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the ACiD news ...
n ew s
Issue No.14 An Official ACiD Productionstm Public Update September 1996
By RaD Man
Welcome to Acid number 51! You are probably wondering why this Acid 51st
pack is being released now and not at its intended time. There has been
so much going on since the 50th pack, if you think the 50th pack was big, wait until you see what has happened this month. Acid again dominates the scene with its latest achievement, the merging of Eclipse Productions into
Acid. Read on for more information on the merger, and other group news.
By Cthulu
Many new changes have come to Acid this month. First off, Beastie has been
asked to step down from his advisor position, for Rai to take over his position. Other changes were minimal, but onto more information on the Eclipse/Acid merge.
The Merger was a very long process, our ansi was
very lacking in the past months and we needed a
merger like this. It was very delicate, Rai was very slow to hand over Eclipse, he didnt want
to lose the groups name, but after some persuasion
he finally accepted and Eclipse ansi is now going
to be plugging away keeping our standards back up
where they used to be.
We hope this merger will continue the excellency
of Acid, Eclipse is full of hard-working artists, which was well displayed by their efforts to release bi-weekly. They will all hopefully transfer their efforts to Acid.
Rai shakes hands with
Radman, to seal the The new Advisor Hierarchy will remain the same,deal. except for Beasties exchange with Rai as advisor.
By Rai
This is my first time ever writing part of an Acid Info file, wow, its pretty
exciting. Well, Im doing the section on new members because they have all
come from Eclipse primarily.
To start out with the members, of course there is me, Rai, I will be drawing ansi, and I will be the
advisor to RadMan, helping write information files, etc.. Then there is my good friend and Ex-Acid member himself, Splatt! Logo artist supreme. Then I will breifly mention the rest of the members, sorry guys! Sirdeath, Crayon, Lagomorph, Magnatop, Bold, Grendel, Cheeze, Armageddon Donut, Dieznyik, Grindstone, Torgo, Cytral Skunk, and Red Circle. Were hoping to bring great ansi art all of our artists do ansi, with the exception of Cytral Skunk, an ascii artist to Acid, Ive always looked forward Beastie looks dejected
to the day where I could bring all of our artists as he hears the news
work to a scene giant like Acid, the pillar of the
art scene.
By RaD Man and Cthulu
Even though such a good month came with the acceptance of so many excellent
Eclipse artists, there is always some artists that have to go. Luckily
this month it was a minimal number, even though we lost some of the best
talent weve ever had here at Acid.
This month we say goodbye to Beastie because of his lack of contribution
to the group.
We also lose another great artist this month, Lord Jazz because of conflictions
that arose during the merge. We will leave it at that.
By Cthulu
As we grow closer to dominating all aspects of the scene - graphically,
musically, through the internet and through general data transmission - the
relationship we share with our artists becomes ever more intense. We provide
them with the tools needed to do new things and test the limits of their
imaginations. We provide an inspiration to aspiring artists testing their first
faltering footfalls in this turbulent sea of politics and buffoonery. But most of all, we remain steadily as number one, as a mark for all other groups to
gauge their successes and failures against, to provoke and inspire higher
levels of creative fervour in response. And we love every minute of it.
ACiD 1996 - So we used the same outro as last month, I like it THAT much.
ACiD Credits: Writers: Cthulu, RaD Man Editor: Necromancer ACiD
ACiD Special Thanks: Unsane Photographer: Rai ACiD
n ew s
Issue No.14 An Official ACiD Productionstm Public Update September 1996
By RaD Man
Welcome to Acid number 51! You are probably wondering why this Acid 51st
pack is being released now and not at its intended time. There has been
so much going on since the 50th pack, if you think the 50th pack was big, wait until you see what has happened this month. Acid again dominates the scene with its latest achievement, the merging of Eclipse Productions into
Acid. Read on for more information on the merger, and other group news.
By Cthulu
Many new changes have come to Acid this month. First off, Beastie has been
asked to step down from his advisor position, for Rai to take over his position. Other changes were minimal, but onto more information on the Eclipse/Acid merge.
The Merger was a very long process, our ansi was
very lacking in the past months and we needed a
merger like this. It was very delicate, Rai was very slow to hand over Eclipse, he didnt want
to lose the groups name, but after some persuasion
he finally accepted and Eclipse ansi is now going
to be plugging away keeping our standards back up
where they used to be.
We hope this merger will continue the excellency
of Acid, Eclipse is full of hard-working artists, which was well displayed by their efforts to release bi-weekly. They will all hopefully transfer their efforts to Acid.
Rai shakes hands with
Radman, to seal the The new Advisor Hierarchy will remain the same,deal. except for Beasties exchange with Rai as advisor.
By Rai
This is my first time ever writing part of an Acid Info file, wow, its pretty
exciting. Well, Im doing the section on new members because they have all
come from Eclipse primarily.
To start out with the members, of course there is me, Rai, I will be drawing ansi, and I will be the
advisor to RadMan, helping write information files, etc.. Then there is my good friend and Ex-Acid member himself, Splatt! Logo artist supreme. Then I will breifly mention the rest of the members, sorry guys! Sirdeath, Crayon, Lagomorph, Magnatop, Bold, Grendel, Cheeze, Armageddon Donut, Dieznyik, Grindstone, Torgo, Cytral Skunk, and Red Circle. Were hoping to bring great ansi art all of our artists do ansi, with the exception of Cytral Skunk, an ascii artist to Acid, Ive always looked forward Beastie looks dejected
to the day where I could bring all of our artists as he hears the news
work to a scene giant like Acid, the pillar of the
art scene.
By RaD Man and Cthulu
Even though such a good month came with the acceptance of so many excellent
Eclipse artists, there is always some artists that have to go. Luckily
this month it was a minimal number, even though we lost some of the best
talent weve ever had here at Acid.
This month we say goodbye to Beastie because of his lack of contribution
to the group.
We also lose another great artist this month, Lord Jazz because of conflictions
that arose during the merge. We will leave it at that.
By Cthulu
As we grow closer to dominating all aspects of the scene - graphically,
musically, through the internet and through general data transmission - the
relationship we share with our artists becomes ever more intense. We provide
them with the tools needed to do new things and test the limits of their
imaginations. We provide an inspiration to aspiring artists testing their first
faltering footfalls in this turbulent sea of politics and buffoonery. But most of all, we remain steadily as number one, as a mark for all other groups to
gauge their successes and failures against, to provoke and inspire higher
levels of creative fervour in response. And we love every minute of it.
ACiD 1996 - So we used the same outro as last month, I like it THAT much.
ACiD Credits: Writers: Cthulu, RaD Man Editor: Necromancer ACiD
ACiD Special Thanks: Unsane Photographer: Rai ACiD
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