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yo-yo beeeeyatch iz nifty snazzy spif
fy spewy spanky cheesy
ana kinna chewy
the mask.
c h e w y c
h e e s y h o u s e o
f p h l e g m v3.o
2 gigs . 2 nodes . 2 28.8 vEverythings
FaT westHQ . OBV/2 eta 619-EAT-snoT
impact Net . coitus gratis Net .
shadownet 619s BEST humor/warez/toe-jam BBS
S: Grand Wizard of Phlegm FaT Cos: De
ath Pony FaT . Wonder Monkey acid
fy spewy spanky cheesy
ana kinna chewy
the mask.
c h e w y c
h e e s y h o u s e o
f p h l e g m v3.o
2 gigs . 2 nodes . 2 28.8 vEverythings
FaT westHQ . OBV/2 eta 619-EAT-snoT
impact Net . coitus gratis Net .
shadownet 619s BEST humor/warez/toe-jam BBS
S: Grand Wizard of Phlegm FaT Cos: De
ath Pony FaT . Wonder Monkey acid
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