST
Error c Medium MED
d Very Slow SLOW
Error Checking FAST/MED/SLOW means that
ACiDView will work with ANSIs with lines that
that contain more than 255 characters. If you
use the WARP speed with an ANSI that exceeds
255 characters per line, the output will be off
kilter and may not appear correctly.
Did you find any Bugs? If so, contact me at the board below...
I am expecting a few errors with the RIP interface, as it
is brand new and probably still has a few bugs and commands
that are not yet implemented.
Greetings go out to...
Holy Water New Age Made my own layout this time!
RaD Man ACiD How was the concert?
Sharp ACiD Thanks for all the help and contacts
IcSZR ACiD Great ACiD Logo
CETiS ACiDFLT The Sheetish himself...
Darkness Imphobia Almost done...
Ryan Cramer Renaissance Thanks for the font set ... again!
MiXeR PcB is coming along nicely...
The End of TiME
New Age World HeadQuarters
/CiD South Carolina Outpost
Distribution for Future Crew, Imphobia, VLA, Taurus, Synergy Design
United States HeadQuarters for the Creativity Demo Net CDN
SoundBoard Connection - Demo Productions Network
One of the best PC Demo boards in the world
Running PCBoard 15.0 totally customized
PC Demos/Music/Grafix/ANSi Support
Staff: Holy Water The Hit M/N
9600+ recommended
- 8O3-855-O783 -
ACiDView v1.10
ACiD Productionstm Acquisition Enhanced File Viewer
Coding Layout by The Hit M/N of ACiD
Logo by IcSZR of ACiD
Introduction to ACiDView:
For the past three months, ACiD has been promoting an
ANSI Viewer that had been neglected by its author throughout
that time. In response to this, I have taken it upon myself
to write a new viewer that has a simple interface and some
new features. There will no longer be extraneous interfaces
or menus, however, the viewer will provide more ANSI viewing
enjoyment through a few new innovations. In addition,
there will be no need to make use of any third party RIP
screen viewers due to a built-in driver.
What ACiDView displays:
ACiDView will display ANSI screens in several different video
modes. These modes include the default, 80x25, aand others
such as the 80x43/80x50 text modes, as well as the sought
after 640x480x16 high-resolution VGA mode.
ACiDView displays most low level 0-1 RIP screens. Although
it will show all of the RIPs presented in the Acquisition, it
may not display some of the other RIPS you have. This is due
to the fact that some of the higher level RIP commands have
not been implemented.
80x50 Display - If you have a VGA card, this will compress the
default 8x16 font into an 8x8 font and display
the screen. This feature is nice when you want
to display a big ANSI on one screen.
640x480 VGA - ACiDView will first display the ANSI screen in
80x25 as it is converting it to the 640x480
mode. VGA or better is required for this
ANSI Speed - Toggles the different speeds the ANSis will be
No Error a Fastest WARP
b Fast FAST
Error c Medium MED
d Very Slow SLOW
Error Checking FAST/MED/SLOW means that
ACiDView will work with ANSIs with lines that
that contain more than 255 characters. If you
use the WARP speed with an ANSI that exceeds
255 characters per line, the output will be off
kilter and may not appear correctly.
Did you find any Bugs? If so, contact me at the board below...
I am expecting a few errors with the RIP interface, as it
is brand new and probably still has a few bugs and commands
that are not yet implemented.
Greetings go out to...
Holy Water New Age Made my own layout this time!
RaD Man ACiD How was the concert?
Sharp ACiD Thanks for all the help and contacts
IcSZR ACiD Great ACiD Logo
CETiS ACiDFLT The Sheetish himself...
Darkness Imphobia Almost done...
Ryan Cramer Renaissance Thanks for the font set ... again!
MiXeR PcB is coming along nicely...
The End of TiME
New Age World HeadQuarters
/CiD South Carolina Outpost
Distribution for Future Crew, Imphobia, VLA, Taurus, Synergy Design
United States HeadQuarters for the Creativity Demo Net CDN
SoundBoard Connection - Demo Productions Network
One of the best PC Demo boards in the world
Running PCBoard 15.0 totally customized
PC Demos/Music/Grafix/ANSi Support
Staff: Holy Water The Hit M/N
9600+ recommended
- 8O3-855-O783 -
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