this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : September Update October 1st, 1992
Note: The file ACDU1092.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-SC ANS 5441 92592 ACiD Logo by Sonic
*2 ACID-TR ANS 40726 92792 ACiD Logo by Tracer
*3 ACID92 ANS 6187 92892 + ACiD Member List for October
*N/CACIDART APL 4822 92792 + ACiD Artists Application Form
*4 ACQACID1 ANS 7230 90692 + ACiDs Acquisition Logo/Intro
*5 ACQMENUS ANS 3424 92792 ACiD AAV Viewer Logo
*6 AF1ACID ANS 16021 92192 + Avenging Force 1
*7 AF2ACID ANS 11763 92592 + Avenging Force 2
*8 BCACID7 ANS 269538 92892 + Body Count 7
*9 BNTYACID ANS 13476 92492 x The Bounty
*10 BOGACID2 ANS 3359 92692 The BoG 2
*11 BOGACID3 ANS 3853 92792 The BoG 3
*12 BRTRACD2 ANS 299721 92692 x Barter Town
*13 DSOCACD1 ANS 34888 92792 + Dark Society
*14 EVILACD1 ANS 284395 90592 x+ The Evil Palace
*15 FFACID1 EXE 157272 92792 x Final Fantasy Super-Loader
*16 FFACID5 ANS 5858 90592 + Final Fantasy 5
*17 FLT-ACD3 ANS 4892 92992 Fairlight Logo 3
*18 HG-ACID1 EXE 24385 90492 ACiD Logo by Hologram
*19 KOROVA ANS 11456 92292 + Korova Milkbar The Original
*20 KOROVA3 ANS 15111 92492 + Korova Milkbar 3
*21 KOROVA4 ANS 10490 92792 + Korova Milkbar 4
*22 LEXICON4 ANS 4081 91692 The Lexicon : CAE 4
*23 MERCACID ANS 2053 90792 Mercury Logo
*24 PMTACID1 ANS 11205 91192 + Paramount Net Logo
*25 SC-ACID3 ANS 17615 90692 + Spyrits Crypt 3
*26 SSACID4 ANS 62948 92792 x+ Street Spydrz 4
*27 STIMPYBS ANS 3848 90692 + Stimpy w/ Small ACiD Logo
*28 TDT1ACID ANS 9618 90492 + The Dream Team Logo
*29 TEC2ACID ANS 45456 93092 x The Eldars Craftworld 2
*30 TPL1ACID ANS 8510 92992 + The Psychotic Lab
*31 TSH2ACD ANS 8542 90292 + The Slaughter House 2
*32 ACDU1092 NFO 4758 100192 This File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files: 33 Average Compression Rate: 74
Total Bytes: 1,412,944 Average Of Bytes/File: 42,816
Total Bytes Zipped: 381,098
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : September Update October 1st, 1992
Note: The file ACDU1092.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-SC ANS 5441 92592 ACiD Logo by Sonic
*2 ACID-TR ANS 40726 92792 ACiD Logo by Tracer
*3 ACID92 ANS 6187 92892 + ACiD Member List for October
*N/CACIDART APL 4822 92792 + ACiD Artists Application Form
*4 ACQACID1 ANS 7230 90692 + ACiDs Acquisition Logo/Intro
*5 ACQMENUS ANS 3424 92792 ACiD AAV Viewer Logo
*6 AF1ACID ANS 16021 92192 + Avenging Force 1
*7 AF2ACID ANS 11763 92592 + Avenging Force 2
*8 BCACID7 ANS 269538 92892 + Body Count 7
*9 BNTYACID ANS 13476 92492 x The Bounty
*10 BOGACID2 ANS 3359 92692 The BoG 2
*11 BOGACID3 ANS 3853 92792 The BoG 3
*12 BRTRACD2 ANS 299721 92692 x Barter Town
*13 DSOCACD1 ANS 34888 92792 + Dark Society
*14 EVILACD1 ANS 284395 90592 x+ The Evil Palace
*15 FFACID1 EXE 157272 92792 x Final Fantasy Super-Loader
*16 FFACID5 ANS 5858 90592 + Final Fantasy 5
*17 FLT-ACD3 ANS 4892 92992 Fairlight Logo 3
*18 HG-ACID1 EXE 24385 90492 ACiD Logo by Hologram
*19 KOROVA ANS 11456 92292 + Korova Milkbar The Original
*20 KOROVA3 ANS 15111 92492 + Korova Milkbar 3
*21 KOROVA4 ANS 10490 92792 + Korova Milkbar 4
*22 LEXICON4 ANS 4081 91692 The Lexicon : CAE 4
*23 MERCACID ANS 2053 90792 Mercury Logo
*24 PMTACID1 ANS 11205 91192 + Paramount Net Logo
*25 SC-ACID3 ANS 17615 90692 + Spyrits Crypt 3
*26 SSACID4 ANS 62948 92792 x+ Street Spydrz 4
*27 STIMPYBS ANS 3848 90692 + Stimpy w/ Small ACiD Logo
*28 TDT1ACID ANS 9618 90492 + The Dream Team Logo
*29 TEC2ACID ANS 45456 93092 x The Eldars Craftworld 2
*30 TPL1ACID ANS 8510 92992 + The Psychotic Lab
*31 TSH2ACD ANS 8542 90292 + The Slaughter House 2
*32 ACDU1092 NFO 4758 100192 This File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Adlib/ANSi Music/SB + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files: 33 Average Compression Rate: 74
Total Bytes: 1,412,944 Average Of Bytes/File: 42,816
Total Bytes Zipped: 381,098
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