this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : October Update November 1st, 1992
Note: The file ACDU1192.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-MS2 ANS 27611 103192 ACiD Logo by Mysterio 2
*2 ACID-TR2 ANS 30599 100592 ACiD Logo by Tracer 2
*3 ACID-VN ANS 15590 101592 + ACiD Logo by Vindication
*4 ACID92 ANS 6162 110192 + ACiD Member List for November
*N/CACIDART APL 4907 102992 + ACiD Artists Application Form
*N/CACIDCOUR APL 3414 103092 + ACiD Courier Application Form
*5 ACIDWOLF EXE 5586 101392 ACiD EGA/VGA Wolf Hi-Res ANSi
*6 AIRACID1 ANS 3132 100192 Artists in Revolt Logo 1
*7 AIRACID2 ANS 9168 102392 + Artists in Revolt Logo 2
*8 BADLACD1 ANS 9451 100892 + The BadLands 1
*9 BADLACD2 ANS 9315 101392 + The BadLands 2
*10 BCACID8 ANS 2261 100392 Body Count 8
*11 CCIACID1 ANS 13190 100492 + CyberCrime International Logo
*12 CN1ACID ANS 15578 101092 + Carbon Nation
*13 DEEPACID ANS 20652 103192 + The Deep
*14 DSOCACD2 ANS 28537 102892 + Dark Society 2
*15 DSOCACD3 ANS 28403 103192 x+ Dark Society 3
*16 DSOCACD4 ANS 3976 103192 + Dark Society 4
*17 IMPACID2 ANS 28567 101792 x+ Imperial City 2
*18 IODACDZN ANS 2131 103092 INC Oriental Division Logo
*19 KINDACID ANS 4372 101992 KinderGarden
*20 KOROVA5 ANS 18155 101892 + Korova Milkbar 5
*21 LABZNACD ANS 4055 101892 The Lab
*22 LM1ACID ANS 11456 101792 Liquid Metal 1
*23 LM3ACID ANS 15551 102892 Liquid Metal 3
*24 MERC2ACD ANS 5025 100292 + Mercury Logo 2
*25 MNO3ACD2 ANS 171175 101792 x MidNite Oil I 2
*N/CPSYCACID ANS 5766 102392 + PsychoNeurosis New Version
*26 RICK-SC ANS 248198 101692 x Force 10 Calls GTE MobileNet
*27 SANCACD3 ANS 23777 100692 + Sanctuary 3
*28 SANCACD1 EXE 116808 103192 Sanctuary
*29 SC-ACID4 ANS 2395 100792 Spyrits Crypt 4
*30 SC-ACID5 ANS 184885 101892 x Spyrits Crypt 5
*31 SC-ACID6 ANS 9340 101192 + Spyrits Crypt 6
*32 SNKPACD1 ANS 17996 101292 + Snakes Place
*33 ACDU1192 NFO 4998 110192 This File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files: 36 Average Compression Rate: 74
Total Bytes: 1,112,233 Average Of Bytes/File: 30,895
Total Bytes Zipped: 294,969
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : October Update November 1st, 1992
Note: The file ACDU1192.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-MS2 ANS 27611 103192 ACiD Logo by Mysterio 2
*2 ACID-TR2 ANS 30599 100592 ACiD Logo by Tracer 2
*3 ACID-VN ANS 15590 101592 + ACiD Logo by Vindication
*4 ACID92 ANS 6162 110192 + ACiD Member List for November
*N/CACIDART APL 4907 102992 + ACiD Artists Application Form
*N/CACIDCOUR APL 3414 103092 + ACiD Courier Application Form
*5 ACIDWOLF EXE 5586 101392 ACiD EGA/VGA Wolf Hi-Res ANSi
*6 AIRACID1 ANS 3132 100192 Artists in Revolt Logo 1
*7 AIRACID2 ANS 9168 102392 + Artists in Revolt Logo 2
*8 BADLACD1 ANS 9451 100892 + The BadLands 1
*9 BADLACD2 ANS 9315 101392 + The BadLands 2
*10 BCACID8 ANS 2261 100392 Body Count 8
*11 CCIACID1 ANS 13190 100492 + CyberCrime International Logo
*12 CN1ACID ANS 15578 101092 + Carbon Nation
*13 DEEPACID ANS 20652 103192 + The Deep
*14 DSOCACD2 ANS 28537 102892 + Dark Society 2
*15 DSOCACD3 ANS 28403 103192 x+ Dark Society 3
*16 DSOCACD4 ANS 3976 103192 + Dark Society 4
*17 IMPACID2 ANS 28567 101792 x+ Imperial City 2
*18 IODACDZN ANS 2131 103092 INC Oriental Division Logo
*19 KINDACID ANS 4372 101992 KinderGarden
*20 KOROVA5 ANS 18155 101892 + Korova Milkbar 5
*21 LABZNACD ANS 4055 101892 The Lab
*22 LM1ACID ANS 11456 101792 Liquid Metal 1
*23 LM3ACID ANS 15551 102892 Liquid Metal 3
*24 MERC2ACD ANS 5025 100292 + Mercury Logo 2
*25 MNO3ACD2 ANS 171175 101792 x MidNite Oil I 2
*N/CPSYCACID ANS 5766 102392 + PsychoNeurosis New Version
*26 RICK-SC ANS 248198 101692 x Force 10 Calls GTE MobileNet
*27 SANCACD3 ANS 23777 100692 + Sanctuary 3
*28 SANCACD1 EXE 116808 103192 Sanctuary
*29 SC-ACID4 ANS 2395 100792 Spyrits Crypt 4
*30 SC-ACID5 ANS 184885 101892 x Spyrits Crypt 5
*31 SC-ACID6 ANS 9340 101192 + Spyrits Crypt 6
*32 SNKPACD1 ANS 17996 101292 + Snakes Place
*33 ACDU1192 NFO 4998 110192 This File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files: 36 Average Compression Rate: 74
Total Bytes: 1,112,233 Average Of Bytes/File: 30,895
Total Bytes Zipped: 294,969
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