this image contains text
Whats black and white and read all over?
Issue 5 An Official ACiD Productionstm Publi
c Update September 1994
Skull Leader and Sinne
d Soul finally
pulled it off. ACiDDraw v0.1 made its debut
last month as the 800 l
ine TheDraw counter-
part. The beta version didnt yet have mouse
support or page layering.
The pr
ogrammers intend to include these
cts and many others, but do not have any
ate plans to add ansimation support.
In RaD Mans words, Thats wha
t TheDraw is
It isnt done yet! says Sinned for! With support
from ACiD artists abroad,
Soul, blocking the cameras view. and the programming
expertise of the ACiD
coding division, ACiDDraw is well on its way
to making itself a household name. However close it may be, i
t isnt done
yet, insists Sinned Soul.
As usual, ACiD adds to its already
huge memberlist - recruiting only the
best and most qualified in the scene.
Up to date, these are our new members:
Critical Mass RIP artist
EvilOne VGA Artist from Breed
Freak Original RIPScrip Artist
Kamikazee ANSi artist from Nation
P-Chan Original ANSi Artist from
Schizosynth Original RIP artist fro
Soul Blazer ANSi artist from iCE
Sparr ANSi and ASCII artist from CO
Flying over restricted Japanese ai
Along with new members, ACiD has space, Kamik
azee waves goodbye to
also had incurred several staff changes: Nation.
Beastie - our beloved Global Coordinator
has recently been promoted to Senior Staff. Corwin of Amb
er - the defunct
courier - is now General Coordinator. Kinayda and
Golgotha both retire from
their coordinator positions and now retain the titles of artists.
Eternal Lie,
former ACiD Admissions Coordinator, also continues his career a
s an artist.
Somms, one of ACiDs top notch original artists, has bee
n assigned to the pos-
ition of American Coordinator. Sharp - the ACiD n
ice guy senior staff
member - steps down to handle public relations.
Every month, ACiD also purges its memberlist of dead-weight a
nd/or mem-
bers that have decided to seek out new horizons. The Clon
e, previously an ANSi
artist, left ACiD to continue his work in MiNDLESS. Az
rael, former ACiD RIP
artist, left to join Nation. Israfel was quickly
disposed of seeing as
ACiD does not have a story telling division.
ACiD continues to spread its roots
throughout the international scene with
its first attendance at Assembly 94 in
Finland. Members dispatched to the event
were Khyron USA, Tasmaniac Belgium,
and Sparr Finland. The leader of the
pack, Tasmaniac, finished the 4k intro for --
ACiD and HyperNova and entered it in the -
competition. Unfortunately, it did not
place, but it did mark ACiDs debut in
the international art/demo scene. I
caught up with old friends and caught up While mastu
rbating at his super-
with new ones. I thought, however, that computer, R
eDMaN marvels at the
the Assembly was too large to manage 4k ACiD Int
there were too many contestants. For
many of the competitions, such as the 4-Channel music compo, the
re were hun-
dreds of contestants and very few finalists. It would take too
long to hear
them all, said Tasmaniac, it was poorly organized for
the size
2,800 people of the assembly. Out of the 99 entries in the m
module competition, our very own Khyron and Psychic Monks Ne
cros placed
fifth with their nine-channel screamtracker 3 module entitled Infi
On the horizon, ACiD plans
create paraphernalia for the
core ACiD fans. Lord Jazz
, a
RIP/ANSi artist,
has decided to make
ACiD T-Shirts, s
cheduled to be
available in time fo
r the Christmas
season. The shirts will have
100 original
freehand art, Lord
Jazz said.
1 9 9 4
Buy 10 and well
throw in a
Tom Vu money making package for
free! A total value of 300, exclaimed Acoustik.
ACiD Credits: Editor/Photographer
: Vision - Informer: RaD Man
Issue 5 An Official ACiD Productionstm Publi
c Update September 1994
Skull Leader and Sinne
d Soul finally
pulled it off. ACiDDraw v0.1 made its debut
last month as the 800 l
ine TheDraw counter-
part. The beta version didnt yet have mouse
support or page layering.
The pr
ogrammers intend to include these
cts and many others, but do not have any
ate plans to add ansimation support.
In RaD Mans words, Thats wha
t TheDraw is
It isnt done yet! says Sinned for! With support
from ACiD artists abroad,
Soul, blocking the cameras view. and the programming
expertise of the ACiD
coding division, ACiDDraw is well on its way
to making itself a household name. However close it may be, i
t isnt done
yet, insists Sinned Soul.
As usual, ACiD adds to its already
huge memberlist - recruiting only the
best and most qualified in the scene.
Up to date, these are our new members:
Critical Mass RIP artist
EvilOne VGA Artist from Breed
Freak Original RIPScrip Artist
Kamikazee ANSi artist from Nation
P-Chan Original ANSi Artist from
Schizosynth Original RIP artist fro
Soul Blazer ANSi artist from iCE
Sparr ANSi and ASCII artist from CO
Flying over restricted Japanese ai
Along with new members, ACiD has space, Kamik
azee waves goodbye to
also had incurred several staff changes: Nation.
Beastie - our beloved Global Coordinator
has recently been promoted to Senior Staff. Corwin of Amb
er - the defunct
courier - is now General Coordinator. Kinayda and
Golgotha both retire from
their coordinator positions and now retain the titles of artists.
Eternal Lie,
former ACiD Admissions Coordinator, also continues his career a
s an artist.
Somms, one of ACiDs top notch original artists, has bee
n assigned to the pos-
ition of American Coordinator. Sharp - the ACiD n
ice guy senior staff
member - steps down to handle public relations.
Every month, ACiD also purges its memberlist of dead-weight a
nd/or mem-
bers that have decided to seek out new horizons. The Clon
e, previously an ANSi
artist, left ACiD to continue his work in MiNDLESS. Az
rael, former ACiD RIP
artist, left to join Nation. Israfel was quickly
disposed of seeing as
ACiD does not have a story telling division.
ACiD continues to spread its roots
throughout the international scene with
its first attendance at Assembly 94 in
Finland. Members dispatched to the event
were Khyron USA, Tasmaniac Belgium,
and Sparr Finland. The leader of the
pack, Tasmaniac, finished the 4k intro for --
ACiD and HyperNova and entered it in the -
competition. Unfortunately, it did not
place, but it did mark ACiDs debut in
the international art/demo scene. I
caught up with old friends and caught up While mastu
rbating at his super-
with new ones. I thought, however, that computer, R
eDMaN marvels at the
the Assembly was too large to manage 4k ACiD Int
there were too many contestants. For
many of the competitions, such as the 4-Channel music compo, the
re were hun-
dreds of contestants and very few finalists. It would take too
long to hear
them all, said Tasmaniac, it was poorly organized for
the size
2,800 people of the assembly. Out of the 99 entries in the m
module competition, our very own Khyron and Psychic Monks Ne
cros placed
fifth with their nine-channel screamtracker 3 module entitled Infi
On the horizon, ACiD plans
create paraphernalia for the
core ACiD fans. Lord Jazz
, a
RIP/ANSi artist,
has decided to make
ACiD T-Shirts, s
cheduled to be
available in time fo
r the Christmas
season. The shirts will have
100 original
freehand art, Lord
Jazz said.
1 9 9 4
Buy 10 and well
throw in a
Tom Vu money making package for
free! A total value of 300, exclaimed Acoustik.
ACiD Credits: Editor/Photographer
: Vision - Informer: RaD Man
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