this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : August Update September 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU0995.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
1 ACID-TEE GIF 164921 070195 ACiD T-Shirt Promo
2 ACID-TEE NFO 4268 080195 + ACiD T-Shirt Order Form
*3 ACID0895 ANS 5645 083195 + August 1995 Member/Board List
4 ACIDAPP EXE 35277 070195 ACiD Application Form Generator
*5 ACIDVIEW CFG 3979 090195 + ACiD View configuration
6 ACIDVIEW EXE 168756 030195 ACiD View version 3
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 42282 070195 ACiD View Documentation
*7 ALC0995 ANS 65508 090195 + ACiD logocluster 10 09/95
*8 AVX-001B TGZ 22599 082195 ACiD View for X Windows beta
*9 AY-BK2 ANS 14264 083195 + Bat Kave
*10 BE-ACID1 ANS 17985 090195 + ACiD Advo
*11 BM-HUMA RIP 18505 090195 Huma
*12 CS-ACDRW GIF 195128 090195 http://www.cyberspace.com/acid
*13 CS-CYBR1 GIF 204980 090195 Cyber Dreams
*14 CS-ECHH1 GIF 190213 090195 Brand Echh
*15 CS-FATE GIF 242898 090195 Fate
*16 CS-HOLE1 GIF 194297 090195 The Hole
*17 CS-ICEB1 GIF 192400 090195 The Ice Box
*18 CS-LGCY1 GIF 191969 090195 The Legacy
*19 CS-NEVM1 GIF 263065 090195 Nevermore
*20 CS-SUPER GIF 214585 090195 Superunknown
*21 CS-TOMA1 GIF 200862 090195 Screaming Tomato
*N/CFILEID DIZ 432 090195 Acquisition FILE ID by BE
*22 GAS-CFS2 ANS 46557 090195 + Confusion ?
*23 IO-FL409 GIF 81086 090195 Flight 409
*24 KO-LANSL GIF 123981 090195 Lans Laughter
*25 KO-STWWW GIF 123041 090195 Stab WWW Promo
*26 MB-CYBER RIP 95086 090195 Cyber Dreams
*27 NS-TR2 ANS 6684 090195 + The Regency
*28 P1-CHANX RIP 33543 082095 Channel X
*29 P1-FOR2 ANS 43568 090195 + The Forsaken
*30 P1-TMA2 ANS 33726 090195 + The Mourning After 2
*31 P1-TRBYE RIP 31920 082495 In Memory of The Regency
*32 S!-LOKI1 GIF 167640 090195 Lokis Error
*33 SB-ACID ANS 24591 090195 + ACiD Advo
*34 SB-ICEB1 ANS 22581 082595 + The Ice Box
*35 SE-GZR0A ANS 19250 090195 + Ground Zero
*36 SI-INT13 ANS 391665 081595 x Interrupt 13
*37 SI-ST2 ANS 52866 090195 + Sadistic Temptations
*38 SI-TMA2 ANS 21730 090195 + The Mourning After 2
*39 STC-LGCY ANS 35887 090195 + The Legacy
*40 SX-TT1 ANS 69276 083195 + Termite Terrace
*41 US-CTVS GIF 84040 090195 Cat and Visigoth homepage ad
*42 US-FL1 RIP 49001 090195 Flux Land
*43 VG-BD2 RIP 72766 090195 The BadLands
*44 VG-CC GIF 117894 090195 Cats Cradle
*45 VG-DTH RIP 62282 090195 Halls of the Damned
*46 VG-NT GIF 122769 090195 Netnitco
*47 VG-SU GIF 168473 090195 Superunknown Advo
*48 ACDU0995 NFO 7301 090195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 50 Average Compression Rate: 21
Total Bytes: 4,764,022 Average Of Bytes/File: 95,280
Total Bytes Zipped: 3,787,901
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : August Update September 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU0995.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
1 ACID-TEE GIF 164921 070195 ACiD T-Shirt Promo
2 ACID-TEE NFO 4268 080195 + ACiD T-Shirt Order Form
*3 ACID0895 ANS 5645 083195 + August 1995 Member/Board List
4 ACIDAPP EXE 35277 070195 ACiD Application Form Generator
*5 ACIDVIEW CFG 3979 090195 + ACiD View configuration
6 ACIDVIEW EXE 168756 030195 ACiD View version 3
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 42282 070195 ACiD View Documentation
*7 ALC0995 ANS 65508 090195 + ACiD logocluster 10 09/95
*8 AVX-001B TGZ 22599 082195 ACiD View for X Windows beta
*9 AY-BK2 ANS 14264 083195 + Bat Kave
*10 BE-ACID1 ANS 17985 090195 + ACiD Advo
*11 BM-HUMA RIP 18505 090195 Huma
*12 CS-ACDRW GIF 195128 090195 http://www.cyberspace.com/acid
*13 CS-CYBR1 GIF 204980 090195 Cyber Dreams
*14 CS-ECHH1 GIF 190213 090195 Brand Echh
*15 CS-FATE GIF 242898 090195 Fate
*16 CS-HOLE1 GIF 194297 090195 The Hole
*17 CS-ICEB1 GIF 192400 090195 The Ice Box
*18 CS-LGCY1 GIF 191969 090195 The Legacy
*19 CS-NEVM1 GIF 263065 090195 Nevermore
*20 CS-SUPER GIF 214585 090195 Superunknown
*21 CS-TOMA1 GIF 200862 090195 Screaming Tomato
*N/CFILEID DIZ 432 090195 Acquisition FILE ID by BE
*22 GAS-CFS2 ANS 46557 090195 + Confusion ?
*23 IO-FL409 GIF 81086 090195 Flight 409
*24 KO-LANSL GIF 123981 090195 Lans Laughter
*25 KO-STWWW GIF 123041 090195 Stab WWW Promo
*26 MB-CYBER RIP 95086 090195 Cyber Dreams
*27 NS-TR2 ANS 6684 090195 + The Regency
*28 P1-CHANX RIP 33543 082095 Channel X
*29 P1-FOR2 ANS 43568 090195 + The Forsaken
*30 P1-TMA2 ANS 33726 090195 + The Mourning After 2
*31 P1-TRBYE RIP 31920 082495 In Memory of The Regency
*32 S!-LOKI1 GIF 167640 090195 Lokis Error
*33 SB-ACID ANS 24591 090195 + ACiD Advo
*34 SB-ICEB1 ANS 22581 082595 + The Ice Box
*35 SE-GZR0A ANS 19250 090195 + Ground Zero
*36 SI-INT13 ANS 391665 081595 x Interrupt 13
*37 SI-ST2 ANS 52866 090195 + Sadistic Temptations
*38 SI-TMA2 ANS 21730 090195 + The Mourning After 2
*39 STC-LGCY ANS 35887 090195 + The Legacy
*40 SX-TT1 ANS 69276 083195 + Termite Terrace
*41 US-CTVS GIF 84040 090195 Cat and Visigoth homepage ad
*42 US-FL1 RIP 49001 090195 Flux Land
*43 VG-BD2 RIP 72766 090195 The BadLands
*44 VG-CC GIF 117894 090195 Cats Cradle
*45 VG-DTH RIP 62282 090195 Halls of the Damned
*46 VG-NT GIF 122769 090195 Netnitco
*47 VG-SU GIF 168473 090195 Superunknown Advo
*48 ACDU0995 NFO 7301 090195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 50 Average Compression Rate: 21
Total Bytes: 4,764,022 Average Of Bytes/File: 95,280
Total Bytes Zipped: 3,787,901
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