this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : April Update May 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0594.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0494 ANS 10030 043094 + April Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 131728 050194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.01
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 32842 050194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AN-AE1 RIP 24570 043094 Awakened Earth
*5 AN-HTC2 RIP 34777 042794 Haunting the Chapel
*6 BE-TF1 ANS 23827 050194 + Terra Firma
*7 BK-SKY1 ANS 17687 050194 + SkyNet
*8 CE-TMS1 EXE 65321 043094 x The Morbid Sacrilege
*9 DH-HR1 ANS 28233 050194 + Harsh Realities
*N/CFILEID DIZ 496 042694 Acquisition FILE ID by S
*10 KM-BAD1 ANS 32232 043094 + The Badlands
*11 KM-HIGH1 ANS 22518 050194 + Higher Grounds
*12 KM-TASB1 ANS 35898 042694 + The Armageddon Support BBS
*13 KN-TTT1 ANS 21801 050194 + The Twisted Tower
*14 LD-FD ANS 122167 043094 + Final Destiny
*15 LD-HM ANS 38991 043094 + Harvest Moon
*16 LD-ID ANS 32973 043094 + Infinite Despair
*17 LD-SN ANS 14914 043094 + Static Net
*18 MT-SURR1 ANS 34139 050194 + Surrealistic Underground
*19 MX-ADD EXE 203673 043094 Addict Electronic Magazine
*20 RN-CULT1 RIP 18468 040694 The Cult
*21 RS-VESA ZIP 104028 043094 Example VESA SVGA Source
*22 SL-ACID1 EXE 33880 042794 ACiD Popup Intro
*23 SL-ACID2 EXE 72797 042794 ACiD Render
*24 SO-DSUN1 ANS 34956 050194 + Dark Sun World
*25 SO-TDG1 ANS 43289 042294 + The Dungeon
*26 SP-WHAM1 RIP 16144 043094 + Whammy Bar
*27 SW-DREAM EXE 60406 043094 The Elusive Dream
*28 SW-KEG1 EXE 78443 043094 The Keg
*29 TC-DIL1 ANS 36805 042394 + Digital Illusions
*30 US-ACID1 EXE 29991 050194 ACiD Intro
*31 US-HOOD1 ANS 36014 043094 + The Hood
*32 ACDU0594 NFO 6021 050194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 34 Average Compression Rate: 41
Total Bytes: 1,598,300 Average Of Bytes/File: 47,009
Total Bytes Zipped: 950,218
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : April Update May 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0594.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0494 ANS 10030 043094 + April Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 131728 050194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.01
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 32842 050194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AN-AE1 RIP 24570 043094 Awakened Earth
*5 AN-HTC2 RIP 34777 042794 Haunting the Chapel
*6 BE-TF1 ANS 23827 050194 + Terra Firma
*7 BK-SKY1 ANS 17687 050194 + SkyNet
*8 CE-TMS1 EXE 65321 043094 x The Morbid Sacrilege
*9 DH-HR1 ANS 28233 050194 + Harsh Realities
*N/CFILEID DIZ 496 042694 Acquisition FILE ID by S
*10 KM-BAD1 ANS 32232 043094 + The Badlands
*11 KM-HIGH1 ANS 22518 050194 + Higher Grounds
*12 KM-TASB1 ANS 35898 042694 + The Armageddon Support BBS
*13 KN-TTT1 ANS 21801 050194 + The Twisted Tower
*14 LD-FD ANS 122167 043094 + Final Destiny
*15 LD-HM ANS 38991 043094 + Harvest Moon
*16 LD-ID ANS 32973 043094 + Infinite Despair
*17 LD-SN ANS 14914 043094 + Static Net
*18 MT-SURR1 ANS 34139 050194 + Surrealistic Underground
*19 MX-ADD EXE 203673 043094 Addict Electronic Magazine
*20 RN-CULT1 RIP 18468 040694 The Cult
*21 RS-VESA ZIP 104028 043094 Example VESA SVGA Source
*22 SL-ACID1 EXE 33880 042794 ACiD Popup Intro
*23 SL-ACID2 EXE 72797 042794 ACiD Render
*24 SO-DSUN1 ANS 34956 050194 + Dark Sun World
*25 SO-TDG1 ANS 43289 042294 + The Dungeon
*26 SP-WHAM1 RIP 16144 043094 + Whammy Bar
*27 SW-DREAM EXE 60406 043094 The Elusive Dream
*28 SW-KEG1 EXE 78443 043094 The Keg
*29 TC-DIL1 ANS 36805 042394 + Digital Illusions
*30 US-ACID1 EXE 29991 050194 ACiD Intro
*31 US-HOOD1 ANS 36014 043094 + The Hood
*32 ACDU0594 NFO 6021 050194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 34 Average Compression Rate: 41
Total Bytes: 1,598,300 Average Of Bytes/File: 47,009
Total Bytes Zipped: 950,218
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